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Sidnie Bishop May 16
So you might know that I've been struggling with the whole show not tell thing in my 1st draft...but I came across this and I think it's great! Thought I would share!
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Sean R. Frazier 6h
Omg, first I use TOO MANY commas. Now I'm not using ENOUGH commas! Make up your mind!!!
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Writing & Editing May 19
"The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense." -Tom Clancy
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Writing & Editing May 19
What's your #1 rule when writing or editing your novel? Mine is no extra words. ..Writing.
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πŸ††πŸ†πŸ…΄πŸ…ΊπŸ…΄πŸ…·πŸ…°πŸ†…πŸ…ΎπŸ…² May 21
Looking for for my novel set in '90s startup world. The novel is allegedly funny (intentionally): if Bridget Jones was a nice Jewish girl who just wanted a promotion. . Anyone? Thanks for considering.
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Brian John Kitchen May 20
Thank you all for your very much appreciated support I'm trying to finish writing/editing my latest novel, a Sci-Fi action adventure which is a new genre for me I'll still RT whenever I can Don't worry too much about RTing my tweets Have a great week folks
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PebbleCoveEditing May 18
β€œChill before severing” I have a new favourite typo.
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Chelsey Emmelhainz May 18
Probably my most common edit is, "Go deeper." So much of characterization can be left off the page and stay stuck in the author's head. If it's not on the page, we won't get it. Take your characters deeper and show us who they really are, and why they do what they do.
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Andrea Pearey May 16
I have to keep reminding myself that every word I delete is making my manuscript stronger
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Kimberly Packard May 21
Every now and then, when I re-read something I’ve written, I can’t help but think, β€œDammmmnnnn.”
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Ellen Brock May 14
One of the most common questions I'm asked is "Why do I have to follow [insert writing rule] when [insert popular book] doesn't follow that rule?" The answer is complicated so get ready for a long thread.
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Christine Ma πŸ“š May 21
I've been a professional copyeditor for over fifteen years. Last night my father said my job involved "just reading." I don't think he'll ever understand what I do for a living.
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Mary Lynn May 19
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KD is on vacation πŸ‘Έ May 20
Me, editing: *Delete, delete, delete.* Also me: why is this chapter 500 words longer now
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Vania Margene Rheault May 17
Tweeting this again! Someone, somewhere, always needs this chart!
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Writing & Editing May 18
You know you are a writer when you stare at a word so long it no longer looks like a word. πŸ˜‚ U? -Wrtr ...Writing
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Emily Ruth Mace May 21
Looking forward to getting together with my monthly tonight at the local !
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Writing & Editing May 18
Writing is about persistence and care in your writing. No matter what your writing talent level or where you start. ...Keep Writing
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Writing & Editing 8h
Rule Two: Enjoy writing. As an author or writer you are going to spend a lot of time writing. Enjoy it. ...Writing
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Penny Silver - Writer May 17
Friend: Hey, you busy? Me: Yeah, just editing a few pages of my novel... ( ) πŸ™‚ Friend: Oh cool, so I'll be by you in ten, we'll make food and watch a movie. WHY does no one accept my writing as BUSINESS???πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘
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