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   The fate of the controller is not very enviable. Viewed through a keyhole, the world must certainly not be reassuring. Even with the most supervised individuals, there is always something that escapes, something that cannot be investigated with the stupid and cumbersome hands of a police inspector.

   Thus, the attempt to confine all words in the dictionary of control and repression only shows the arrogant stinginess of those who consider life as nothing more than the extension of the penal codes. Having already forgotten the low figure created with the intention of finding those presumed responsible for incendiary actions carried out to the harm of the norm, the state continues to turn the houses of anarchists upside-down searching for that which could only exist in the suspicions nourished by the sleepless nights of some magistrate. After the concept of the affinity group—supported for years in our papers—is transformed by the artifices of the Great Men and the law into the operative structures of a clandestine organization “with the aim of terrorism”, other and more zealous servants of authority will describe all that will be said or written by those who do not speak the language of domination or live the life of submission as a “violent political project called ‘thought’”.

   In the eyes of the law, life itself is taking on the features of a criminal body. On the other hand, the space of desire and revolt is not completely seen through a keyhole.



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