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Free Red Fawn

Red Fawn Fallis is facing 20 years in prison for a crime she did not commit. Her court date is set for January 28, 2018. Her trial will bring to light the atrocities committed by private security and law enforcement at Standing Rock. Join the fight by contributing to her legal fund and ensuring that she has access to the best possible defense. Every dollar helps!

Donate to Red Fawn's Legal Fund


Who is Red Fawn

Red Fawn is a human rights advocate, organizer, and a community leader within the Oglala Lakota Sioux. She grew up in Colorado and was raised in traditional Lakota ways, grounded with love and a deep connection to the earth and all things sacred. Her mother, Troylynn Yellow Wood, taught her the importance of fighting for social and environmental justice, and standing up for her people.



On Oct. 27th, 2016, police raided the 1851 Treaty Camp on route 1806 in unceded Lakota territory. Grandmothers, grandfathers, and youth were pulled out of a sweat lodge, and sacred and ceremonial items were confiscated and destroyed

Red Fawn was serving as a trained medic. She was helping injured water protectors who had been sprayed with mace and hit by rubber bullets. As Red Fawn retreated from the front lines, three officers targeted, tackled, and threw her to the ground. Police reports allege that one of the officers pulled his weapon and placed it against her back. While she was pinned to the ground, shots were fired.

Red Fawn is being accused of firing a weapon. Eyewitness accounts and video show otherwise.

“Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier said he couldn’t confirm any shots were fired by the water protectors on Oct. 27” (Democracy Now)

More than 140 people were arrested that day. Red Fawn was initially charged with state felonies, that were subsequently dropped when she was taken into custody by US Marshalls and charged with three federal felonies. The federal detention system is not a cash bond system. Red Fawn could spend the rest of her life as a political prisoner.

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Red Fawn Fallis. 3501 Westrac Drive. Fargo, ND 48103


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