Monday, March 12, 2018

So what’s a good folding knife?

So for my 19th birthday that is coming up real soon, I'm very likely to be getting a new pocket knife to replace my old worn out one, I would prefer it to be a folding knife. Knife length isn't a problem due to the laws of my state. So what do you recommend for a folder?
Hello Joe,
You’ve got a ton of options and it comes down to how much money you want to spend. These are all solid knives you can trust. A bit more money gets you nicer steel, materials and finish but any of these will last you a lifetime if you take care of them.
Under $50 range
Ontario Rat-1 $28.48
ON8848-BRK Rat-1
Kershaw-Emerson, CQC-10K $36.15

$50-$100 range
Cold Steel Voyager Vaquero Plain Edge Knife $61.26

Spyderco Endura4 $67.06

Benchmade - Griptilian 551 $102.00

+$100 range
Zero Tolerance Hinderer 0566 Carbon Fiber Folder $168.00

Lion Steel Knives SR2ARS $151.99

Oh, and Happy Birthday!
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Lidl Store looting in Dublin, Ireland

Image result for looting in dublin ireland
Hi Fernando,
I actively follow  your blog, read your first book, and I appreciate  your common sense, your opinion very much!
Keep up the good work!
I assume that NI and Belfast where you lived  is pretty much different than Ireland, though, you may visited there and had some first hand experience, so I would like to have your thoughts about the recent events.


Thanks Gábor.
They call that looting?  Amateurs… (just kidding)
I guess it goes to show that these things can happen anywhere, which is what I’ve been saying for years.
Ireland and Northern Ireland isn’t all that different actually. I mean you could easily drive across the border and not notice it until you saw the signs in Irish language, and the speed limit in km rather than miles. In fact violence, protests and civil unrest are far more common in Northern Ireland than in Ireland.
It seems they took advantage of the storm, got hold of a digger to smash the store’s wall and roof and got to do a bit of looting.  Shocking pictures show aftermath after 'snow looters raid Lidl' in Jobstown, Tallaght, Dublin

The difference between this incident and Argentina though is that this isn’t by any means common occurrence in Ireland and the perpetrators have been already identified and arrested.
That’s the thing about Argentina. Seems that no one goes to jail, ever. For looting, stealing? Heck no. Even for murder you get released with barely a slap on the wrist, if that.
Ireland is beautiful and safe in spite of this incident. The north is a bit more sad and it has the Troubles history which weighs heavily there. You don’t get that in the rest of Ireland, feels more cheerful. The weather though, that sucks no matter where you go.
It was a great experience though, very fond memories.

Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”

Monday, March 5, 2018

South Africa votes to seize land from white farmers without compensation

South African president Cyril Ramaphosa. Picture: Rodger Bosch/AFP
                                  South African president Cyril Ramaphosa

You don’t see this all over the news but you should.  It is happening and it’s very dangerous that in this day and age something like this is not only widespread practice in an entire country, spearheaded by South Africa’s president, but also not strongly condemned by every other nation in the world.

‘The time for reconciliation is over’: South Africa votes to confiscate white-owned land without compensation

The motion was brought by Julius Malema, leader of the radical Marxist opposition party the Economic Freedom Fighters, and passed overwhelmingly by 241 votes to 83 against. The only parties who did not support the motion were the Democratic Alliance, Freedom Front Plus, Cope and the African Christian Democratic Party.
Malema said “The time for reconciliation is over. Now is the time for justice,”, “We must ensure that we restore the dignity of our people without compensating the criminals who stole our land.”

South Africa votes to seize land from white farmers without compensation

'We must ensure that we restore the dignity of our people without compensating the criminals who stole our land'
South Africa‘s parliament has passed a motion to seize land from white farmers without paying them compensation.
Passed by an overwhelming majority of 241 votes to 83 votes against, the proposal to amend Section 25 of the constitution would allow expropriation of land without any financial recompense.
It was put forward by the radical left Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party, whose leader Julius Malema told the country's parliament: “We must ensure that we restore the dignity of our people without compensating the criminals who stole our land.”

As for the news source, this is The Independent, if anything a rather liberal, left wing yet reputable news outlet.

We have been posting here about the various problems South Africa has been going through over the years. This seems like a breaking point of not only racial segregation but an openly apartheid State against non-black people.

It seems that every day we see world event some of us believed ended in the middle ages.
There are interesting times to say the least.

Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”

Thursday, March 1, 2018

101 Uses: Borax to deal with ants and other pests

Fire ants 01.jpg

Borax is cheap and has a ton of uses (as a general cleaner,  unclog drains, weed killer among many others) which means it’s one of those survival products you want to stock up on and put in a sealed bag to keep it dry.

One of the many uses of Borax is as an insecticide.
Here’s a simple recipe you want to write down and keep handy. It works on roaches too among other pests.

So what you do is mix 1/2 cup of sugar, 1 1/2 tablespoons of Borax, and 1.5 cups of warm water. Mix it until you fully dissolve both Borax and sugar.
Once that’s done let it cool and either place it directly along the path of the ants, or better yet, soak some cotton balls and leave that along the path of the ants or close to their nest.
Ants will be attracted by the sugar, they will take it back to the nest and this will eventually kill the entire ant colony.

Careful not to add too much Borax because ants will not be fooled into eating it if you do.
Good luck!

Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Sig P320 controversy continues

It was very interesting to see how people jumped into the Sig P320 bandwagon. Granted, most people serious about firearms didn’t fall for it but many did. As any firearms expert worth his salt knows, few things are as important as track record and you don’t create that overnight. You earn it over the years.

Why is the 1911 so highly regarded even today? Why is the Browning Hi Power considered one of the most proven autos ever made? Because they are. Because they have been used by hundreds of armed forces, thousands of police departments around the globe and both their virtues and shortcomings are understood, with virtues well outweighing their cons.

The Glock has been around since 1982 and it has rightfully earned its “Perfection” reputation. Ok, “Prefect” you say?... Actually yes, as close to perfect as any mechanical object can be. Few guns have exploded into popularity like Glocks did and do so successfully proving themselves beyond doubt, scoring very high on every aspect a combat handgun should.

And then came the U.S. Army new handgun selection and the Sig P320 “beating” Glock.
Amateurs fell for this as if such a thing proved that the newcomer was the best of the two, a gun with no track record that pales in comparison to one of the most successful handguns design, arguably the most dominant one in today’s market.

Everything about the Army’s trial and selection was suspicious, especially the outcome. It’s not just that they failed to select what is clearly the best handgun in the market today. What makes it worse is that instead they went with a gun that is an absolute newbie, with the US Army being the first mayor buyer, using the armed forces as Guiney pigs for the new gun.

The result?
Well, you all know about the drop firing problem. Drop or bump the gun and it goes off. To make matters worse Sig offers a   ‘Voluntary Upgrade’ rather than a recall, failing to at least admit something was wrong with the gun.

But that’s not the end of the story. A Pentagon report reveals the gun continued to suffer jams among other issues. Not only does the gun fire when dropped (something that the upgrade offered should fix) but it is reported to eject unfired ammo when cycling and suffer reliability issues with traditional “ball” ammo. The gun seems to run fine with XM1153 “special purpose” cartridge, a hollow point round. But with XM1152, a standard “ball” round with a bullet fully enclosed within a copper jacket, it is not reliable. Really Army? You want a gun that isnt reliable with the most common military ammo around? And how on Earth did they fail to see this during the selection trail? Heck, how on Earth did this gun beat the proven Glock?

My point with this post is for you guys to understand that when it comes to firearms, weapons that may save your life one day, you don’t want to the latest fad gun. You want to go with proven platforms, the design issued to thousands over the years and found to be reliable and trust worthy. Guns that have been issued in large quantities, shot and abused and came back asking for more.


Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”