Subscribe to your account activity

Account Activity API


The Twitter API platform currently offers two tiers of Account Activity APIs:

Standard (Beta)
1 webhook, 1 client app, 35 unique subscriptions, no retries

3+ webhooks, multiple client apps, unlimited subscriptions, retries, managed support


The Account Activity API delivers realtime access to all activities (Tweets, events, settings) related to an authenticated Twitter account (subscription) via webhooks.

You will receive all of the following activities through a single connection:

  • Tweets
  • @mentions
  • Replies
  • Retweets
  • Quote Tweets
  • Retweets of Quoted Tweets
  • Likes
  • Direct Messages sent and received
  • Follows
  • Blocks
  • Mutes
  • Typing indicators
  • Read receipts

How to get access

Regardless of whether you will be accessing the Standard (beta) Account Activity API or the Enterprise Account Activity API, you will need to have a registered Twitter client app. To register an app, please visit

You will need to take note of your Twitter app credentials, including: Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token, and Access Token Secret, located on the 'Keys and Access Tokens' tab of your Twitter app.

Standard (Beta)
To access to the Standard (beta) Account Activity API, please visit the following website and create a Twitter developer account:

If you are directed to the developer dashboard, you will need to retrieve the client app ID for the app that you would like us to provision access to. Then, to request access for that client app ID, please fill out this form.
If instead you are directed to the developer account creation form, you will need to apply for a developer account. It is also important to note that your should keep the following in mind when filling out your use case details:

  • be thorough in describing what you're building
  • clearly state that you need access to the Account Activity API beta
  • include the app ID of the app you plan to use (you can find this number in the browser URL for your app on, for example: means app ID:13090192)


Those needing access to more than 35 subscriptions, reliability features, multiple webhook connections, or managed support should apply for enterprise level access. To get access to the Enterprise Account Activity API, you will need to submit an application:


Frequently Asked Questions


I already have access to the developer portal, how do I sign up for the Account Activity API beta?

We are using the developer portal application as the application for the Account Activity API beta, which means that if you’ve already applied for access to the developer portal you won’t have access to that form to apply for the beta. In this case, to apply for access to the Account Activity API beta we ask that you use this form (if you have not created a developer portal account already your request in the form will be ignored).

How long will it take to have my Twitter developer account approved?

We continue to work through the applications as quickly as we can. Hang tight - we are just as excited to see what you are going build!

How many apps can I use with the beta Account Activity API?

Only one client app is whitelisted for the Standard (beta) Account Activity API and only one webhook URL can be registered.

Can I transfer my beta Account Activity API access to a different app?

You will not be able to transfer the beta from one app to another.

What is my environmental name?

Your environment name (:env_name) during the beta period will be ‘env-beta’.

I’ve been approved to use the Standard beta Account Activity API, but it isn’t showing up in my developer dashboard. Where is it?

During the beta period, your developer account will not have a visible product for the Account Activity API. Please pay close attention to the emails that we send you to identify when you have been approved and can access the beta API.

What authentication do I have to use with the Standard beta Account Activity API?

The authorization methods required for Standard beta Account Activity API is described per method in the API reference pages.

I need more than 35 handles, what do I do?

We understand not allowing more than 35 accounts to be subscribed to is not an option long term, and have a solution in the works for you. When we make the premium version of Account Activity API generally available, you will be able to expand beyond 35 subscriptions. You can see more about what we are working on in our developer roadmap.


What authentication do I have to use with the Account Activity API?

The authorization methods required for Account Activity API is described per method in the API reference pages.

I need a development, staging and production environment for Account Activity API, is this possible?

Yes! With the enterprise version of Account Activity API, it's possible to register multiple webhook URLs and manage subscriptions separately for each through the API methods. Additionally, multiple client apps may be whitelisted to maintain authorization for your current authorized users.

Replacement for User streams and Site streams

The Account Activity API will replace the User streams and Site streams APIs. Additionally, we plan to sunset those APIs on Tuesday June 19, 2018.