
Review finds political interference compromised complaint against Joyce
Barnaby Joyce

Review finds political interference compromised complaint against Joyce

The conduct of Nationals MPs lead to a complainant's identity being exposed and the embattled deputy prime minister denied a fair hearing.

  • by Mark Kenny

Opinion & Perspectives

David Pope's Public Sector Informant cartoons

Cartoons for the monthly Public Sector Informant magazine.

    Our government is a Mexican telenovela

    The Prime Minister has lost an extraordinary amount of skin for a scandal that is not his and leads a government that looks chaotic and self-absorbed.

    Jacqueline Maley
      Jacqueline Maley

      Meet the MP who actually wants to know what works

      Politicians are forever promising programs they say are ''evidence-based'', but they are usually less than keen on conducting the experiments needed to obtain that evidence. Andrew Leigh is different.

      Peter Martin
        Peter Martin


        Cathy Wilcox Illustration October 20

        The latest illustrations from artist Cathy Wilcox

        The latest work by Sydney Morning Herald editorial cartoonist Cathy Wilcox.

        Michael Leunig cartoon from October 8

        The latest illustrations from artist Michael Leunig

        A look at the follies, foibles and joys of the human race through the eyes of cartoonist Michael Leunig. <br>Buy prints from Michael Leunig at <a href="http://theageshop.com.au/leunig">theageshop.com.au/leunig </a> and <a href="http://smhshop.com.au/leunig">smhshop.com.au/leunig. </a> <br>Join us on Facebook at the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/MichaelLeunigAppreciationPage">Michael Leunig Appreciation Page.</a>

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