Front Page
Thursday, 08 March 2018, 3:41am

Gordon Campbell: On The Departure Of Steven Joyce

In the end, the party leadership left the loaded revolver on Steven Joyce’s desk, and he did the decent thing. Amy Adams as Finance spokesperson will now become the main “change” element in the generational shift promised by new party leader Simon Bridges.

Already though, Bridges has pre-empted Adams by saying that National’s economic policy won’t be changing from the approach taken by Bill English... New crew, but the same old deck-chairs. Excitement successfully contained. More>>


TPPA(b): Rally At Parliament Against Signing Of CPTPP

Protestors will gather outside Parliament at midday on Thursday 8 March to hear from a range of speakers in opposition to the TPPA signing ceremony in Chile. More>>


Otago's Seas: Marine Protection Forum 'Fails To Meet Goals'

Forest and Bird: The South-East Marine Protection Forum is announcing its recommendations today, but no marine reserves were offered in the southern third of the ocean area – offshore from the wild and scenic Catlins – and many habitat types received no protection at all. More>>


Environment Commissioner: Zero Carbon Act Is The Right Choice For NZ

The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Simon Upton, has today added his support for a UK-style independent Climate Commission to that of his predecessor, Dr Jan Wright. More>>


Disability Rights Commissioner: End Of Life Choice Bill Poses Significant Risks To Disabled

“We must first work towards ensuring, to the greatest extent possible, that all people have the same freedom of choice in life before we consider legislating choice in death.” More>>


Gordon Campbell: On Our Unthinking Readiness To Confront China

From the moment the Obama administration joined the original Trans Pacific Partnership for example, the US viewed the TPP as a tool to contain China – economically, politically and militarily. More>>

Back To Business: Steven Joyce To Retire From Parliament

“I have had a wonderful time in this place over the last nearly ten years including nine years as a Minister, and have been privileged to be able to make a real contribution to the development of our country,” Mr Joyce says. More>>




Harassment Allegations: Margaret Bazley To Lead External Review Of Russell McVeagh

Malcolm Crotty, Chair of Russell McVeagh, has announced that the firm has appointed Dame Margaret Bazley ONZ DNZM, Hon DLit. to head an external review of incidents of sexual harassment within the law firm that occurred in 2015/16. More>>


Crown Accounts: Govt Accounts Continue To Track Slightly Above Forecast

Stronger employment growth and residential investment continued to support the Government’s financial accounts in the seven months to the end of January, Finance Minister Grant Robertson says. More>>


NZI Research: Sustainability Drives Growth

NZI has just released compelling research showing that those who run a sustainable business (taking into account environmental, social and economic factors) are twice as likely to grow as those not engaged. More>>

Summery Climate Summary: NZ’s Hottest Recorded Summer

The nation-wide average temperature for summer 2017-18 was 18.8°C (2.1°C above the 1981-2010 from NIWA’s seven station temperature series which began in 1909). Summer temperatures were well above average (>1.20°C above the summer average) across all regions. More>>


Trump's Tariffying: NZ Could Get Caught In International Trade Crossfire

"If this action leads to a weakening of world trading organisation and the rules, then New Zealand could well get caught in the crossfire, it will reduce confidence globally." More>>



Binoy Kampmark: Meddling For Empire - The CIA Comes Clean

One of the difficulties behind the podium stance of virtue taken by the US political establishment on Russian interference in the country’s electoral process is one of simple hypocrisy. More>>

Gordon Campbell: On The Gun Debate, Here And In The US

Gun ownership in the US is a mystery to New Zealanders, and so is the constitutional fetish that surrounds it. However, the attitudes involved are not static and unchanging, even if it can feel that way in the wake of each new gun atrocity. More>>

Gordon Campbell: On The Mueller Probe, And Russia’s Economy

In itself, the indictment of 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies for interfering in the 2016 US wlll do little to change pre-existing views about the Robert Mueller investigation into Russia’s meddling in US presidential politics... More>>

Gordon Campbell: On The Nunes Memo

Every now and then the US system erupts and throws up a piece of political magma that can’t be described or explained in any rational fashion... More>>


Ross Webb: Our Union-Powered Past

Labour’s soon-to-implemented workplace relations policy aims to address the imbalances in our economy, but has sparked fears among some that it marks a return to ‘the bad old days’ of the 1970s. But what exactly was happening in the 1970s? And what has caused the ‘imbalances’ that Labour is now trying to fix? More>>



UN Rights Office On Syria: The “Monstrous Annihilation” Of Eastern Ghouta

Since the Syrian Government and their allies escalated their offensive against opposition-held Eastern Ghouta on 4 February, there have been more than 1,200 civilian casualties, including at least 346 killed and 878 injured, mostly in airstrikes hitting residential areas... Ninety-two of these civilian deaths allegedly occurred in just one 13-hour period on Monday. More>>


Cyclone Gita: 70% Of Tonga Population Affected

The full scale of destruction is beginning to emerge from Tonga in the aftermath of the severe tropical cyclone Gita. Around 50,000 people, or almost 70% of the country’s population, have been affected, a third of whom are children. More>>


Gita: Samoas Clean Up After Being Swamped By Cyclone

Apia in the wake of Gita Photo: Rudy Bartley The clean up is continuing in the two Samoas after Tropical Cyclone Gita hit on Saturday morning. More>>


Grand Coalition : Germany's two main political parties set to govern under Angela Merkel.

The liberal-conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) negotiated through the night in a marathon final push to nail down an agreement. More>>

80 Passengers: Kiribati Ferry Disaster

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are working with the Government of Kiribati to support children, families and communities affected by the recent Butiraoi ferry disaster. More>>


Campbell On: the US demonising of Iran

Satan may not exist, but the Evil One has always been a handy tool for priests and politicians alike. Currently, Iran is the latest bogey conjured up by Washington to (a) justify its foreign policy interventions and (b) distract attention from its foreign policy failures. More



Scoop Review Of Books: Women Vote!

The Women’s Suffrage Petition, Te Petihana Whakamana Pōti Wahine 1893: The introduction is followed by potted biographies of 161 of the 24,000 signatories, drawn from throughout the country, roughly in proportion to the number of women there who signed the petition. More>>

Howard Davis Review: Taonga Pūoro, Rob Thorne, and the NZSQ

The musical category of taonga pūoro includes a variety of traditional instruments that fulfilled many functions within Māori society, including a call to arms, communications with the gods, the dawning of a new day, and the planting of crops. The stone, wood, shell, and bone instruments come from the earth and water, producimg a quality of sound and resonance unique to Aotearoa. More>>

Ockham Shortlist: Book Awards Celebrate 50th Anniversary

Announced today, the 2018 Ockham New Zealand Book Awards finalists join a literary hall of fame that dates back to 1968 and features New Zealand’s most famous and distinguished writers. More>>

Max Rashbrooke Review: On Bach Remastered

New Zealand pianist Stephen De Pledge commissioned short pieces by New Zealand composers to respond to each of the movements of Bach's Partita No. 3 in A minor, then played them in an alternating fashion. And the performance, after an instructive, clear and unaffected introduction by the pianist, was overall a delight. More>>

Joe Cederwall Review: The Sun Also Rises - Passion And Tension In Europe

Aficion is Spanish for passion - and it was passion that carried the Elevator Repair Service’s verbatim theatrical staging of Hemmingway’s classic novel in “The Select (The Sun Also Rises)” in the New Zealand Festival... More>>

2nd-24th March, Mostly: NZ Fringe Festival 2018... It's ALIVE!

To celebrate NZ Fringe Festival 2018 launching on Friday 2nd March. The Fringe team have put together a Opening Gala full of some of the festivals most amusing, confusing, eclectic and energetic entertainers. On Thursday 1st of March from 8pm at the San Fran, Cuba St. More>>