Enterprise Growth Council Meeting – January

The Enterprise Growth Council met for the second time on January 25th, 2018. (We previously met in December for an initial intros call but didn’t take notes). We’ll be meeting monthly going forward and will be posting notes here.

What is the Enterprise Growth Council?

Read Matt’s original introduction to the WP Growth Council from late 2016 and watch him talk about it again at WCUS in the State of the Word.

The Enterprise Growth Council is a group of representatives from several companies who are focused on marketing, delivering and using WordPress as an enterprise-grade CMS. We’re meeting monthly to share the work we’re each doing as well as discussing things we could do better as a community or via wordpress.org.

Current Council Members: @matt, Alexa Scordato (Stack Overflow), Anil Gupta (Multidots), Bradford Campeau-Laurion (Alley Interactive), Cameron Barrett (SchoolPresser), Chris Taylor (Automattic), Edd Hurst (Pragmatic), Jake Goldman (10up), Jason Cohen (WP Engine), John Eckman (10up), Nick Gernert (Automattic), Tom Willmot (Human Made). This may change week to week as people swap out or availability changes.

Meeting notes

  • Chris, Alexa and Matt also sit on the Consumer Growth Council and we started off with a quick catchup on the work they’re doing including discussions around:
    • Creating guides on .org for things like how to start a blog, app, shop, site, etc.
    • A directory of professionals that could help you with the above.
    • An SEO review (Wix is ranking above us for the term “create a blog”.
    • A separate group is going to split out to work on the broader brand strategy.
  • At this stage of the discussion, we have a lot more questions than answers.
  • We talked about the major competitors to WordPress in the enterprise space.
    • Adobe Experience Manager
    • Sitecore
    • Acquia / Drupal
    • Episerver (in Europe)
    • Contentful (Headless)
    • Arc (Washington Post)
    • The bespoke CMS
    • Umbraco
  • There is a challenge for us to decide whether we try to compete in the niches or whether we try to compete more generally.
  • At the moment we really don’t have much of an enterprise story on  WordPress.org.
    • We discussed potential first steps there including a wordpress.org/enterprise page, whitepaper and case study content etc.
  • We explored ideas we each had for initial projects we could tackle on the enterprise side.
    • We could contribute or collaborate on a selection of whitepapers.
    • Is there a place for generic enterprise case studies?
      • We weren’t in agreement as to whether there is specific value to having them on .org (lots already exist elsewhere). There was a sense that we already have this content and the issue is more to do with getting WordPress in front of the decision makers at large enterprise. We really need to step back and map out the buyer journey, what’re the sales funnels? How do buyers make decisions? At what point in the process is a case study (or whitepaper) useful, what are the other tactics that could help move that buyer forward?
      • We could potentially look to sanitise some enterprise RFP’s and build a library of common needs, questions, use cases etc.
      • We need to strike the right balance between tackling low hanging fruit and not getting trapped being too tactical vs strategic.
    • We also want to tackle the broader brand strategy and a sub-group agreed to own this and report back on the Feb call. It’s likely that we’ll want to coordinate with the consumer council as we get into things.
  • We discussed the different audiences that exist within Enterprise and that we’ll want to treat each of them as different buyer personas:
    • Developer (used WordPress, evangelises internally)
    • Marketing (CMO)
    • IT department (CTO)
    • Compliance (often a gatekeeper)
    • Likely others
  • We talked about the taxonomy, language, buzzwords of the enterprise CMS space. Does WordPress need to use them, are we a CMS or a Digital Experience Platform? Something to continue to discuss and explore.
    • WordPress is one part of a suite of products that deliver digital services/functionality
    • Should WordPress try to compete at that level or stick to the CMS
    • Jason explained WP Engine’s rationale for their use of “Digital Experience Platform” as a way to bring together all their various tools and services, one of which is WordPress Core under an umbrella term that they see being used in the industry.
    • Alexa felt that it’s not really a buzzword, but how marketing, sales, support think about their function and how they relate together.
    • The term “Digital Experience Platform” is about speaking to the fact that marketers or content creators now need lots of tools that cover all the aspects of their job. WordPress can only do some of these and requires lots of technical experience to build out the others. An all in one ecosystem makes it much easier for someone who doesn’t have a technical partner who can build all the integrations they need.
    • WordPress does have plugins or services in its ecosystem that can do the things a digital experience platform needs to do, how do we tell that story?
      • If we can collect the things together that serve those needs then we can list them on wordpress.org/enterprise
      • They also want someone to talk too, an account manager etc. Where do they get that.
      • We have a bunch of the constituent parts but we don’t tell a cohesive story that brings them together in a way that is discoverable.
      • We can distribute the work required to keep up with changes in the needs of the industry we’re serving by relying on the wider ecosystem of plugins to fill changing needs
    • Cameron would like to see a functionality matrix/table that breaks down which plugins or services fill which needs, we talked about this being a potential task we could tackle later.
    • We talked about how we could collaborate to agree on a set of “enterprise ready” plugins and services, perhaps as part of a path to core adoption or at least focusing community effort around a common set.

Action Items

  1. Tom is going to take a look at updating the WordPress Security Whitepaper.
  2. Alexa is going to lead a buyers journey/brand strategy workshop with Nick.
  3. Brad is going to have a go at wireframing or taking a look at a content strategy for a potential wordpress.org/enterprise page.
  4. We each going to inventory the content that we could contribute to wordpress.org, be that whitepapers, case studies, or anything else that seems relevant.

We’ll meet again on Feb 19th.

Agenda for WordCamp.org ticket scrub on January 16th

This bi-weekly WordCamp.org ticket scrub will happen on 2018-01-16 19:00 UTC in #meta-wordcamp.

The focus is on Meta tickets with the WordCamp Site & Plugins component.

Specific tickets

Other items?

Comment below if there’s any other ticket or topic you’d like to discuss.

#agenda #ticket-scrub #wordcamp


#1097-meta, #3202-meta, #3283-meta

Recap of WordCamp.org ticket scrub on December 19th


We talked through the details of a patch to prevent a WordCamp site’s RSS feeds from exposing content while the site is in Coming Soon mode. @casiepa is working on the patch.


We clarified that the unique identifiers in the Feedback email subject lines should be the feedback post’s ID, rather than a random string. @casiepa is working on a patch.


We discussed the problems with the Meetup API that are holding up progress on this ticket (maybe causing the issue in the first place?) We discovered that there is a related issue in the Meetup API GitHub repo.

Meta Environment updates

Thanks to @grapplerulrich, The Meta Environment has been updated to conform with the TLD restrictions recently implemented in most major browsers (.dev can no longer be used). So all of the sites in the Meta environment now use .test, which is what the rest of VVV now uses as well.

So, as a PSA, make sure you re-provision your Meta Environment! It might be a good opportunity to also pull the latest from VVV and just do a clean build of everything.

The next WordCamp.org Ticket Scrub meeting will be after the winter break, 2018-01-16 19:00 UTC, in #meta-wordcamp.

#recap #ticket-scrub #wordcamp


#2720-meta, #3259-meta, #3309-meta

Agenda for WordCamp.org ticket scrub on December 19th

This bi-weekly WordCamp.org ticket scrub will happen on 2017-12-19 19:00 UTC in #meta-wordcamp.

The focus is on Meta tickets with the WordCamp Site & Plugins component.


  • Updates to Meta Environment

Specific tickets

Other items?

Comment below if there’s any other ticket or topic you’d like to discuss.

#agenda #ticket-scrub #wordcamp


#1097-meta, #3111-meta, #3202-meta, #3259-meta

Plugin Directory Styles Update

As part of WordCamp US’ contributor day, I updated the Plugin Directory’s styles structure to match the structure we adopted for the wporg and wporg-main themes.

As a result, wporg-plugin‘s styles now inherit wporg styles, which allowed us to cut down on a big chunk of boilerplate. Additionally, the theme declared its own support of wp4 styles and all assets now load from the s.w.org CDN across all Plugin Directories, resulting in a good amount of saved asset requests.

While styles should not have changed on the Plugin Directory, there is always a chance something slipped through the cracks. Please do let me know if you notice anything that’s off. Thanks!

Recap of WordCamp.org ticket scrub on November 21st

It was the first ticket scrub in a month, and we had a bit of a backlog.


The scope of this ticket has evolved to basically be a rewrite of the `schedule` shortcode to use CSS Grid instead of HTML tables. @mrwweb has done some excellent work to put together a prototype, and he’s looking for feedback, especially around a11y (+make.wordpress.org/accessibility). We also discussed if/how to add a field to each session to specify either the duration of the session or the ending time. Between the two, there was a slight preference for duration, though it was also noted that it would be best if the field was optional, and the schedule logic could guess the end time based on the start time of the next session.


@casiepa is making progress on this ticket, and will post implementation questions to the ticket soon.


We discussed the best alternative approach to distinguishing email subject lines and landed on adding the feedback post’s post ID to the end of the string. @casiepa is working on a patch.


@sergeybiryukov will work on reviewing the current patch for security. @coreymckrill will do some functionality testing. Hopefully this one can be merged and closed before WordCamp US.

There was also a brief discussion of some improvements to the Meta Environment made recently by @grapplerulrich and @ocean90

The next WordCamp.org Ticket Scrub meeting will be in two weeks, 2017-12-05 19:00 UTC, in #meta-wordcamp.

#recap #ticket-scrub #wordcamp

#2907-meta, #2992-meta, #3117-meta, #3259-meta

Agenda for WordCamp.org ticket scrub on November 7th

Update: This meeting was postponed due to confusion around daylight savings time changes. We will use this agenda for the next meeting on 2017-11-21 19:00 UTC.

This bi-weekly WordCamp.org ticket scrub will happen on 2017-11-07 19:00 UTC in #meta-wordcamp.

The focus is on Meta tickets with the WordCamp Site & Plugins component.

Assigned ticket followup

Anything ready for review? Blockers we can help remove? cc @miss_jwo @SergeyBiryukov @DrewAPicture @Kenshino @kau-boy @RMarks

Tickets that are both high priority and `good-first-bug`

Other items?

Comment below if there’s any other ticket or topic you’d like to discuss.

#agenda #ticket-scrub #wordcamp


#2907-meta, #2992-meta, #3241-meta

Recap of WordCamp.org ticket scrub on October 24th

We discussed these tickets:

  • #1794 – The approach discussed in the ticket sounds good and should move forward. @kenshino is working on a patch.
  • #2501 – We decided that it wasn’t a good idea to switch to an `npm` module, because that brings a lot of complexity around dependency maintenance and security. Instead, we can just fix the small issue that exists in the current code. If anyone is looking to learn React, this ticket would be a good start.
  • #3035 – The new taxonomy sounds good. @kau-boy is working on a patch.
  • #3199 – The patch here looks good and was committed after the meeting.
  • #2907 – This one is in good shape, and is ready for a security review. @sergeybiryukov is going to look into that.
  • #859 – The patch here looks good and was committed after the meeting.
  • #3190 – The patch here looks good and was committed after the meeting. It probably doesn’t solve the problem, though. It looks like the problem might be fixed by manually setting the `From` header.

The next WordCamp.org Ticket Scrub meeting will be in two weeks, 2017-11-07 19:00 UTC, in the #meta-wordcamp channel.

#recap #ticket-scrub #wordcamp

Agenda for WordCamp.org ticket scrub on October 24th

This bi-weekly WordCamp.org ticket scrub will happen on 2017-10-24 19:00 UTC in #meta-wordcamp.

The focus is on Meta tickets with the WordCamp Site & Plugins component.

Specific tickets

Other items?

Comment below if there’s any other ticket or topic you’d like to discuss.

#agenda #ticket-scrub #wordcamp


#1794-meta, #2501-meta, #3035-meta

Recap of WordCamp.org ticket scrub on October 10th

Participants: @coreymckrill @grapplerulrich @kau-boy @sergeybiryukov

We focused on open tickets relating to WordCamp sessions and the schedule.


We determined that this issue is a fairly obscure edge case, as it only affects WordCamp schedules when viewing them in iOS Safari while in Reader mode. A good solution to the issue was not immediately clear to the group. We decided to add a screenshot of the issue and downgrade its priority level for the time being.


@Kau-Boy volunteered to take on this ticket, using an approach very similar to previous work done on the [sponsors] shortcode.


This ticket was actually fixed with a patch for #1896-meta.


We had some discussion about the best way to approach a solution for this ticket, but ultimately decided more information was needed first.

The next WordCamp.org Ticket Scrub meeting will be in two weeks, 2017-10-24 19:00 UTC, in #meta-wordcamp.

#recap #ticket-scrub #wordcamp

#1896-meta, #3044-meta, #3111-meta, #3115-meta, #3117-meta