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  1. fa 1 hora

    My grandmother was a reading teacher. She taught me to love words and books and writing.

  2. fa 2 hores

    “Don’t outsource your critical thinking to me.”

  3. fa 3 hores
  4. fa 4 hores
  5. fa 4 hores
  6. fa 4 hores

    RT Stop by the and be transported. You never know where you'll find yourself.

  7. fa 4 hores

    are the exorcists of their own .” Mario Vargas Llosa 1,000 For Writers

  8. fa 5 hores
  9. fa 7 hores

    aren't made of pages and words. They're made of hopes, dreams, and possibilities.

  10. fa 7 hores

    Happy publication day - "Matt Harry is a genius. I wish I could be young again so this book can be part of my childhood"

  11. fa 8 hores

    Congrats, ! "Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body" is on the longlist!

  12. fa 8 hores

    Reposting @internet_marketing_profits: Youll never know if you dont try it!

  13. fa 10 hores
  14. fa 11 hores

    “The only thing that you ABSOLUTELY have to know ...” - Albert Einstein

  15. fa 14 hores

    Every writer is different. Take the advice which you feel is right for you and ignore the rest:

  16. fa 15 hores

    Eking my way towards 4000 Followers!!!Thank you,friends. I❤️the support & l❤️seeing your comments,posts,&RT’s!✌🏼😍☺️📚

  17. fa 16 hores

    & seem to go together. That's why I feature them in my writing.

  18. fa 20 hores

    Never stop reading because...."If you are going to get anywhere in life you have to read a lot of books.” – Roald Dahl

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