Multi-user login FAQ


  • What is it?
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    In order to help advertisers manage Twitter Ads campaigns more effectively and more securely, we allow for different levels of access to individuals affiliated with a brand or Twitter handle. Multiple users may be given access to an advertising account. Each user will log in with his or her own username and and will be able to access the advertising accounts to which he or she has access. If you’re managing multiple accounts, you’ll need to log in directly to to update billing information.

    This feature can reduce risk of malicious or erroneous mishaps with your business/brand @handles by granting access to more of your team without sharing the password to your main account(s). In addition, it can reduce friction for users who manage ads for more than one ads account on Twitter. 

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  • How does it work?
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    Each advertiser’s actual handle, by default, will become the account administrator. As a result, this user can grant varying degrees of access to other Twitter users. The option to access the accounts you have the ability to manage is available in the drop-down menu when an account name is clicked.

    You must be logged in to an account administrator handle in order to grant other users access to the account. Once you are logged in, find the account dropdown and click the Edit access to account button. 


    To begin adding more users, click the Add access button.

    Next, enter the @username of another Twitter user, and indicate if this user should be an Account Administrator, Ad Manager, Campaign Analyst, or Organic Analyst.

    These roles are defined as follows:

    • Account Administrator: User has full access to, including the ability to create new account administrators and ad managers, edit account access for administrators and ad managers, make changes to advertiser campaigns and view performance data.  Account administrators cannot post organic tweets but have the ability to create promoted-only (aka limited delivery) Tweets. Please note that Account Administrators have access to credit card and billing information.

    • Ad Manager: User can access and make changes to campaigns and view performance data.  Ad managers cannot create new accounts. Ad managers cannot post organic tweets but have the ability to create promoted-only (aka limited delivery) Tweets.

    • Campaign Analyst: User can access and can view performance data, but cannot create campaigns or make changes to campaigns. Campaign analysts cannot add handles to the account. Campaign analysts cannot post organic or promoted-only Tweets.

    • Organic Analyst (formerly ‘Analyst’): User can access and view analytics, but does not have access to view (paid) campaigns.

    Next, choose whether you would like to allow this user to create promoted-only Tweets for use in campaigns.

    Only the user whose Tweets are used in the advertiser’s campaigns OR Account Administrators/Ad Managers with the promoted-only Tweet compose permission will have access to create a promoted Tweet from For all other users, Tweeting will be be disabled.

    If a user only has access to one account, the default account will automatically display. If the user has access to more than one ads account at any level, he or she can select which account to use by clicking on the account name in the upper-right corner and clicking “Switch accounts” in the drop-down.

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  • What permissions does each access level have?
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  • Tips
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    • At this time, only the user whose Tweets are used in the advertiser’s campaigns or users with Account Administrator/Ad Manager access can Tweet from For all other users, Tweeting will be be disabled.
    • If a user only has access to one account, the default account will automatically display. If the user has access to more than one ads account at any level, he or she can select which account to use by clicking on the account name in the upper-right corner and clicking “Switch accounts” in the drop-down.
    • If a promotable user is protected, no user will be able to see his or her tweets.

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