Brie O’Keefe and Alexia Pepper de Caires speak to Ben Phillips about the ‘loneliness’ of taking on powerful institutions.

More than 100 women detainees are on all out strike. Those outside detention must show their support, argues Felicity Kersting.

In this election, Italians are without a strong Left prospect, reports Alessio Perrone.

Nick Dowson reports on Mark Thomas’s attempt to train a comedy troupe in the West Bank.

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Latest issue

February 2018, Issue 510

Big story

  • A challenge to power
  • Reclaiming pride
  • Working class in Britain? You must be white
  • Our lives, our lands
  • Six ways to be a better ally

Also this issue …

  • Noam Chomsky talks to Andy Heintz
  • Plantation leaves no land, no jobs for villagers
  • Introducing... Iceland’s new PM
  • No promised land: how Israel is failing asylum seekers
  • Indigenous lawyer Anabela Carlón Flores vs. the pipeline

Latest from New Internationalist

Bosnia’s fragile peace: a plaque to war criminal Radko Mladić
Oxfam scandal no surprise
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‘Zuma must fall’ protesters with a banner depicting Atul Gupta, implicated in recent scandals. Pic: Discott, CC-BY-SA4.0
'NEW FRIGIDAIRE MASTER for families that want maximum storage space...’.From the Ladies’ Home Journal. 1948. Pic: Wyeth, N.C.
Mari Marcel Thekaekara

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