[This article was originally published by the Hampton Institute, a self-described radical working-class think tank aimed at assisting in the formation of organic intellectuals and promoting revolution.] By Katherine S., Sam J. and Amber B. The weeks-long prisoner strike known as Operation PUSH formally began on MLK Day (Jan. 15) as a response to the wretched conditions […]

Michael McFaul, former amerikan ambassador to Russia under Obama, took to twitter to rail against the claim that amerikan interference in the affairs of sovereign states is at all relevant to the discussion of alleged Russian “meddling” in the 2016 presidential elections. He was specifically referring to ultra-right blowhard Sean Hannity, who had brought up […]

In his address to the Communist League of 1850, Marx noted that, while the petty bourgeoisie and its democrats wish to bribe the workers, to increase alms and state employment as much as possible, the means to carry out the program are not universally agreed upon: they are “not expressed by all sections of [bourgeois […]

In what may appear to the average westerner as an uncharacteristic change in tone, the Taliban has issued an open letter directly to the amerikan people calling for immediate peace negotiations, and citing the long list of u.$. crimes in the country. The letter, which spans about 7 pages in its english translation, serves as […]

Given its worldwide ubiquity, it is easy to forget that hip hop did not always idolize the wealthy and powerful. As an expression of the dispossessed black youth, its content was explicitly political. Its origin can be traced back all the way to the 1970s, during the tragic demise of the Black Liberation Movement. But […]

[The comrades of the PCV provide, within the umbrella of the Bolivarian revolution, a sober analysis of its limits within the framework of social democracy and capitalist dependency. We agree with our comrades in Venezuela that, in order to survive, the Bolivarian Revolution must proletarianize. History and the unstoppable masses have been pushing the revolution […]

This episode of On Mass deals with the problems of settler-colonialism and communism in kanada with two indigenous communist organizers. The On Mass podcast nor the person who runs it has any connection to Anti-Imperialism.org, but we support their endeavor and hope to see many more creative projects of this type spring up. As always, this is […]

Months have passed since the so-called liberation of Mosul by the u.$.-led coalition in Iraq, and the city has yet to recover. Very little construction has taken place, as most buildings remain in ruin, hardly the sight one normally associates with a city rejoicing for its freedom. The Iraqi army, with the full support of […]

Of the various embarrassing ways the viscera of socialist states have been weaponized for liberal political ends, the 2017 game “Black: The Fall” is perhaps the most childish and poorly executed. One has to ask who its target audience even is. Most millennials have either positive views regarding socialism or communism, or are simply ambivalent […]

Another devastating blow has been dealt to the imperialist coalition in Yemen, this time from the southern separatist movement. Formerly part of the tenuous alliance of groups under the Saudi-backed Hadi regime, almost a week ago the Southern Transitional Council (STC) issued an ultimatum to Hadi: either reshuffle the cabinet or they will abandon their […]

Kabul is under siege. A series of deadly attacks in the heart of the capital just this month, and a history of many others in the past few months have reinforced this fact. Simply put, the expiration date of the regime has been set, and although we cannot be for certain when it will fall, […]

The Afghan occupation is unraveling. The invaders have been forced entirely into a defensive posture, always reacting to the advances of the Taliban forces, never advancing themselves. We hear sporadic news of increased aerial bombing—succeeding mostly in killing Afghan civilians—and the targeting of so-called drug labs, but nothing of real advance. The imperialists are stuck, […]

Catch flies with honey, rats with garbage. Don’t you just hate when you laud somebody for their heroism and strength of character and they turn out to be a common murderer? Well, that’s precisely what’s gone down with that heroic North Korean soldier who defected a little over a month ago. A young, “low-ranking” North […]

[The following chapter is excerpted from Politico-Economic Problems of Capitalism (1968), by Eugen Varga, entitled “The Labor Aristocracy after the Second World War” whose content is self-explanatory. Included are our notes to the piece, meant to re-align and expand the conception of the labor aristocracy presented here, which suffers from several key defects, notably those of distance […]

In the First World especially, the vision of housing in the future has increasingly tended toward the small, “minimalist” and often recycled homes that we see advertised in science and innovation magazines. So-called pod homes, shipping container houses, modular flats and even recycled water pipes have become not only a vision of life in the […]

[Originally published on Leak of Nations, an anti-imperialist website devoted to undermining imperial narratives and bourgeois propaganda, this article is being made available here for the purposes of study and struggle.]  By Rory Wood As the incessant drums of the US military-industrial complex begin to beat louder and louder towards the internally-colliding nation of Iran, […]

[ANTICONQUISTA is a Latinx collective dedicated to exposing and fighting imperialism in Latin Amerika and the Caribbean. They provide analysis of history and current events in the region from a communist, anti-imperialist, Third-Worldist and pan-Latin Amerikan perspective. We at Anti-Imperialism ask that our readers show support for these comrades and their project, as it is an incredibly important one […]

[Leftist Critic is an independent writer, researcher, and comrade who cares about the world around them. Other than posting on radical subreddits, they also tweet infrequently at @leftistcriticabout about the murderous US empire, international solidarity with nations and peoples under attack, and provide necessary criticism of the Western “Left.” They can be reached at leftistcritic@linuxmail.org.] By Leftist Critic Protests […]

We are happy to a hear of a new podcast produced by a supporter of the PCR-RCP which covers topics in Maoism and Anti-Imperialism. Their first episode is an interview with the Maoist philosopher and author JMP, who runs the blog M-L-M Mayhem!, on topics related to his book “Continuity and Rupture”. Although On Mass nor […]

It has been almost two years since the success of the british nationalists in the Brexit vote. Where have they gone? Nationalism, although still a simmering threat throughout the First World, seems to have been defeated, at least temporarily, in britain, not by organized anti-fascism and a strong working class movement, but by their own […]