Middle East | Latest News & Analysis | The Sydney Morning Herald


Middle East

War zones riskier for healthcare when a red cross can be attacked

War zones riskier for healthcare when a red cross can be attacked

Even wars have rules, but the number of attacks specifically hitting medical and health facilities in conflict zones is large and growing.

  • by Michael Bachelard


Terror attack rocks Libya's planned elections

Terror attack rocks Libya's planned elections

At least 14 people died in the attack on the headquarters of Libya's elections commission, striking a target central to plans to restore stability.

  • by Saleh Sarrar & Ghaith Shennib
Iraqi man who threw shoes at Bush is running for office

Iraqi man who threw shoes at Bush is running for office

In 2008, the Iraqi journalist attended a Baghdad news conference with George W. Bush and chucked his two loafers at the US president's head.

  • by Amanda Erickson
Israeli PM accuses Palestinian leader of anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial
Mahmoud Abbas

Israeli PM accuses Palestinian leader of anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial

Mahmoud Abbas suggested in a speech that historic persecution of European Jews had been caused by their conduct.

  • by Stephen Farrell
Former principal and alleged child abuser Malka Leifer to remain in jail ahead of court hearing

Former principal and alleged child abuser Malka Leifer to remain in jail ahead of court hearing

Former Melbourne principal and alleged child sex abuser Malka Leifer will remain behind bars in Israel as her court case continues.

  • by Gabrielle Weiniger
'No smoking gun' in Israeli claims on Iran

'No smoking gun' in Israeli claims on Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stepped up pressure on the US to pull out of a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran.

  • by Stephen Farrell
Syria confirms attacks on military bases

Syria confirms attacks on military bases

Military positions in the provinces of Hama and Aleppo were attacked but Damascus has not said who is responsible.

Israel no comment as Syria confirms rocket attacks on military bases

Israel no comment as Syria confirms rocket attacks on military bases

Damascus has confirmed that rockets struck military bases, with some media loyal to the Syrian regime suggesting Israel was behind the attacks.

  • by Weedah Hamzah
Pompeo says US stands with Israelis and Saudis against Iran

Pompeo says US stands with Israelis and Saudis against Iran

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has amped up the Trump administration's rhetoric against Iran, supporting Israel and Saudi Arabia in their standoffs with Tehran.

  • by Matthew Lee
Enough is enough: Pompeo tells Saudis end Qatar spat, ease up in Yemen

Enough is enough: Pompeo tells Saudis end Qatar spat, ease up in Yemen

The new United States secretary of state has told Saudi Arabia to end its costly spat with its neighbour Qatar and help end Yemen's worsening civil war.

  • by Gardiner Harris
Libyan strongman returns home, asserts he's fit

Libyan strongman returns home, asserts he's fit

Smiling and looking hale, Libyan strongman General Khalifa Haftar flew home on Thursday to Benghazi.

  • by Declan Walsh