
Free trade: Trump shiver runs up allies' spines

Free trade: Trump shiver runs up allies' spines

Mates shouldn't mislead or mug each other. And they should call each other out for damaging behaviour.


No surprise in Donald Trump's decision to apply trade tariffs

No surprise in Donald Trump's decision to apply trade tariffs

Donald Trump lied to Malcolm Turnbull about steel tariffs. Who would have guessed?

Trump's tariffs are an attack on jobs

Trump's tariffs are an attack on jobs

If Trump's actions trigger a global trade war, Australia will find itself exposed.

Brave, heroic, quirky, naughty: The girls missing from bedtime stories
Gender equality

Brave, heroic, quirky, naughty: The girls missing from bedtime stories

The gaping absence rich and diverse female characters in children’s stories sends the message to girls that they have a less important role in society.

  • by Tasma Walton
In the Herald: March 7, 1921

In the Herald: March 7, 1921

Circus is in town                                                                                                                                                                                                     

  • by Harry Hollinsworth
Like everyone, everywhere, universities just want more money

Like everyone, everywhere, universities just want more money

If a university education really is the sine qua non, then surely at least one of our Vice Chancellors should possess degrees in education.

  • by Nicholas Stuart
Hit Big Tech with law suits to stop online bullies
Social media

Hit Big Tech with law suits to stop online bullies

New laws would impose a duty of care on the big tech companies. They could be sued if they did not take reasonable care to protect the individual target.

  • by Josh Bornstein
Ardern's social laboratory for the world
Jacinda Ardern

Ardern's social laboratory for the world

If Ardern can sensibly pioneer a way to transform modern economies, she might do a lot more than improve living standards in NZ.

  • by Peter Hartcher
Longing for a thoughtful, not a theatric, red-tape repeal day
Public service

Longing for a thoughtful, not a theatric, red-tape repeal day

Image the chaos if the Coalition had kept its promise to tie senior officials' pay to deregulation.

  • by Markus Mannheim
ABC presents views of the mainstream, not the left

ABC presents views of the mainstream, not the left

Tom Switzer may be too young to remember the times in the 1960s and '70s.

Twitter wants your help to change

Twitter wants your help to change

It is good to see that Twitter is finally acknowledging its ill health. The problem is that the service may be too far gone to recover

  • by Christine Emba