03.6.2018 - 4:26 PM EDT

In this new piece, Alice Ollstein looks at the critical aspect of the trade equation right now. The President has zero constitutional authority over tariffs. Modern tariff legislation gives President great leeway to adjust tariffs based on various ‘findings’. Congress can pull back that power at any moment. Republicans are panicked about what the President is threatening. But they pretty clearly have no will to act to stop him.

03.6.2018 - 3:33 PM EDT

We decided that the Trump/Russia story looks so much darker and more sinister over the last ten days that we needed to dedicate this week’s entire podcast to explaining just how it all fits together. We just published it and you listen right here.

03.6.2018 - 3:14 PM EDT

I can’t get past the lede of this AP article about the latest at the EPA …

A key aide to Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has been granted permission to make extra money moonlighting for private clients whose identities are being kept secret.

Here’s the rest.

03.6.2018 - 2:27 PM EDT

Utah Republicans are so thankful to President Trump for dramatically reducing the size of the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments, that they are trying to rename a scenic Utah National Parks Highway the Donald J. Trump Utah National Parks Highway. Democrats says that if the bill reaches the state Senate they will propose an amendment to name the highway’s frontage road the “Stormy Daniels rampway”.

03.6.2018 - 2:01 PM EDT

The West Virginia teachers strikes appears to have ended with a more or less complete victory for the teachers.

03.6.2018 - 1:09 PM EDT

Here’s our weekly Sum Up of critical developments on the Obamacare and health care policy front.

03.6.2018 - 9:46 AM EDT

Good morning. Here’s what we have our eyes on today.

03.5.2018 - 9:16 PM EDT

Everyone is focused on the on-going Trump tragicomedy in Washington. But that’s not the only show in town. Starting tomorrow morning there is a critical trial in Kansas. Kris Kobach is likely the most influential and dangerous voter suppression promoter in the country. He’s Kansas Secretary of State. He was also the head of President Trump’s sham voter fraud commission. In this trial he’s being forced to defend the state’s new law which requires people to provide documentary proof of citizenship in order to register to vote. The result will have national implications. Tierney Sneed helms our voting rights and democracy coverage at TPM and we’ve sent her to Kansas City to cover the trial from the court. She’ll be publishing live updates here in addition to feature stories over the course of the week.

Tierney previewed the trial here last week in her round up of the ‘experts’ Kobach is using to defend his voter fraud claims in court. Also do not miss our weekly Sum Up of critical developments on the voting rights and democracy front here.

03.5.2018 - 6:37 PM EDT

We have been following this Sam Nunberg story all afternoon. I think he’s now on his fifth interview of the afternoon, which we’re watching right now. Here are a few takeaways.

03.5.2018 - 5:10 PM EDT

Early this afternoon, we recorded Episode #3 of The Josh Marshall Podcast. We decided to do this one without a guest, just me and David. Something has changed about the Russia probe in the last ten days. It’s no one thing, it’s several overlapping developments which paint a picture that is far more far-reaching and sinister than what I at least was willing to suspect. So I wanted to try to put those threads together in this new episode and explain how they connect up to one another. The President is freaking out and acting out for one reason: the tightening grip of the Mueller probe. Everything stems from that. It’s our job to see as clearly we can what developments under the surface – which the President and his top advisors likely know and we don’t – are driving this.

03.5.2018 - 3:37 PM EDT

We just had some very stunning, bizarre developments in the last hour or so having to do with one-time Trump aide Sam Nunberg.

Welcome to TPM’s live-blog of the Kris Kobach voting rights trial. TPM reporter Tierney...
Next week, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach will go to federal court to...
Despite recent warnings from some of the top U.S. intelligence officials, President Donald Trump...
Asked about potential White House staff shake-ups at a joint press conference with Swedish...
Special counsel Robert Mueller has focused his attention on President Donald Trump’s personal attorney,...
President Trump Holds a Joint Press Conference with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven at...
A lawyer who represents Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s longtime personal attorney, received information...

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