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Jon Winokur 11h
"All good will eventually find a publisher if the writer tries hard enough…”
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Keisha N. Blain Feb 26
Excited to share the good news that I am editing a new series with on for ! See the flyer on for more details:
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Whitney Hemsath Feb 24
My first advance royalty check just hit my account. I am officially a paid author! Let the celebratory gif-ing begin!
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Henry H. Neff Feb 24
1) Everyone likes the idea of writing a book. A fraction will actually dive in. The vast majority will give up. The gritty finishers will try to secure an agent or publisher. Few will succeed. *THIS* is that writer's moment of truth (thread)
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Lily Mac Mahon 35m
Doing a at and reading ‘Wilde’s Women’ during my lunch break has heightened my love for this brilliantly researched . Thank you ! 📘🦆
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Joanna Penn Feb 24
How to self-publish a Kindle book successfully in 2018 via
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Andy Rogers 15h
My first day at the new job is complete. The boss had this waiting for me on my desk this morning. I think I'm going to like this place.
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K.A. Farrell Feb 22
Making an author feel like part of a team is a gift publishers can offer and it can have a profound effect on how far the author will go for their publisher - at
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Jen Chen-Tran Feb 20
I will be re-opening to queries in early March, date TBA. So if you sent me a query recently, please be patient and try again in a few weeks.
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Clair Woodward Feb 22
Book publicists! Who would you like to send to the Literary Festival on 27 October?
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Matthew Revert 19h
My design for 'Drift' by . Coming very soon from . This one is a beast.
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Edie Melson 22h
Six Questions for a Literary Agent -
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Susan Quilts Feb 25
THE UGLY SECRET OF BOOK PUBLISHERS, PART 30 This tweet series tells a behind all novel & production. It sounds , but it's true and very easy to prove. If you love , do it for the love and it yourself.
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Cynthia LeitichSmith Feb 23
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Rejected Blog 15h
We've got a new list up on the site, that will teach you about informal fallacies, parenting strategies, the importance of pizza, etc. All important skills for writers, in any case: Thanks, !!
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Rhian Williams 23h
Working on a round-up of best children's cookbooks for The Independent - any recommendations? Please email
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BCcampus Open Feb 20
Introducing the BCcampus Open Education Self-Publishing Guide
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Susan Bailey 9m
First actual cash payment for my writing, not a lot but still a start :)
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the Krispy 1h
Regarding and , the most I can do is check out more quality indie presses and work on the other manuscripts I started. These things can take quite a while.
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Rachael Dewhurst 1h
Why do cover changes happen? Why in the middle of the series? Asking because, yes, they annoy me but mostly, it’s because I’m genuinely curious.
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