Veterans #Resist

By | 10/31/2017
This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series  On Watch 28.3-4 Fall-Winter 2017 Double Issue

by Rena Guay Since election day, an anti-Trump movement has arisen and grown, as the president’s unstable, unconstitutional, racist, and simply bizarre pronouncements and policy-by-Tweet have jolted Americans into action to defend minorities, the sick or disabled and even democracy itself. Collectively,…Read More »

On Watch Fall-Winter 2017, 32-page double issue, now online

By | 10/31/2017

Veterans And The Trump Resistance,
DoD Updates Instruction On Conscientious Objection,
Updated MLTF Guide To Challenging Military Sexual Violence,
MLTF Update On Transgender Service Ban,
Guidance On Servicemember Dissent,
On Watch 40 Year Retrospective,
Concerns About Ken Burns PBS Vietnam War Series,
Book Review: Dangerous Grounds,
NLG Convention Report

MLTF’s ‘Challenging Military Sexual Violence’ guide gets update and promotion campaign

By | 10/02/2017
This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series  On Watch 28.3-4 Fall-Winter 2017 Double Issue

MLTF’s memo “Challenging Military Sexual Violence: A Guide to Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Policies in the U.S. Armed Forces for Servicemembers, MSV Survivors and Their Advocates” has been updated and republished. 

New guidance on discharge upgrade applications related to mental health, TBI, sexual assault and sexual harassment

By | 08/30/2017

The Department of Defense has issued a new guidance on discharge upgrade applications based on mental health conditions, traumatic brain injury, sexual assault, and sexual harassment.  In the past few years, the department has issued guidance for consideration of post-traumatic stress disorder…Read More »