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Silicon Valley's hidden trailer message shows they really know their audience

Pop culture pred 5 hodín
In the Season 5 teaser, there's a quick shot of Gavin Belson standing in front of a massive screen of 1s and 0s. Well, @cliffski was curious enough to plug the numbers into a binary code translator.
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The future is now. All new season of starts March 25.

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Silicon valley is the best TV show ever made. Evidence:

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I love Silicon Valley even more for bothering to troll mega-fans via messages encrypted in decorative binary. It's a comedy show. This is above & beyond

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This is how you Easter egg and stay within the spirit of the story. Also this thread is fantastic.

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Is it bad that I choose to verify this myself?

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Please explain this for a layman

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It's a joke from the writers of the show to a subset of their audience, the ones who would take the time to translate binary (0's and 1's) to text to see if it meant anything.

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Yes, thank you. What’s the translation refer to?

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The translation is "find a hobby for god's sake", implying that the person who decoded the message has way too much time on their hands

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"My hobby is translating every binary sequence I come across..."

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Have you noticed the T Shirt of in S02E01 (7:15). Which Says "Bitcoin" In Binary. 01000010 01101001 01110100 01100011 01101111 01101001 01101110 I guess he was secretly telling to buy it :P

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I have never seen an episode, but this will change that.

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