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  1. 2 godziny temu

    Head in the sand MEDIA ...BARNABY'S corrupt behavior has to b addressed... DEMOCRATIC values dictate via journalism you provide the TRUTH and the PUBLIC INTEREST

  2. 3 godziny temu

    🔥23 February 2017 with Vikki Campion his media advisor at a bar in west Glebe. Documents showed he charged taxpayers a total of $1,868.66 for his visit to Sydney from 23 to 25 February 2017 for this "business trip".

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  3. 7 godzin temu
    W odpowiedzi do

    Dutton would never be smartest person in the room But when it comes to: Most Devious Most Cunning Most Ruthless Most Lacking in Empathy Most Unprincipled and all the other stuff psychopaths are famous for He's hard to beat

  4. 9 godzin temu

    " is loved and trusted." No it's not, not anymore. , —sure, great. BUT flagship political programs like , , as well as news services like —all primarily platforms for far right LNP and Labor-bashing.

  5. 7 lut

    Just think - if media did its job, and the country's richest person didn't fund & assist Joyce's campaign, Tony Windsor could be the member for the good people of New England

  6. 7 lut

    The real story here is the deliberate media cover up (we've known about this for months) during campaign & NE by-election for a politician who uses his conservative moral code to push & impose policy on us which he is clearly not practicing himself

  7. 7 lut
  8. 7 lut

    I feel sorrier for Natalie and his daughters. You know, the ones he invoked during the national vote on thousands of LGBTQI people's private matters. And when he said Gardasil might lead to girls' promiscuity

  9. 7 lut

    There is some irony in Barnaby wanting his private life left private, but backing a hurtful national debate and $90 million poll on the legitimacy of other people's relationships ... and then abstaining from the marriage equality vote at the end.

  10. 7 lut

    Simple fact if Barnaby Joyce was having an affair with a staffer who was being paid by the Australian Taxpayer it is far from a “personal matter” and one of a serious breach of Ministerial Guidelines. Not that, that matters to Mr Turmoil

  11. 7 lut

    The reason bosses get canned for having relationships with staffers is because these relationships are _inevitably_ framed by the power relationship between the parties. There's no getting around that ever. And that's at the heart of this.

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  12. 7 lut

    2017 Barnaby: We need a national debate regarding the intimate relationships between same-sex couples! 2018 Barnaby: Relationships are private! No more questions please.

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  13. 7 lut

    Sorry Barnaby. This is an issue for two reasons. First, you've used the 'family values' as a core political belief in campaigns and policies. Second, this woman was a staff member. This is so very wrong and you need to be held accountable.

  14. 7 lut

    Barnaby is hurt that private issues are dragged into public arena? How about that PUBLIC marriage equality plebiscite??

  15. 7 lut

    NO!!! It's not acceptable to say that a workplace relationship in Australia's parliament between the Deputy Prime Minister and one of his female staff isn't a matter of public interest! That's not right!!

  16. 7 lut

    Man who is upset his private life has come out into the public arena was one of the first to line up and question Gillard about her private life BEFORE politics and claimed she had questions to answer. You are utterly fuck ups media. Take up gardening

  17. 7 lut


  18. 7 lut

    Joyce wants his private matters to be private. During 2016 election Joyce campaign falsely accused Windsor of extramarital affair, media widely reported.

  19. 7 lut

    BREAKING: "It's a private matter", says politician who backed non-compulsory, non-binding survey on thousands upon thousands of Australians 'private matters'.

  20. 7 lut

    It’s really uncomfortable having to defend your private life isn’t it, ? Let’s put it to a national vote just to make it even worse

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