
Mining the wind drought-proofs some Broken Hill farmers

Greg Lawrence is one of four property owners who will have turbines on their properties as part of the new Silverton ...

Droughts come regularly to outback Broken Hill, killing sheep, burning profits and carving farmland into craters. But the wind is constant, said local farmer Greg Lawrence, sitting on a rocky and gusty hill that only a feral goat could love.

Labor could back Turnbull energy plan

Mr Shorten and Mr Turnbull on Wednesday: could the rivals reach a deal to end the energy wars?

Federal Labor has pointedly left open supporting Malcolm Turnbull's "game-changing" energy reliability package despite launching a spirited parliamentary attack on Wednesday.

Turnbull's change to suit the political climate

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

What a transformation. From leather jacket Malcolm warning of fig leaf Coalition policies that will do nothing for carbon reduction, to what.... Old King Coal, Captain Reliable, Chief Power Ranger?

How Sydney can keep its power during heatwaves

Heatwaves that pushed NSW's electricity supplies to the brink in February will become more common in the future, a ...

The Berejiklian government will issue warnings of potential threats to electricity supplies from this summer after its review of February's heatwave found the power sector to be vulnerable.

What happens when a heatwave hits in a post-Hazelwood world?

Big industrial users have been hit hard by an increase in wholesale electricity prices.

Extreme heat is a test. It tests people and the systems they rely on, not least the electricity system. So in a post-Hazelwood world, how will the national electricity grid cope during hot days as we seek comfort by cranking up our cooling systems?

40 years later, the Snowy Mountains Scheme is back in vogue

A Sydney Morning Herald drawing showing Sir William Hudson in front of one of the Snowy Mountains Scheme dams.

It is easy now, as thousands stream blithely each winter to the ski fields of the Snowy Mountains, to overlook the monumental events of last century on those heights that still affect our daily lives and our industries, and how, in the exploitation of the high country, Australia was transformed, economically and culturally.