What does a first-time visitor to Laos feel when coming face to face with how people here live together with unexploded bombs? European Union-supported blogger Lauren Kana Chan leads us through her impressions. Take a look at her photos!
Back to nature - a slogan much used at the recent international climate conference in Bonn. This slogan of nature-based solutions is reality in Lao PDR, a small land-locked country with a mission to graduate from its least-developed country status.
Lao PDR is rich in fauna and flora and has outstanding biodiversity. There are an estimated 8-11,000 species of flowering plants, a reported 166 species of reptiles and amphibians, 700 species of birds, 90 known species of bats and over 100 species of large mammals. The protection of these resources is paramount to the future of the country.
Haoliang Xu is currently visiting Lao PDR to attend the 2017 Round Table Implementation Meeting in Pakse.
Fragrant tea leaves, bags of pearly rice, coffee beans that bring back memories of the Boloven plateau and yards of smooth silk, in all colors of the rainbow – these are signature products of Lao.
“Having a goal isn’t wishing. It isn’t a faint hope or a vague dream that someday we’ll have or do or be. No, having a goal is much, much more” – this is the opening message of a new film, titled This is Development.

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6.8 million


23 %

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