
Ominous warning for Sydney in Cape Town water crisis

A residents fills a plastic container with water at the Newlands natural water spring in Cape Town, South Africa, on ...

You're more likely to hear Sydneysiders talking about traffic or property prices than water. Memories of the millennial drought have faded as our reservoirs have filled with years of above-average rainfall. But this period of water wealth should not delude us. It will not last forever.

Top End shale gas would blow carbon budget, TAI says

Gas leaks are inevitable - and likely huge - from the coal seam gas industry, a submission by The Australia Institute says.

Developing the Northern Territory's onshore shale oil and gas resources could release the equivalent of 34 billion tonnes of carbon emissions, equal to 60 times Australia's current annual carbon pollution, according to The Australia Institute.

Oil giant sees demand plunge by 2040 - or maybe not

Is oil a sunset industry in the age of climate change? Depends which forecast you believe.

If climate change curbs live up to their promise, oil demand may fall 20 per cent by 2040, Exxon Mobil says in one forward-looking report. But a more likely scenario is it will grow by 20 per cent, the company says in separate outlook.

$60 million 'rescue plan' for reef too little: critics

John Rumney from the Great Barrier Reef Legacy takes a close look at bleaching corals near Port Douglas.

The Turnbull government's pledge of an additional $60 million to help improve the health of the Great Barrier Reef has been dismissed by environmental groups and scientists as insufficient and a "wasteful publicity stunt".