
The post-war strike wave in Sub-Saharan Africa

From the end of the Second World War until the mid-'60s there was a wave of strikes in Sub-Saharan Africa The history of this class struggle has been neglected by both mainstream historians and most revolutionary tendencies based in Europe and the US.

Pundits outraged as Assad does to Ghouta what the US did to Fallujah

The aftermath of the latest US led assault on Fallujah

As pundits decry war crimes committed by the Assad regime in Eastern Ghouta, a look to how the punditry viewed the US' 2004 assault on Fallujah

Walkaway review

Walkaway Cover

A review of Cory Doctorow's 2017 science fiction novel.

The movement in Iran is a practical refutation of Leninism

A critique of the positions defended by some groups of the communist Left

Autonomism – “Many Flowers Little Fruit”

A response to the comments and criticisms of our article “Autonomism – Cutting the Ground from under Marxism”.

Bakkavor Factory Newsletter - Issue 3

Bakkavor runs four factories and one warehouse in our area, employing around 3,500 permanent and agency workers. This issue deals with the union election, sex pests and dodgy temp agencies.

China: Long Held US Fears Becoming Reality?

The dilemma for the US – and the threat for the world – is that over time China will catch up with the US militarily as well as economically. It’s a long way off. However at some point the US will arrive at the same dilemma which faced the German General Staff in 1914. Their calculation was that by 1916 they would lose what military advantages they had over their imperialist rivals so were facing a pivotal decision and thus gave the green light for support to Austria and Armageddon followed. The current USA-China rivalry will be the axis around which any conflict will take place.

The Syrian conflict is an indictment of the nation-state system: The Assad Regime

Members of the US Peace Council meeting with Assad

As the Syrian conflict drags on, the world watches with horror as all involved countries ruthlessly pursue their own interests at the expense of the Syrian people. This first post will focus on the Assad regime.

Notes on the Freedom Anarchist Newspaper Archive

When Freedom updated its website back in October I took the opportunity to start a side project I've been meaning to do for a while - digitising Freedom's newspaper back catalogue. Herein some notes which are a bit internal-bloggy to put on the news site ...

Living The Dream antipolitically

Latest episode of Living The Dream: a podcast hosted at The Word From Struggle Street an anticapitalist blog from Brisbane fundraising campaign


At we are working on a major redesign and upgrade of the site, and so are launching a fundraiser to help us maintain the site and cover upgrading costs.

Low wages, long hours, management bullies: Nothing can be done?! Something is being done! 

Examples from Adelie in Southall, Royal Mail in Greenford, Sofology in Park Royal and XPO/House of Fraser in Milton Keynes

Cutting class for communism, school strikes April 20th?

Free Dennis walkout, February 2018

School students in the US are organising a national high school walk out against gun violence on 20th April, the 19th anniversary of the Columbine shooting.

Solidarity with the GDN Logistics workers


In the early afternoon of Tuesday, January 30, the police charged and drove a group of workers away from the gates of GDN Logistics of San Cipriano Po (Pavia). They were demonstrating in front of the company's gates to ask for an end to dismissals and suspensions (therefore for reinstatement) carried out by the company against some of their colleagues for the simple fact they were "registered with Sicobas". The strike began in the early morning, and the police charge took place after more than 10 hours of blockade in which protesting workers prevented the entry of trucks to the warehouse units.

Brexit 2018: The Ruling Class Nightmare Continues


During the preparation for the 2016 referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union (EU) we made it entirely clear (in Revolutionary Perspectives 08) that the debate was one that class-conscious workers should not have been drawn into – on either side. Participating in the exercise could only line workers up behind one or other faction of the ruling class. The stories peddled by both sides – that somehow workers would benefit from the British state either maintaining or ditching their relationship with EU institutions – were full of lies and imagined, but non-existent, benefits.

The unsurprising reason Jonathan Pie rants sound straight out of Spiked

If you've ever thought that Jonathan Pie's contrived rants sounded like they could've been written by someone from a left-liberal rag obsessed with getting speaking gigs for fascists, you were right.

Intellectuals cheer as US moves towards global war in Syria

Despite years of unqualified failure, nation's liberal intelligentsia announces full support as US redoubles its efforts in its catastrophic "war on terror"

'Change the Rules': reifying labour under capital

A critique of Sally McManus, the Australian Council of Trade Unions, and the 'Change the Rules' campaign from a communist perspective.

Hemel Hempstead Amazon workers' report: 'Power hour' or Workers' Power?

With our Amazon workers’ reports we hope to not provide yet another sad victim story of how Amazon turns humans into semi-robots. We leave this to the mainstream media.

Carillion’s Failure and the Private Finance Initiative


The collapse of Carillion is another symptom of capitalism’s general crisis of profitability. We are told the PFI and debacle of Carillion are not the way capitalism is supposed to work. Unfortunately this is the way capitalism is supposed to work, and the way it worked under state control also. The system is supposed to transfer wealth created by the working class to those who own capital and this is precisely what has been happening with Carillion, with PFI in general and with privatisation.