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  1. Thank you all for your recommendations re XBOX. Teen and Dad agree: Rock Band 4 blows, more trouble than it's worth.

  2. Back at it again with tweeter xD

  3. First copies of hot off the press from my editor! Gorgeous!

  4. 12. I do not like it! 👊🏻 👠

  5. Who's still active?? 😛😏

  6. S/out to , I got the best tasting 🍩 today, saved my life to say the least. Favor will be

  7. Frightened from a trap and to the .

  8. FOUR WEEKS FROM TODAY IS BORN!!! I'm having an awesome book launch party w/ & at Bookworks !

  9. Saying I'm going to bed but I don't even think I could sleep right now

  10. Gifted Pets Often Become Returned Pets.

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