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National park 'at the mercy' of Murray-Darling Basin water changes

The fate of a 50-year-old national park in western NSW is "at the mercy of water managers" regardless of the region's critical environmental role the reserve was set up to protect, ecologists and locals say.

The Kinchega National Park, about 100 kilometres south-east of Broken Hill, borders the Tandou irrigation property that Barnaby Joyce's federal agricultural department paid $78 million for its water rights last year.

The park, which contains half of Lake Menindee, is one of at least four sanctuaries in the NSW section of the Murray-Darling Basin where goals of the Office of Environment and Heritage's National Parks and Wildlife Service face being overridden by other demands, such as from irrigation, environmentalists said.

"About 28 per cent of Kinchega is wetland and [OEH] have had no control over the water," Richard Kingsford, a professor of environmental science at the University of NSW, said. "It's at the mercy of water managers."

Karen Page, who looks across the Darling River to Kinchega from her farm, said Lake Menindee was rarely dry until recent decades. Its natural abundance of fish and birdlife made it the meeting place for as many as 10 Indigenous clans before Europeans arrived.

"Lake Menindee is drained first every single time [by water agencies], and it's the last one to get any water if any comes down [the Darling]", Ms Page said.


"This system here is the most important place in the whole Darling for fish spawning, yet it's been drained dry."

The health of the Murray-Darling Basin has been in the spotlight since ABC's Four Corners last July aired allegations of large-scale water theft further north than Menindee.

The issue has gathered renewed prominence after federal Labor joined a Greens-led motion that blocked a plan to cut environmental water savings in the northern basin by 70 billion litres a year.

The move, which prompted the NSW government to threaten to leave the $13 billion plan, may also have put at risk a separate 605 billion-litre water savings cut proposed for the southern basin based involving 37 infrastructure projects - one of which is in the Menindee Lakes.

Fairfax Media asked OEH and Gabrielle Upton, NSW Environment Minister, what if any consultation they had concerning the plans for Kinchega and Lake Menindee.

A spokesman of the Industry Ministry said the Menindee plan remained at a "concept stage", and "no environmental assessments have been undertaken".

More consultation, including with communities, will follow, he said.

Among the species vulnerable to extended dry spells in the Kinchega region are golden perch and other fish, and vegetation such as black box and river red gums, Professor Kingsford said.

A spokeswoman for the Murray-Darling Basin Authority said an official committee had included the Menindee project among the 37 adjustment schemes because it "has the potential to make a significant difference to environmental outcomes, as well as improve base and low flows in the lower Darling".

"As the project is further developed, NSW will need to ensure all relevant regulations are addressed, this will include federal [Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation] Act requirements," she said.

Apart from Kinchega, the Toorale, Kemendok and Yanga national parks have their fates in the balance, as "threatening processes" involving water use continue, one environmentalist said.

"What we do know is that national parks lands within the basin have already suffered from lack of water and changed watering regimes," Anne Reeves, a water spokeswoman for the National Parks Association, said.

"This is well documented in the draft plan of management for Kermendok, one of the red gum parks of the Murray Valley."

Penny Sharpe, Labor's environment spokeswoman, said Kinchega national park was "yet another example of the minister’s failure to stand up for national parks”.

“This incredible national park is a tourist hot spot with unique environmental values and significant Aboriginal sites and pastoral heritage,” Ms Sharpe said. “Failure to consider the needs of Kinchega National Park in any discussion about the management of the Menindee Lakes is typical of this government’s neglect.”

Jeremy Buckingham, the Greens water spokesman, said "our mighty inland rivers and the ecology and communities they sustain are being sacrificed for the interests of big cotton".

"The Premier [Gladys Berejiklian] needs to step in to put the National Party on a leash, as they clearly cannot be trusted to manage our precious water resources,” he said.

Originally published on smh.com.au as 'National park 'at the mercy' of Murray-Darling Basin water changes'.