Topic | Wildlife | The Sydney Morning Herald


Fisheries investigate mystery mass fish kill off Safety Bay

Fisheries investigate mystery mass fish kill off Safety Bay

Fisheries and Marine officers found about 150 dead sea mullet and a small number of jellyfish had died along the 400-metre stretch of coast.

  • by Hannah Barry


Ex-NRL player Martin Kennedy pleads guilty over his role in a wildlife smuggling ring

Ex-NRL player Martin Kennedy pleads guilty over his role in a wildlife smuggling ring

Australian Federal Police officers found snakes and a large amount of cash in the former footballer's Bondi apartment.

  • by Angus Thompson
'A bit of a joke': Marine park plans stir mixed reviews

'A bit of a joke': Marine park plans stir mixed reviews

One fisherman called marine parks plan a joke, while an environmentalist has called it "one of the biggest setbacks for conservation we’ve seen in this country".

  • by Peter Hannam
Protesters rally as WA agency plans native forest logging increase

Protesters rally as WA agency plans native forest logging increase

"Commitments were made loud and clear at public forums and through the media ... the community had every confidence they were going to be delivered."

  • by Emma Young
The last male northern white rhinoceros has died

The last male northern white rhinoceros has died

Researchers say the world's last male northern white rhinoceros, Sudan, has died after "age-related complications".

Men fined $17,000 after dead green turtles, dugong found in boat
Hervey Bay

Men fined $17,000 after dead green turtles, dugong found in boat

Two men have been fined $17,000 after park rangers found two dead green turtles and a dead dugong in their boat off Hervey Bay last year.

  • by Amy Mitchell-Whittington
Python eats family dog's tennis ball in Brisbane's west

Python eats family dog's tennis ball in Brisbane's west

The tennis ball was not the strangest thing reptile vet Josh Llinas has had to remove from a snake's stomach - earlier this year, he pulled a pillow case out of a pet python.

  • by Amy Mitchell-Whittington
Australia leads on extinction rate: report

Australia leads on extinction rate: report

Australia has lost more mammals to extinction than any other country with a new report urging the federal government to take action on the crisis.

  • by Dominica Sanda
South-east Queensland's whiskered songbird at risk of extinction
South-east Queensland

South-east Queensland's whiskered songbird at risk of extinction

“It has the makings of being a star bird," said UQ researcher Zoe Stone, but the species' numbers are dropping in Queensland.

  • by Amy Mitchell-Whittington
Penguins found a camera in Antarctica and captured a selfie

Penguins found a camera in Antarctica and captured a selfie

Two emperor penguins in Antarctica captured a short video of themselves after coming across a camera left on the ice by a human.

  • by Amy Wang
Queensland electrician wrangles python after it ate the family cat

Queensland electrician wrangles python after it ate the family cat

'Unfortunately that's the cat' electrician Brydie Maro said looking at the rather large lump in the python's stomach.

  • by Amy Mitchell-Whittington