Offering daily news and analysis from the majestic Evergreen State and beyond, The Advocate is the Northwest Progressive Institute's unconventional perspective on world, national, and local politics.

The fight for net neutrality isn’t over yet

Net neutrality ceases to be the law of the land in the U.S. as of June 11th.

In less than two weeks, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast will be free to undermine an essential principle of Internet freedom: equal treatment of all traffic, regardless of who’s on either end.

Since 2015, net neutrality has been codified as a set of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations that require Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast to treat all online platforms, content and users equally.

Without net neutrality, ISPs will be allowed to charge for access to different platforms and content. This preferential treatment will turn a level playing field into one that heavily favors the immensely powerful ISPs and those who are connected enough or wealthy enough to obtain that preferential treatment.

The effects will be devastating.

While casual conversations focus on whether we’ll have to pay more for Netflix, that’s a minor concern compared to what’s really at stake.

The loss of net neutrality is a threat to innovation, to small businesses, to startups, to schools, to nonprofits like NPI, to people in rural areas, and to low income families. And it’s no exaggeration to say that it’s a threat to democracy.

In the Pacific Northwest, two ISPs dominate most markets: Comcast and CenturyLink. For many businesses and households there’s effectively just one option. This lack of competition limits incentive for innovation and creates a dangerous consolidation of power in a couple large, out-of-state corporations.

Imagine if those ISPs weren’t required to treat all traffic equally.

Not only could they charge more for services like Netflix, they could give preferential treatment based on political and religious viewpoints.

Executives running your ISP could decide to provide unlimited access to some platforms and content, while charging for access to others.

Do you want to pay extra to access Gmail because your ISP owns Yahoo? Would you like to pay more for access to CNN than you would for Fox?

Don’t laugh. Such schemes may sound farfetched, but they become real possibilities in a world without net neutrality.

The threat is becoming more ominous given the consolidation and vertical integration that’s been taking place, combining control of network traffic with control over the media and content that travel across those networks. Comcast is leading this trend, having already acquired full ownership of NBCUniversal in 2013.

Imagine the effect this would have on low-income households. Comcast’s bad practices, including traffic shaping, could influence which news outlets they visit.

And what about innovation and startups?

Our Northwest economy has benefited immensely from new companies entering the marketplace and competing with established players.

Companies like Redfin, which is making great strides to improve the cost and efficiency of home sales, might never have taken flight without net neutrality.

So far, votes in Washington, D.C. and state capitals have broken mostly on party lines, with Democrats backing net neutrality and Republicans backing Ajit Pai’s effort to allow the likes of Comcast to dictate what happens to the Internet.

But earlier this month, the United States Senate voted to reinstate FCC’s 2015 Open Internet Order. Tipping the scales were three Republicans who voted with Democrats and independents to restore net neutrality.

This is promising, as it suggests some Republicans are willing to stand up to Pai. But the battle to protect a free and open Internet is far from over.

Take Action!

We need a concerted effort, on multiple levels, to win this fight.

We cannot assume the House will follow the Senate’s lead and it’s unclear what would happen should the resolution reach Trump’s desk.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Send a message to your U.S. Representative asking them to support net neutrality, regardless of their position. Then, consider helping those in Republican-held congressional districts (like WA-08) convince their elected representatives that net neutrality is best for everyone and deserves to be supported regardless of one’s party affiliation or ideology.
  2. Use social media to ensure the people you know and interact with understand what’s at stake, and encourage them to act.
  3. Contact your state and local representatives and push for action at the state and local level. This past session, Washington’s Legislature approved its own net neutrality law. Other states should now do likewise.

We all ought to be able to agree that a free and open Internet is worth having.

Large companies in the business of providing Internet access cannot be allowed to engage in discriminatory business practices. Each of us ought to be able to freely choose the shows we watch, the voices we hear, or the stories we read without having to pay extra or put up with a slower connection.

SIFF Documentary Review: “The Most Dangerous Year” highlights the urgency of the fight for transgender rights

Faced with the challenge of making a film on a topic that was so personal to her family, Vlada Knowlton knew that she had no choice but to push through.

The Most Dangerous Year

The Most Dangerous Year
Director: Vlada Knowlton
Release Year: 2018
Running time: 90 minutes
Watch trailer

“There are personal topics that are simply inspirational and then there are personal topics that are also matters of life and death. And this one, unfortunately, more closely fit the latter category.”

“The Most Dangerous Year”, premiering at SIFF 2018 next week, gets its title from a report issued by the Human Rights Campaign that warned that 2016 was going to be the most dangerous year for transgender Americans.

The film chronicles the fight in Washington over so-called “bathroom bills” through the stories of a number of families, including Knowlton’s, with a transgender child.

Knowlton and her husband have two daughters and one son. Their youngest daughter was born with a body typically associated with being male, and thus they were raising her as a boy. But at age three, she started to tell her parents that she was a girl. When she was being socialized and treated as a boy, their daughter was unhappy and struggling, but once they accepted what she was telling them, that she was a girl, and started treating her as a girl, she blossomed.

In 2016, their transgender daughter was a spunky, confident, five year old.

But the specter of coming fight for her most basic rights was a concern for the whole family, as well as for the support system of other families with transgender children that the Knowltons were a part of.

So Knowlton set out to make this film to document their fight as well as to educate more people about what being transgender really means, which she believes will ultimately lead to greater support for the transgender community.

When asked if the deep personal nature of the topic for her family ultimately made it more challenging to make than film, she said that was definitely the case.

I think this particular topic, one which held my own child’s life and future in the balance, made the process of making the film more challenging..”

“I think one of my top challenges here was to make sure that I didn’t allow a sense of despair or fear cloud my judgement when going through each stage of the filmmaking process. It was definitely an exercise in compartmentalization, the likes of which I’d never attempted before.”

Particularly tough, Knowlton said, was “having to interview or film people who don’t consider my daughter sane or who don’t think her core identity is real.”

In Washington State, and in cities and states across the country, bills were being proposed that prohibited people from using restrooms that match their gender identity, and instead requiring that all people use the restrooms based on their genitalia or the sex that they were assigned at birth.

Anti-discrimination laws in Washington State have allowed people that are transgender to use the bathroom, washroom, or restroom that matches their identity since 2006, but as militant right wing radicals across the country rallied around the cause of enforcing their patriarchal values system on everyone else, several groups in Washington began clamoring for legislation here.

First, six different bills were initially proposed in the state Legislature, with one, Senate Bill 6443 having public committee hearings and making it all the way to the Senate floor for a full vote after it was passed by the Republican-led committee.

Families featured in the film testified at the hearings and participated in rallies in front of the Capitol Building in Olympia.

Thankfully the bill lost by just one vote, as a few Republicans split with the rest of their party and voted against taking basic rights away from transgender individuals.

Unfortunately, the fight was not over, as a right wing organization in Washington that had led the fight against domestic partnerships in 2009 and against the state’s marriage equality law in 2012 created a group with the misleading name “Just Want Privacy” with the goal of collecting enough signatures to get a partial repeal of the state’s anti-discrimination rules on the ballot.

The Knowltons and their support group of parents made a plan increase their activism in order to ensure initiative effort would not be able to get the required number of signatures. While most of the families were normally pretty private and not wanting to draw attention to the fact that the had a transgender child, they all agreed they had to become more public in order to reach and educate more people, so that people would realize “our kids are just kids” and that there was no reason to fear transgender people using bathrooms that fit their gender identity.

The Washington Won’t Discriminate campaign kicked off in April of 2016 to counter Just Want Privacy’s signature collection efforts.

The coalition consisted of over five-hundred businesses, labor unions, non-profits and political organizations, including Equal Rights Washington, Legal Voice, Moms Rising, and the Gender Justice League, as well as NPI’s Permanent Defense project.

Other important supporters of transgender rights featured in the film are Aiden Key, a transgender man who is the founder and leader of the support group for parents of transgender kids that the Knowltons participate in, and Washington State Lieutenant Governor Cyrus Habib.

Habib powerfully addresses the specious main argument of those who advocate for so-called “bathroom bills” by claiming women and children will be at risk of some kind of victimization or assault.

“Let’s be clear: there is no documented evidence that people who are transgender are any more likely to be predators than the general population,” Habib says. “There’s no reason to believe that individuals using the bathroom that fits their gender identity leads to any of these sorts of acts.”

Habib then points out the political motivations for these empty arguments. “I understand that there are people out there who are being told that allowing transgender individuals to use the correct bathroom will lead to danger for themselves, or even worse, their children, and that can be a very powerful threat or a very powerful way to instill fear in people…”

“It’s an attempt to broaden the appeal of this socially conservative measures, by getting people to see a bogeyman where there simply isn’t one.”

That analysis matches the data from the two hundred and twenty-five cities across the country that have transgender anti-discrimination laws, as there is zero evidence of an increase in crimes or complaints.

Thankfully, Just Want Privacy was unable to collect enough signatures to get their discriminatory bill on the ballot in 2016. They tried again in 2017, and also failed. At the time “The Most Dangerous Year” was completed, it was believed that Just Want Privacy would try again in 2018, but no such effort has materialized. The group appears to have given up on qualifying an initiative to the statewide ballot for now.

I asked Knowlton if this made her feel like at least the issue of public bathroom use is now fairly safe in Washington State. She answered that she suspects the group is waiting to see the results of similar initiates in other parts of the country this year. She sites one that failed in Anchorage, Alaska in April, current signature-gathering efforts in Montana for an initiative to potentially go on the ballot, and a measure that will be voted on in Massachusetts in November asking voters if they want to repeal or preserve their current transgender anti-discrimination law.

“I don’t think we can say that transgender rights are truly safe in Washington until they are safe across the country,” Knowlton said.

“And that, of course, would also require a commitment to equality and civil rights at the federal level. So there’s still a lot of work to be done.”

“There are battles on several fronts right now,” she says.

“The federal government is making attempts to roll back non-discrimination protections for transgender people in healthcare. Obviously that would be devastating to trans people and their families.”

“The Trump administration has also recently rescinded protections for transgender prisoners. That is particularly dangerous for transgender women inmates who are exposed to an inordinately higher rate of rape and abuse. The Department of Education has indicated it won’t protect transgender students from discrimination in their public school districts. And I think we’ve all heard about the administration’s ongoing attempts to ban transgender soldiers from our military.”

“These are all malicious attacks against a minority population and these attacks rely on one thing and one thing only: the majority’s ignorance, ” Knowlton adds.

“Mainstream science and medicine have already established that transgender people are not mentally ill; that they are born transgender; that being transgender in and of itself is not any sort of pathology but is rather part of the natural diversity of the human race.”

The film features a number of medical experts explaining the science, including Dr. Kevin Hatfield of The Polyclinic in Seattle.

He explains that a person being transgender is not something anyone has control over, but that it is determined genetically, much like how we inherit eye color or are born with left- or right-hand dominance.

Knowlton feels that if more people were aware of these facts, it would go a long way toward ending discrimination. “I think that one of the most important things we as allies can do is educate ourselves and others on these types of facts. Education leads to understanding, which leads to justice.”

Reading Knowlton recommends for further information include:

  • this guide for supporting and caring for trans kids put together by the Human Rights Campaign and the American Academy of Pediatrics;
  • this analysis of previous research on supporting gender diverse children by the College of Family Physicians of Canada;
  • this literature review from Cornell University on the importance of transitioning for mental wellbeing;
  • and, for those who don’t a mind denser, scientific journal article, this article explains how the genitals and the gender of the brain are formed at different stages of fetal development.

Explains Knowlton: “Those two systems are independent of each other and it has been established that a fetus that develops a male reproductive tract can sometimes develop a brain with a female gender identity and vice versa. So this article both underscores the biological underpinnings of being born transgender or cisgender and offers some hypotheses of how this might happen.”

The National Center for Transgender Equality is also a great resource for information and for starting to take action. You can sign up for their email list, check out their Action Centers with detailed info on specific issues like health care and schools, or make a donation to support their work.

“The Most Dangerous Year” is also great first step towards educating yourself on transgender rights and what is happening locally in Washington State.

If you are in the Seattle area, I highly recommend getting tickets to one of the SIFF showings. After SIFF the film will be going to other festivals, so like and follow the Facebook page to find out where it will be going next and get details of future screenings as they are scheduled.

Meet the candidates vying to succeed Kris Lytton in the 40th LD: Alex Ramel

Editor’s Note: This is the first installment in a series about the candidates vying to succeed Representative Kris Lytton in Washington’s 40th Legislative District.

It’s not easy being a state legislator, but there doesn’t seem to be a shortage of people who want the job. In Washington’s 40th Legislative District, where vaunted State Representative Kris Lytton is retiring after many years of service, four Democrats and two Republicans are vying to be her successor. The district includes San Juan County as well as portions of Whatcom and Skagit Counties.

Among them is Alex Ramel.

Ramel grew up in Denver, but has been in Washington State for nearly twenty years. He attended Western Washington University’s Huxley College of the Environment where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Policy and Planning. He has worked in environmental policy since graduating in 2006.

Ramel started his career helping city and county governments with climate action planning. This led to a job at Sustainable Connection as Energy and Policy Director, where he developed an energy efficiency campaign for homes and small businesses.

He was instrumental in the success of the Community Energy Challenge which, since its inception, has helped approximately five hundred businesses cut their energy costs. It’s also helped approximately two thousand people and families reduce their monthly energy bills in Whatcom, Skagit, Island and San Juan counties.

The Community Energy Challenge has also created several dozen living wage jobs. Ramel says the program is considered the most successful of its kind in the country.

Ramel has also been active in local politics.

He served on the board for Washington Conservation Voters, helping to get progressives and environmental advocates elected to public office.

In 2011, he strongly opposed a proposed coal export terminal in Cherry Point. It would have been the largest of six coal export projects proposed in Washington and Oregon, and would have doubled Washington’s carbon footprint. As a volunteer, Ramel coordinated the campaigns of four different progressive candidates and ultimately flipped the city council from a majority of independents to democrats.

“The skillset I bring is being able finds ways to work together, finding collaboration opportunities, and doing the hard work and sweat equity of building trust,” Ramel says. This is especially true in his current job at, where the current priority is resisting oil industry expansion projects, and where Ramel has successfully found ways to collaborate with (instead of alienate) refinery workers.

In fact, Ramel was endorsed this week by the United Steelworkers Local 12-591.

Ramel was encouraged to run by Representative Beth Doglio (D-22nd District) when it was announced that Lytton would not be seeking reelection.

Aside from working to protect Washington’s air, water, and soil, Ramel wants to make affordable housing more accessible. After speaking with over five hundred people in his district, Hamel says that roughly two-thirds of them expressed concern about how hard the increasing price of housing was hitting them.

As President of the board of Kulshan Community Land Trust, he has experience with permanent affordable homeowner projects, as well as planning the budget for affordable housing construction projects.

Hamel is a single father and says his sixteen-year-old son is his “number one campaigner.” He has a little less than eleven weeks left to make his pitch to voters before the deadline arrives to return ballots in Washington’s Top Two election.

No surprise: NPI poll finds Washingtonians don’t like Donald Trump’s job performance

Washington State voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election and has been a hotbed of resistance activity since Donald Trump’s Electoral College victory a year and a half ago, so it’s not too surprising that most Washingtonians don’t have a favorable opinion of Trump’s job performance — if we can even call it that.

A new survey commissioned by NPI finds that three in five Washingtonians (59%) disapprove of the job Trump has been doing, while only 35% approve.

6% said they were not sure.

(And we’re not sure why six percent of the respondents to the survey said they were not sure, given how polarizing and media dominant Trump is.)

What’s really interesting, though, is that our survey found that Trump is underwater in every region in the state, not just in Puget Sound. It so happens many rural Washingtonians aren’t happy with Trump either.

Here are the numbers again for the entire sample:

QUESTION: Do you approve or disapprove of President Donald Trump’s job performance?


  • Disapprove: 59%
  • Approve: 35%
  • Not sure: 6%

Our survey of six hundred and seventy-five likely 2018 Washington State voters was in the field May 22nd-23rd, 2018. The survey used a blended methodology with automated phone calls to landlines and online interviews of cell phone only respondents. The poll was conducted by Public Policy Polling for NPI, and has a margin of error of +/- 3.8% at the 95% confidence level.

And now, by region:

QUESTION: Do you approve or disapprove of President Donald Trump’s job performance?


  • King County
    • Disapprove: 70%
    • Approve: 24%
    • Not sure: 5%
  • North Puget Sound
    • Disapprove: 54%
    • Approve: 41%
    • Not sure: 5%
  • South Sound
    • Disapprove: 56%
    • Approve: 37%
    • Not sure: 7%
  • Olympic Peninsula and Southwest Washington
    • Disapprove: 59%
    • Approve: 36%
    • Not sure: 5%
  • Eastern Washington
    • Disapprove: 48%
    • Approve: 46%
    • Not sure: 6%

Yes, even in Eastern Washington, Trump is not above fifty percent.

This is an ominous sign for the Republican Party.

Trump is obviously still popular with his rabid base (and will continue to be), but his polarizing, destructive politics and terrible policies have alienated a lot of people, including in Republican-friendly regions. That reinforces the notion that districts like Washington’s 5th could be in play this autumn. The 5th is currently represented by Republican Cathy McMorris Rodgers, but it might not be after November.

McMorris Rodgers is facing a challenge like she’s never faced before, from former Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown. Brown’s candidacy has galvanized the Democratic Party here to a degree I have not seen before. Polls show she’s on McMorris Rodgers’ heels, which is rightly causing Republicans to panic.

The meltdown has been a sight to see.

The state Republican Party has sent out a number of disjointed emails lately attacking Brown and calling on subscribers to support McMorris Rodgers, who in past cycles has been assumed to be safe given the deep red lean of the district. Playing defense in the 5th appears to be the Washington State Republican Party’s top priority in 2018, aside from trying to get three-time loser Dino Rossi elected in the 8th, where the party would like to hold on to Dave Reichert’s seat.

The Democratic Party, meanwhile, is fired up to capture both districts, and would  like to put the 3rd District in play as well. The party has several candidates competing in the 3rd, as well as a challenger for Dan Newhouse in the 4th.

No Democrat has represented Eastern or Central Washington since 1994, when Republicans George Nethercutt and Doc Hastings defeated Tom Foley and Jay Inslee. (Inslee later returned to Congress as the representative from one of the state’s western districts, and today, he serves as Governor of Washington.)

Foley was the first and only Washingtonian to serve as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. A statesman, Foley’s legacy is still felt in the district today. Neither Nethercutt nor McMorris Rodgers have come close to representing the district as ably as he once did. But Lisa Brown says that if she’s elected, that is precisely the kind of representation she will provide.

Nationwide polls show that more Americans also disapprove of Trump’s job performance than approve, although the disparity is less pronounced than it is in Democratic-leaning states such as Washington.

Trump compares unfavorably to all of his recent predecessors, who each enjoyed higher approval ratings at this stage of their presidencies than he does.

Senator Maria Cantwell enjoys a robust lead over Susan Hutchison, new NPI poll finds

Maria Cantwell is well positioned to continue on in the United States Senate with seatmate Patty Murray for another six years, a new NPI poll has found.

Six hundred and seventy-five likely Washington State voters were asked earlier this week whether they would vote for Cantwell or probable Republican opponent Susan Hutchison were the election being held today. 52% said they would vote for Cantwell, while only 36% said Hutchison. 12% were not sure.

Hutchison is a former Republican State Party Chair who jumped into the race last week a mere hour and a half before the deadline. In a field packed with twenty-nine challengers to Cantwell, a dozen of whom identify as Republicans, Hutchison is easily the opponent with the most name recognition and the highest profile.

Last year, in June, an NPI poll of eight hundred and eighty-seven likely 2018 Washington State voters found Senator Cantwell with a thirteen point lead over former Republican Attorney General Rob McKenna in a hypothetical matchup. At the time Republicans had not found a candidate to challenge Cantwell, so NPI chose to pit McKenna against Cantwell to test a best-case scenario for Republicans.

As expected, Hutchison fares worse than McKenna.

QUESTION: If the election for U.S. Senate were held today and the candidates were Democrat Maria Cantwell and Republican Susan Hutchison, who would you vote for?


  • Maria Cantwell: 52%
  • Susan Hutchison: 36%
  • Not sure: 12%

Our survey of six hundred and seventy-five likely 2018 Washington State voters was in the field May 22nd-23rd, 2018. The survey used a blended methodology with automated phone calls to landlines and online interviews of cell phone only respondents. The poll was conducted by Public Policy Polling for NPI, and has a margin of error of +/- 3.8% at the 95% confidence level.

As we can see, Cantwell has a robust lead over Hutchison. Her level is support is practically identical to where it was last year, but the number of undecided voters is double the size of what we saw in the hypothetical matchup with McKenna.

We all know that elections can be unpredictable, and the only poll that truly matters wraps up on Election Day. However, looking back at Cantwell’s performance in past surveys suggests she will be extremely hard to beat in the November election.

Six years ago, when Cantwell last sought reelection, four surveys taken in the first seven months of 2012 consistently put her support at around 51%. Two were conducted by NPI’s pollster, while two were conducted by SurveyUSA.

PollsterDate of pollSampleMoECantwellBaumgartnerUndecided
Survey USAJanuary 12–16, 2012617±4.0%50%41%8%
Public Policy PollingFebruary 16–19, 20121,264±2.76%51%36%13%
Public Policy PollingJune 14–17, 20121,073±3.0%51%35%14%
Survey USAJuly 16–17, 2012630±4.0%51%40%9%

In her last campaign, Cantwell went on to win by a double-digit margin, securing 60.45% of the vote statewide, while Bumgartner obtained only 39.55%.

Democrats have consistently won U.S. Senate races in Washington State for over two decades, with 1994 being the last year the state elected a Republican.

“Senator Cantwell appears well positioned to earn another term representing Washingtonians in the U.S. Senate this year,” NPI’s founder and Executive Director Andrew Villeneuve said after the survey’s return from the field.

“In her last two campaigns, she dispatched her Republican opponents with ease. At this juncture, we have no reason to believe that Susan Hutchison will be a stronger challenger than either Mike McGavick or Michael Baumgartner.”

“Susan Hutchison’s deficit now, according to our research, is identical to Michael Baumgartner’s deficit at about this time in 2012 – it’s a sixteen point gap.”

“We know Senator Cantwell went on to secure her biggest victory ever just a few months later. With 2018 shaping up to be a wave year for Democrats, we’ll be curious to see if Senator Cantwell can top her showing from 2012, and attain a new personal best in a federal contest.”

Susan Hutchison’s absurd bashing of Maria Cantwell shows how Trumplike she’s become

Nine years ago, when Susan Hutchison was running for King County Executive, she did her best to portray herself as a reasonable Republican capable of governing Washington’s largest jurisdiction. Notably, the former KIRO 7 anchor took positions opposing Tim Eyman’s job-killing I-1033 and supporting an “Approve” vote on the state’s everything-but-marriage law, which expanded civil unions.

She didn’t win, but she certainly made an effort to pitch herself to Democratic-leaning and biconceptual voters during that campaign, even securing the endorsements of Democratic officeholders Brad Owen and Brian Sonntag.

Since being routed by current King County Executive Dow Constantine (who won a third term last autumn with token opposition), Hutchison has dropped any pretense of being a reasonable, respectable, likable Republican in the mold of Dan Evans or John Spellman. As the Chair of the Washington State Republican Party, she fully embraced Donald Trump’s racist, xenophobic candidacy, even lashing out at Ted Cruz when he balked at falling in line during the RNC in 2016.

Now, three months after turning over the chairmanship to her deputy Caleb Heimlich, Hutchison has stepped back into the spotlight as a candidate for the United States Senate against Democratic incumbent Maria Cantwell. With less than two hours to go before the close of filing, Hutchison jumped into the race, easily becoming the most recognizable Republican in the thirty candidate field.

Although she did not bother to put up a website or even a tweet announcing her candidacy, she promptly granted interviews to The Seattle Times and KING 5 News, in which she harshly bashed Senator Maria Cantwell while neglecting to lay out any policy positions or priorities for the country. As reported by Jim Brunner:

“I have just been watching the situation and I think that a sitting senator who is known for doing nothing for us does not deserve a fourth term,” Hutchison said in an interview. “She is a fake senator. She is a ghost in the state and in the Senate.”

Hutchison called Cantwell “a leader of the left-wing elite that are destroying our state,” tying her to liberal Seattle politics, such as the city’s recently passed “head tax” on larger businesses.

Asked about what federal issues she disagreed with Cantwell on, Hutchison returned again to Seattle politics, saying, “Seattle is a symbol of the left-wing elite” and that she would put out issue papers on “a lot of different subjects.”

It’s pretty evident from this interview and the KING5 interview that Hutchison intends to be a candidate in the mold of Donald Trump, her idol. That means we can expect a campaign consisting of outrageous lies and derogatory insults.

That is not the kind of campaign that Washingtonians expect or deserve.

Hutchison’s opening attacks on Cantwell are not only demonstrably false, but laughably inconsistent. How can Cantwell be “destroying our state” if she is a “fake” and a “ghost” who is “doing nothing for us” — as Hutchison also says?

It appears that Hutchison now aspires to do what Trump did — get elected to high office despite never previously having held office using bluster, bravado, and innuendo. But Donald Trump did not win in Washington in 2016, nor did the Republican Party’s candidates for governor or U.S. Senator, despite Hutchison’s claims that Republicans would be competitive in the state.

And last year, under Hutchison, the Washington State Republican Party lost big again when Democratic rising star Manka Dhingra handily defeated Jinyoung Lee Englund in the 45th Legislative District, destroying a five-year Republican majority in the Washington State Senate. Within weeks of that loss, Hutchison had resigned her post. Now she’s signing up for another fight she seems destined to lose.

If Hutchison truly believes that Maria Cantwell is a fake and a ghost who hasn’t done anything for Washington State, then she is an ignoramus. I know of few elected leaders who work harder for their constituents than Maria Cantwell. She is committed to providing excellent representation for every community in Washington, and she proves it every day through her actions.

It is Senator Cantwell that we have to thank for the construction of a new coastal radar on Langley Hill near Westport in Grays Harbor County, which has been a massive boon to weather forecasting in Washington State.

It is Senator Cantwell we have to thank for getting more bomb-sniffing dog teams in place at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, which is rapidly becoming one of the nation’s busiest airports, to cut down on security checkpoint wait times.

It is Senator Cantwell we have to thank for the introduction of the Comprehensive Addiction Reform, Education, and Safety (CARES) Act, which her office says would hold opioid manufacturers accountable for aggressive and misleading advertising, negligent distribution practices. The bill has been endorsed by thirty-nine Attorneys General, including Republicans as well as Democrats.

It is Senator Cantwell we have to thank for the passage of S. 346, the National Volcano Early Warning and Monitoring System Act, which she cosponsored. Cantwell says the bill — prime sponsored by Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and cosponsored by Mazie Hirono of Hawaii — will improve the nation’s volcano monitoring and early warning capabilities and strengthen existing monitoring systems, including the Cascades Volcano Observatory in Washington and Oregon.

It is Senator Cantwell that we have to thank for the downfall of SOPA and PIPA, two horrible anti-Internet bills that the MPAA was trying to jam through Congress several years ago. Along with Ron Wyden of Oregon, Cantwell was among the first to declare her opposition to the infamous aforementioned bills that led to an unprecedented blackout by major websites in January of 2012.

It is Senator Cantwell that we have to thank for the Senate’s recent vote in favor of Net Neutrality. Cantwell, a recognized expert and leader on technology issues, worked with colleagues like Ed Markey and Jeff Merkley to secure the necessary votes to pass the resolution repudiating Ajit Pai’s FCC for abolishing the landmark Open Internet Order of 2015. Cantwell delivered one of the most substantive speeches in favor of Internet freedom during the debate over the resolution.

It is Senator Cantwell we have to thank for watchdogging the problems caused by unchecked media consolidation and anticompetitive mergers — a set of issues that very few elected leaders choose to educate themselves about or work on. Except for New Mexico’s Tom Udall, no U.S. Senator keeps a closer eye on the shenanigans currently going on at Ajit Pai’s FCC than Maria Cantwell.

She doesn’t let up, as we can see from these news releases:

It is Senator Cantwell we have to thank for protecting the Arctic Refuge from being destroyed by greedy oil profiteers. When the Bush administration tried to open the Refuge to drilling in 2005, Cantwell successfully led a filibuster that kept the oil rigs out. Sadly, the Republicans got a provision in the Trump tax scam bill that opens the Refuge to drilling, but the battle to protect the Refuge isn’t over.

It is Senator Cantwell we have to thank for going to bat for Snohomish County ratepayers before, during, and after the Enron scandal. Senator Cantwell exposed how Enron traders schemed to make money at Washingtonians’ expense.

It is Senator Cantwell we have to thank for organizing elected leaders in our region in opposition to plots by the Bush administration and the Trump regime to privatize the Bonneville Power Administration — a disastrous idea that would jack up electricity rates for people and businesses all over the Northwest.

And it is Senator Cantwell we have to thank for an incredibly long list of investments in essential public services like mass transit, affordable housing, and firefighting in the omnibus appropriations bill adopted by Congress earlier this spring, along with the expansion of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC).

Thanks to Senator Cantwell, we got an appropriations bill that:

  • Provides major increase in wildfire fighting funding
  • Provides major increase in opioid and mental health funding
  • Provides two years of funding for Secure Rural Schools
  • Bolsters federal cybersecurity efforts to block Russian hacking
  • Increases funding for airport improvement program
  • Increases funding for freight and transportation infrastructure
  • Boosts rural broadband development
  • Saves Land and Water Conservation Fund and increased funding
  • Protects the EPA from a 30% cut
  • Prioritizes Hanford Funding
  • Accelerates new icebreaker
  • Increases medical research funding
  • Closes loopholes in federal firearms background checks
  • Remedies retirement pay gap for Coast Guard members

Affordable housing advocates know that Senator Cantwell is a champion that we can count on. Cantwell has worked tirelessly to find money to house our nation’s people and our state’s people. She is incredibly persistent. (One of the projects she got funded will be built right here in Redmond, NPI’s headquarters and hometown.)

This list could go on, and on, and on.

Point is, Senator Cantwell has represented Washington for nearly eighteen years with distinction. She cares about every community in the Evergreen State, which is why she visits all thirty-nine counties when she campaigns for reelection.

Even Republicans should be able to appreciate how hard she has worked for Washingtonians. And I have no doubt that many Republican mayors, city councilmembers, and county commissioners quietly do.

But Susan Hutchison? If you ask me, she has no honor. She is not qualified for this important position. She is not a worthy opponent for Maria Cantwell.

She has chosen to launch her campaign — if it can be even be called that — by trying to project herself onto her opponent using Trumpian style attacks.

So much for civility. Susan Hutchison makes Mike McGavick look like a saint.

Fake, ghost, and do-nothing wannabe officeholder are all phrases that could describe Hutchison quite well. As a former party chair, she knows how to serve red meat to her base. The Trump-loving Republican faithful will be happy to support Hutchison’s Senate bid — but they are not a majority in Washington State.

Book Review: Read “Inventing Ourselves” to learn about the latest brain science research

Getting older is a bizarre experience.

When we’re young, we are, understandably, not very good at anticipating the sort of person we’ll one day become; only in hindsight do we realize that.

More surprising, or at least challenging to our sense of continuity, is that once through the veil of maturity, we’re just as poor at retrospection. It’s as if we’re reincarnated with mostly vague recollections of our previous life — we retain something of before, but we’re no longer the same person.

Cognitive neuroscientist Sarah-Jayne Blakemore’s book Inventing Ourselves is a fascinating examination of what recent decades of technological progress and investigation have shown us about the teenage brain. 

In a slender 202 pages, Blakemore’s brisk but never insubstantial-seeming summary of her own work and that of many other researchers demonstrates the way in which adolescence is not just a useful marketing term or otherwise peculiar Western European sociological invention: it’s a profoundly distinct biological — and specifically neurological —period that humans and related mammals experience.

Inventing Ourselves by Sarah Jayne Blakemore

Inventing Ourselves by Sarah Jayne Blakemore (Hardcover, PublicAffairs)

Technology has increased such that we can see the equivalent of high definition photos of how the brain looks while resting, as well as capture what it is doing performing specific tasks, and now has been going on long enough to compare the same individuals as they age.

Blakemore, a professor of cognitive neuroscience at University College London, did her doctorate at its Functional Imaging Lab and writes with the expectation that you know nothing about the way the brain functions, or at least with the presumption that it’s been a few years since last you learned of amygdalas, grey matter, and action potential.

It wasn’t necessarily a mistake to assume that readers curious about the way the teenage brain works picked up the book with no prior knowledge, but some of the particulars she includes, like London cab drivers or Phineas Gage and his skull-splitting tamping rod, are already staples so might be tedious.

Therefore, before getting into any of this, Blakemore wisely hooks you with some stories about her own life and adolescence.

Her brief, unassuming account of what it was like to grow up the child of a neurobiologist targeted by animal rights activists — whatever the scientific value, sewing shut the eyelids of newborn kittens was, in terms of public relations, perhaps the worst choice possible by her father — is immediately engaging in its own right but also illustrative of many of the themes she develops later.

Blakemore was actually not so afraid of the physical danger of mobs shouting outside her house or vandalizing their property as she was worried of police trailing her walk to school in their squad car.

Eventually, someone did indeed mail a pipe-bomb to their house that she nearly opened by mistake and may have killed her; however, she had only been mortified that her peers would think less of her because of all the attention.

She wasn’t exceptional.

Blakemore relates how researchers have been able to demonstrate in quantifiable ways how peer-opinion matters to adolescents and changes their behavior.

For example, teens (13-16) are not any more prone to risky speeding through stoplights than young adults (17-24) or adults (25+) so long as they’re driving alone. But put friends in the vehicle, too, and teens start getting into crashes much more frequently than young adults and older adults, who show no change.

While that particular example was a simulation, I was more surprised than I should have been that laws limiting young drivers and the types of passengers they can have a demonstrable justification.

If you’re like me, of course, you may have reacted with the equivalent of crossing your arms and skeptically hmphing, “Well how do we know this isn’t all just a result of the way we’re socializing children and teens?”

Blakemore did, of course, anticipate that, and includes examples of research such as how during their thirty-day period of adolescence, young mice will drink no more alcohol than adult mice if on their own but will tend to imbibe more generously when surrounded by others of their same cohort.

So we know that young mice, too, can be worryingly social drinkers under peer pressure! Which, by the way, is a much easier sell to the public when it comes to animal testing than something out of a lesser Saw series film.

She also talks about how brains aren’t this or that so much as they’re constantly becoming, especially in childhood and adolescence but even as adults.

Blakemore compares young minds to a startup company that hires tens of thousands of people before ultimately laying off the workers that show least activity.

This does, perhaps, fit too neatly into my expectations of why progressive policies are practically useful as well as ethically beneficial, but it’s nice to know evidence is there instead of wishful thinking. The target audience of this book is surely parents of children about to enter or amid their teenage years, but it’s a useful primer for all those who have to interact with that age.

To adults, a sensible anti-drinking campaign might be based on the life-or-death consequences of drunk driving or on chronic liver damage.

Thirteen year olds, though, may not believe that or care if they’re going to live that long anyway, so a message focusing on how being out-of-control intoxicated can make you subject to ridicule or do things you regret that ruin your relationships might actually be more impactful.

When your brain is wired for in-group approval, someone’s sage advice like, “Don’t give in to peer pressure” is a bit like hearing, “Just don’t breathe so much.”

This is the time that we are willing to try more risks because we’re discovering what sort of person we want to be, what we enjoy doing, and who we want to do those things with. You have to remember that you’re not talking to a child or to a little adult but something distinct, temporary, and wonderful.

It’s a tiny book, one you can get through it in an afternoon. But if you’re on the fence, watch her TED Talk to get an outline first. If you’re at all interested in learning more, I highly recommend picking this up.

Jan Angel drops reelection bid; Democrats ready to pick up 26th LD with Emily Randall

Yesterday, incumbent Republican Senator Jan Angel (R-26th District: Gig Harbor, Kitsap Peninsula) rocked the Washington State political landscape when she unexpectedly dropped her state Senate reelection bid, handing Democrats a prime pickup opportunity in a cycle that is expected to be difficult for Republicans.

Angel has represented the 26th District for almost five years, since defeating her predecessor Nathan Schlicher in a November 2013 special election.

Now Democrats feel they stand an even better chance of recapturing the seat once held by Schlicher and U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer.

The Democratic Party’s candidate is Emily Randall, a community organizer and healthcare advocate with deep roots in the district.

“I believe that more unites us than divides us and am frustrated by partisan politicians who lack the courage to do what’s right for our community. I’m running for State Senate because I know we have the resources and tools to address our most pressing issues – we just need to elect a leader with the conviction to put people first,” said Randall in a news release earlier this week.

The Senate hopeful was raised on the Kitsap Peninsula in Port Orchard where both her parents were union workers; her father was a longtime shipyard worker and her mother a paraeducator at South Kitsap High School. She was the first of her family to earn a four-year bachelor’s degree. After graduating, she dedicated herself to serving others and advancing the cause of healthcare for women.

Most recently, she served as the Western Region’s Philanthropy Officer for Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

As a state legislator, Randall says her priorities would be strengthening our schools, promoting affordable college, making apprenticeship and job training opportunities available to more people, and expanding access to healthcare.

The 26th District spans the southeastern part of the Kitsap Peninsula, stretching from Bremerton and Port Orchard in the north to Gig Harbor in the south.

Since Jan Angel has opted not to seek reelection, Randall is now a contender for an open seat. Angel has thrown her support to Marty McClendon, the Pierce County Republican chairman and perennial candidate.

McClendon previously sought this very seat eight years ago, but was easily defeated by Derek Kilmer. In 2014, McClendon challenged Kilmer again, but this time for U.S. Representative in the 6th Congressional District. As before, Kilmer prevailed easily.

In 2016, McClendon vied with Democratic State Senator Cyrus Habib to become Washington State’s Lieutenant Governor. Habib won, 54.39% to 45.61%.

McClendon and Randall will be competing with independent Bill Scheidler this summer to advance to the November general election.

Former Republican State Party Chair Susan Hutchison files to run against Maria Cantwell

With less than an hour and a half to go until the close of Filing Week 2018, former Republican State Party Chair Susan Hutchison has filed to run against incumbent Democratic United States Senator Maria Cantwell — we presume with the backing of the state party organization she was previously in charge of.

Hutchison joins an extremely crowded field that includes a whopping twenty-eight other challengers to Cantwell… more than a dozen of whom identify as Republicans.

Cantwell is seeking a fourth term in the United States Senate this autumn. She was first elected to that position in 2000, when she narrowly defeated entrenched Republican incumbent Slade Gorton. She easily won reelection in 2006 and 2012 over Republican challengers Mike McGavick and Michael Baumgartner.

Republicans have had plenty of time to find a credible candidate to challenge Cantwell and carry their standard in 2018, but they’ve squandered it.

That could explain why more than a dozen different people had filed to take on Cantwell as Republicans prior to Hutchison’s filing a few minutes ago.

It does not look like Hutchison has been undertaking any preparations to enter the race, which promises to be extremely daunting. (Washington State hasn’t elected a Republican to the U.S. Senate since 1994, and 2018 looks like it’ll be a Democratic year). Her website is not operational, and she hasn’t even tweeted about her candidacy yet. Her Twitter biography still refers to her as the “Chairman” of the Washington State Republicans, a position she gave up months ago.

Hutchison became notorious last cycle for her deep embrace of Donald Trump. When it became apparent that Trump was on his way to the nomination, Hutchison enthusiastically hitched her wagon up to his, and became a highly loyal, fawning surrogate. In fact, she became so devoted to Trump that she clashed with Ted Cruz over his failure to fall into line and endorse the nominee at the 2016 RNC.

Prior to becoming Republican State Party Chair, Hutchison ran for King County Executive in 2009 against Dow Constantine. She was trounced, soundly.

(Constantine has since been reelected twice and remains at the helm of the county.)

Hutchison, a former television news anchor, likely has enough name recognition and will probably have enough money by August to beat the other twenty-eight people (so far) who have an ambition to take on Maria Cantwell.

But even if she manages that, Hutchison will head into the November general election at a serious disadvantage. As mentioned, Republicans have not won a U.S. Senate race in Washington State in twenty-four years.

(And that’s not all. They haven’t won a gubernatorial race or secured Washington’s Electoral College votes in almost forty years.)

Are there any Republicans who could take on Cantwell and win in 2018?

Our research suggests not.

Last year, we surveyed over eight hundred likely 2018 Washington voters and asked them whether they would prefer Maria Cantwell or former Attorney General Rob McKenna in a hypothetical matchup. 53% said they would back Cantwell, while only 40% said they would vote for McKenna. McKenna, in our view, would make a much stronger challenger to Cantwell; he would be a top tier recruit.

But even he trails Cantwell by double digits according to our polling. And he doesn’t have the baggage that Susan Hutchison has.

Hutchison’s association with Trump ought to help her push those other Republicans aside — especially if Trump tweets on her behalf from the other coast. But that same association also makes her unelectable in Washington State. It’s hard to imagine an easier mark for the Democrats than the former Republican state party chair.

Torturer Gina Haspel will be installed as new CIA head thanks to renegade Democrats

Despite the opposition of Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona, the United States Senate today voted to confirm torturer Gina Haspel to be the next director of the Central Intelligence Agency, further harming the United States’ international standing and handing Donald Trump another victory.

The vote was 54-44, with several renegade Democrats shamefully voting aye: Mark Warner of Virginia, Bill Nelson of Florida, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Joe Donnelly of Indiana, and Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire. Four represent states that voted for Trump, while two (Warner and Shaheen) represent states that voted for Hillary Clinton.

Shame on each and every of them. With their vote, they have made themselves enablers of the Trump regime and its immoral, irresponsible policies and activities.

One Republican, Rand Paul, refused to support Haspel’s nomination and voted no. Senator John McCain and Senator Todd Young of Indiana were absent. McCain, as mentioned, was also opposed and would not have voted aye had he been there. Democrats thus had the power to stop this nomination in its tracks. Had all the Democratic senators stuck together, Haspel would not have been confirmed today.

But they splintered and the result is that Trump has gotten his pick through.

No Democratic senators from the Pacific Northwest supported Haspel.

Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon deserves our thanks for helping to lead the charge against Haspel’s confirmation. In a powerful, blistering floor speech, he laid out the case against voting for Haspel, which is worth reading in its entirety.

“In our democracy, confirmations are not supposed to take place in secret,” Wyden noted. “Nominees do not get to decide what is and isn’t known about them. But these principles have been thrown out the window.”

“Instead of standing up for the Constitution and for the American people, the Senate is rewarding Gina Haspel and the CIA for this abuse of power.”

“Gina Haspel has openly acknowledged that, as the Acting CIA Director, she is making the decisions about what gets declassified about herself and what does not. It is hard to imagine a more obvious conflict of interest.”

“The CIA, under Ms. Haspel, has also conducted an unprecedented influence campaign to promote her confirmation. This is inappropriate. It is wrong.”

Wyden was joined in his opposition to Haspel by his regional colleagues Patty Murray, Maria Cantwell, Jeff Merkley, and Jon Tester.

“There is no greater or more difficult task than protecting the safety and security of families of our great nation, and for that I am extremely grateful to every member of our intelligence community, including Ms. Haspel, who has spent decades in public service,” said Senator Patty Murray in a statement following the vote.

“However, given her troubling record and a concerning lack of commitment to transparency, I could not support her nomination to lead the CIA.”

“At the start of her nomination process I was deeply troubled by her connection to now-banned torture practices and the subsequent destruction of evidence. Unfortunately, Ms. Haspel failed to convince me during her hearing that she would always choose the path that best reflects our country’s morals and values.”

“Though I was in the minority today, I wish Ms. Haspel the best as she takes on this critically important role. It is essential she leads based on our values, stands up to those who would politicize intelligence or give illegal or immoral orders, and commits to total transparency with Congressional oversight.”

The roll call vote from the Pacific Northwest was along party lines:

VOTING AYE: Republicans Mike Crapo and Jim Risch (ID), Steve Daines (MT), Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski (AK)

VOTING NAY: Democrats Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell (WA), Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley (OR), Jon Tester (MT)

It must be noted that several Democrats from Republican-controlled states did NOT vote for Haspel, notably Claire McCaskill of Missouri and Doug Jones of Alabama. We thank them for their nay votes. History will remember that they voted responsibly against one of the worst nominees for this post this country has ever seen.

Read Patty Murray + Maria Cantwell’s Senate floor speeches in support of Net Neutrality

Editor’s Note: In an important victory for our digital liberties, the United States Senate today voted 52-47 in favor of restoring net neutrality as the law of the land in this country. The action now shifts to the House of Representatives, which would also need to vote in favor of net neutrality to overturn the action taken by Ajit Pai’s FCC. The following are the speeches given by United States Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell in support of a free and open Internet prior to the vote.

Patty Murray’s prepared remarks in support of net neutrality:

Thank you, M. President.

I’m here to lift up the voices of the families I represent in Washington state…

…who, like so many other Americans, agree that the internet should be free and open…

…who agree that our country should support small business owners, entrepreneurs, students and middle class families—NOT big corporations and special interests…

…who agree that consumers — not broadband providers—should get to pick the websites they visit or applications they use…

…who agree the internet should be a level playing field that benefits end users, and not slanted by broadband providers blocking content or charging for prioritized access.

That is why so many of us are on the floor today: to give a voice to the vast majority of Americans who want the internet to remain a place that fosters innovation, economic opportunity, robust consumer choice, and the free flow of knowledge.

M. President, these things aren’t a luxury.

They are what makes American ingenuity possible…

…and as a former preschool teacher, I support net neutrality because it helps the next generation of innovators — our students, especially those in rural and low-income areas.

Schools have worked hard to improve access to high-speed connectivity for all students because they know—from early education, through higher education, and workforce training—students need high-speed internet in order to learn and get the skills they need.

Their teachers need the internet to collaborate with colleagues, access educational materials, help students learn valuable research and internet safety skills, and expand access to a high quality education for students with disabilities and English learners.

Rolling back net neutrality threatens that educational equity and worsens the digital divide.

So let’s protect the free and open internet. Not just for today’s consumers, but for students—the next generation of American innovators.

The choice couldn’t be easier.

Either stand with everyday Americans — or with the massive corporations that have found a new way to make more money off of them.

Thank you, I yield the floor.

Watch this speech on demand.

Transcript of Maria Cantwell’s speech in support of net neutrality:

Mr. President, I thank my colleague from Hawaii and our empathies are with the state of Hawaii as they respond to this volcano eruption. I noticed this morning on the news, they’re referencing it could be as bad as Mount St. Helens, and trust me, that was a devastating impact to our state. So I hope that all federal agencies are helping in any ways we can for Hawaii’s natural disaster.

And thank her for also talking about the importance of net neutrality. I, too, come to the floor to defend the open internet because it is a pro-consumer, pro-innovation rule that we have to build on because it’s worth the 7% of our GDP and 6.9 million jobs. That is what the internet economy is.

Net neutrality that we are fighting for today has four bright lines, four lines that help businesses, helps consumers, and helps our internet economy grow.

They are, don’t block content, don’t throttle content—that is, don’t slow it downs—don’t create paid prioritization.

That’s like saying, in the Burger King ad, if you want the next whopper available, pay $15. I think they did a pretty good job of showing what would happen if you had every business operating that way. And the fourth rule is transparency. Make sure that you know exactly what you’re getting charged for.

The Obama-era federal communications system adopted rules that basically protected consumers and businesses on those four things.

Why did they do that?

Because there were some that were trying to eek their way into making more money off of consumers and businesses on what is basic service. Title 2 was the regulatory framework that the Obama-era FCC used to make sure that consumers were protected, and they were the strongest tools available and helped in making sure there was non-monopolistic behavior that would harm businesses.

So together, the rule that was established by the then-Federal Communications Commission system was an open internet with the FCC being the cop on the beat. That is to say, if you have these rules, you also have to have someone who is going to enforce them. Someone who is going to look at the monopolistic behaviors of cable companies or providers and say, that is unfair to consumers and businesses.

But under the Trump-era FCC, all of those things were thrown out.

And so that is why we’re here today.

Our colleagues are trying to say we want to go back to the protections of the internet that are called net neutrality to make sure that the FCC becomes, instead of a passive entity that just okays every charge that cable companies want to do, instead says, these rules about not slowing down content, not doing monopolistic behavior, these things are wrong and we are going to be the policemen on the beat.

The FCC can protect consumers and innovators and they can make sure that internet traffic does not violate an open internet.

But as I said, the Trump-era FCC is trying to throw out these strong rules and cable companies are already—already—starting to raise prices for higher speed.

In Vancouver, Washington, Comcast recently announced that higher-speed tiers will be available but only to consumers who purchase expensive paid TV bundles.

That’s why we’re here. Because while it sounds like, why do we want to give cable companies the opportunity to throttle or block or create paid prioritization, we also have to realize that today the internet economy is so much bigger than it has ever been, that it is a job creator and an innovator.

In my state, it’s 13% of our economy and thousands of jobs that continue to grow every day as new applications for the internet are created.

It’s so important that businesses who are even using these apps to help run their businesses more efficiently continue to get access to those tools.

But what about an internet that a cable provider decided to artificially slow down that website and thereby creating a disincentive for the very things that are helping to make our businesses more efficient?

So we want to make sure that the FCC does its original job.

What is that?

Well, they are there to promote development and adaptation of communication networks in the public interest. That is, they are serving consumers.

And that is the center of their mission.

The center of their mission should not be serving cable companies, and that is why courts have said to the FCC, if you want to have authority to protect an open internet, you have to do that under Title 2.

Basically, the court explained that enforcing the open internet principles and being a watchdog against abuse is important to the FCC’s mission of promoting and developing and an adoption of communications that’s in the public interest. But that those powers have to flow from Title 2 of the Communications Act.

So that is why the Obama-era FCC adopted those rules.

So today we know that internet is a basic necessity.

It’s the access that helps our health care delivery system work, our education system work, our banking system work, shopping, all sorts of things that make it just a necessary tool in life today. When a service is that essential and critical to individuals and a community and critical to their economic success, we need to make sure that consumers have protections, to make sure that it is not abused.

In the United States, we have just three — well, in the United States, just three providers of internet access have about 70% of the consumers.

In any market with only a few players, it is essential that we protect businesses and consumers, and that is exactly what Title 2 does. It helps protect us from cable company gouging and its close cousin, paid prioritization.

It makes sure that the barriers to entry are not erected so that entrepreneurs or start-ups who want to bring new products to market aren’t artificially slowed down and a larger competitor who can pay more for it can continue the access.

Just recently we had an event with Redfin, someone who is changing the real estate market, a company in the Pacific Northwest, and helping drive down the cost to consumers for real estate purchases. They made it very clear that Redfin was able to develop today because it had an open internet, and its consumers and business partners could connect to it. But under a world where they were just starting over and starting out new and they had to pay for a kind of prioritization to get good broadband service, they may not have been as successful.

So these rules, Title 2, gives expert agencies the tools to look behind the curtain and make sure that cable companies are providing the services that do not violate an open internet. And there is a reason that cable companies don’t want to follow these rules, because they want to make more money.

I get it. They want to make more money.

But I would say that, with 40% of Americans having no choice in who they buy internet services from, we have to be much more vigilant.

These companies have several vertically integrated companies at the top, and they are seeking to amass more and more content. And that could give them the tools again to block content, to slow it down, or to “X” out a competitor if they so choose.

I don’t want to see the FCC sitting on the sidelines and not policing this kind of environment. I know that AT&T now is trying to merge with Time Warner, and these large companies, they want to continue to amass content and to drive the marketplace. But the American consumer’s satisfaction with these big companies is at an all-time low. Do they think that they’re going to do the right thing on their own? Do they think cable companies will do that?

Well, the cable industry ranks at the very bottom of 43 industries in consumer satisfaction. In fact, it has been in the dead-last position for five years. So does the public think that they’re doing the right things when it comes to them or their businesses? I think that that survey says it all. They have great concern.

And what are the reasons that cable companies give for why they don’t want to follow net neutrality rules? [T]hey say, it will hurt their investment in networks.

Well, I guess I’d ask a question — did the Obama-era FCC rules slow down investment? No, it didn’t. Big cable companies continued to make investment in their networks. And the year following the rule that went into place, the entire industry shows that the total capital expenditures increased by more than $550 million above the previous year’s investment.

For example, in the 2017 earnings report, Comcast, the nation’s largest broadband provider, noted that it’s capital expenditures increased 7.5%, $9 billion, and that it continued to make deployment in platforms like the X1 and wireless gateways. Likewise, AT&T spent $22 billion in capital investments, up $20 billion from the previous year. In fact, 2016 represents the industry’s highest single year jump in broadband network investment since 1999.

So the notion that they are somehow going to slow down on investment is just not true. The historic growth came after companies had a full year to digest the impacts of Title 2 and net neutrality rules being put in place by the Obama-era FCC.

So where are we today? Well, these companies continue to make money and they want a free pass on continuing to make more.

That is why our goal is not the profits of big cable companies.

Our goal to make sure that the internet economy continues to grow and the juggernaut of job creation and innovation continues to expand.

We want the internet ecosystem that has doubled as a percentage of GDP from 2007 to 2017 to continue to grow. As I said, in my state it’s about 13% of our state’s economy and I spend practically every day in the United States Senate hearing about another innovation from someone in my state.

It may be the farm economy and more efficient ways to produce product or get product to market or manage their livestock. It might be in telemedicine, in helping someone from one side of the state to the other to get access to care.

It may be as basic as connecting people to their families and loved ones. But it is the internet that we know today and it is so integral to our lives.

Well, I hope that the common sense legislation in front of us, the CRA, which would restore those Obama-era FCC net neutrality rules, passes. I hope that our colleagues will understand that getting exorbitant internet fees from cable providers is not the direction the American people want to go. American entrepreneurs, innovators, and consumers cannot afford to take that hit. What they want to see is an open internet, one that continues to allow so much more of the internet economy to flourish.

Let’s make sure that we say to the FCC, we don’t want you folding or sitting on your hands. We want you to police the internet and we want you to have the rules to do it. That is why we must pass the CRA today and I hope our colleagues on the other side of the aisle will join us because there is just too much at stake in our innovation economy. I thank the President, and I yield the floor.

Watch the speech on demand.

Oregon primary election results: Val Hoyle elected to lead Bureau of Labor and Industries

In a victory for the Democratic Party of Oregon, voters in the Beaver State have decided to keep the office of Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries (which is a nonpartisan position) in progressive hands by electing Val Hoyle.

“I am honored that the voters of Oregon had faith in my message to show up for working people, families and jobs,” Hoyle said following her victory.

“Oregonians have chosen a true champion for workers in Val Hoyle as Labor Commissioner,” said Democratic Chair Jeanne Atkins. “She has a history of standing up for Oregonians and fighting for justice. Despite her opponents’ attempt to smear her character and distort her positions, voters saw through it and chose the best candidate for the seat. I am glad, but not surprised, to see her win outright and look forward to working with her on the campaign trail in the coming months.”

Hoyle had been locked in an unexpectedly close race with Republican Lou Ogden, the mayor of Tulatin, which is a suburb of Portland. But she was able to prevail.

Had Hoyle not garnered more than fifty percent of the vote, the contest would have headed to a runoff. But with a majority secured, the campaign can come to an end.

Incumbent Commissioner Brad Aviakin opted not to seek reelection this year, which meant the position was an open seat. Democrats in Oregon made electing Hoyle a top priority in this month’s primary election, vowing to hold on to the office.

Hoyle, the former Democratic Majority Leader in the Oregon State House of Representatives, left the Legislature last cycle when she ran for Secretary of State. Her campaign was unsuccessful, however, and Lane County Commissioners passed her over when a State Senate vacancy came open in the Eugene area.

But now she is set to represent Oregonians as their Commissioner of Labor and Industries, after having fended off a challenge from Ogden.

Election Night Results for Bureau of Labor & Industries Commissioner

  • Lou Ogden (Supported by the Republican Party: 35.34% (193,615 votes)
  • Val Hoyle (Supported by the Democratic Party): 51.62% (282,802 votes)
  • Jack Howard: 12.66% (69,341 votes)
  • Write-in candidates: 0.39% (2,130 votes)

Total votes: 547,888

All Washington voters to get prepaid postage on their ballot return envelopes in 2018

Washington Governor Jay Inslee and Secretary of State Kim Wyman have cobbled together enough emergency funding to ensure that all counties in Washington State can offer prepaid postage on ballot return envelopes this year, Inslee’s office announced in a press release today.

About $600,000 in funding allocated to the governor’s office by legislators will be paired with another $600,000 from Wyman’s office to cover the costs of waiving the cost of postage for all voters outside of King County.

“In this year’s election cycle, five hundred and ninety-six offices are up for election, including U.S. Senator, all ten of Washington’s congressional representatives, more than one hundred and twenty seats in the Legislature, three state Supreme Court justiceships, more than twenty superior and appeals court judgeships, and four hundred and thirty-eight county and local offices,” noted the press release.

“More voter participation makes for a stronger democracy. Because Washington is a vote-by-mail state, pre-paid postage is one important way we can reduce barriers to casting ballots,” said Inslee. “We’ll be working with legislators to secure ongoing funding, establish a permanent statewide program, and ensure King County is reimbursed for their proactive work on this effort.”

“This is about leveling the playing field and making elections equal for all citizens of Washington State,” said Wyman, who supported the King County measure and has supported statewide ballot postage proposals for a number of legislative sessions.

“I want to thank the governor for his collaboration, and I look forward to working with him to get a bill passed in 2019 to make Washington the first state in America with permanent universal postage-paid voting by mail.”

King County leaders promptly expressed annoyance that the state’s largest jurisdiction will have to ask for reimbursement in 2019 rather than receiving money from the state upfront like the other counties.

“We are proud that our leadership spurred statewide action to increase voting access across Washington,” said Executive Dow Constantine, Councilmember Joe McDermott, and Elections Director Julie Wise in a joint statement.

“However, the decision to exclude King County – and only King County – from the state reimbursement plan for prepaid ballot postage is grossly unfair. We urge state leaders to reconsider. If the state cannot afford to fully reimburse all counties for ballot postage, it should provide the same partial, per voter subsidy statewide.”

“Our 2.2 million residents already fund a disproportionate share of the state’s budget,” the three elected leaders noted. “King County will continue to make voting easier and more accessible, and if needed we will go to the Legislature next year to again seek fair treatment for our residents.”

We understand why King County leaders are annoyed, but to them, we say: This is the price of leadership. King County’s people and elected representatives can be very proud that we forced the state executive department into action by implementing a plan to provide prepaid ballot return envelopes this year.

King County can always go back to the Legislature in 2019 and request reimbursement. A substantial number of Washington’s state legislators are from King County, including the current Speaker of the House, House Majority Leader, House Majority Floor Leader, and Senate Majority Leader.

If Democrats remain in control of both houses, as expected, the chances are excellent such a request would be granted.

What’s important right now is not where the money comes from, but that the money has been found to make this happen. It’s a big deal… it means a major barrier to voting has been finally removed, and on a statewide basis.

Coupled with the Access to Democracy package (which includes the Voting Rights Act, same-day voter registration, automatic voter registration, and preregistration), 2018 will go down in our history books as a watershed year for fairer elections.

Democratic State Party Chair Tina Podlodowski is justifiably thrilled that the voting reforms she campaigned on when she ran for Secretary of State two years ago are being implemented at last. The arrival of Democratic State Senator Manka Dhingra in Olympia was the key to the Access to Democracy package, while King County’s bold leadership was the key to securing prepaid postage for all.

The Trump regime may be producing disastrous policies at the federal level, but progressive ideas are advancing here at the state level.

That’s something to celebrate.

We thank Governor Inslee for saying yes to Wyman’s request for emergency funding, as we asked him to do, and we look forward to helping educate voters that there is no longer a cost associated with returning a ballot through the United States Postal Service. We’ll need legislation in 2019 to make the change permanent. We stand ready to work with Senators Patty Kuderer and Sam Hunt to get it done, along with Representatives Zack Hudgins and Laurie Dolan in the House.

Avalanche of corporate money begins flowing into Washington State initiative campaigns

Serious money is beginning to flow into campaign committees organized in support of — and in opposition to — initiatives that could be destined for the November 2018 general election ballot, reports recently filed with the PDC show.

Last year, for the first time in decades, no statewide initiatives appeared on Washington’s November general election ballot, and 2017 ended up being dominated by local and special elections, particularly the contentious state Senate race in Washington’s 45th Legislative District, won by Manka Dhingra.

But this year, there could be as many as six initiatives on the ballot, depending on what happens in the next few weeks. And that means there could be as many as twelve campaigns (six for, six against) active across the state by summer’s end.

Big money is already flowing into two of them: Initiative 1634 and Initiative 1631.

Initiative 1634, spearheaded by the soft drink industry (Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Dr Pepper Snapple Group, and Red Bull) would bar local jurisdictions in Washington State from levying taxes on soda. Curiously, Seattle’s existing tax on sugary beverages would be allowed to stand, though the city would not be able to raise it further.

The four aforementioned companies have already dumped $1.8 million into the campaign’s coffers to get it started, with Coke responsible for approximately half of that sum and Pepsi responsible for a majority of the other half.

Here’s a summary of Big Soda’s financial activity in support of the campaign:


As you can see, it’s all corporate money. And this is only the beginning. Eight years ago, Big Soda bankrolled Initiative 1107, plowing millions into a campaign to overturn tax increases on soda, bottled water, and chewing gum. They won.

Now they’re back for a second round.

Like in 2010, Big Soda will likely be spending millions upon millions more to peddle this initiative once they’ve purchased a spot on the November ballot for it.

The campaign’s expenditures show that a large number of firms and vendors have already been retained to work on the signature drive, market the initiative to voters during and after the signature drive, or provide legal assistance:

  • Dewey Square Group;
  • AAP Holding Company;
  • MCMI, LLC;
  • The Hicks Group;
  • David Binder Research;
  • Terra Strategies, LLC;
  • Northwest Communications, Inc.;
  • Bluefront Strategies (a division of DDC Advocacy);
  • Desler Communications;
  • TargetPoint Consulting;
  • Nielsen Merksamer Parrinello Gross & Leoni LLP.

The campaign is disingenuously called “Yes! to Affordable Groceries (See Email For Rest of Name)”. And no — I’m not joking — that’s actually what the committee shows up as on the PDC website, as you can see here.

An opposition campaign to Initiative 1634 has yet to form, but one will be needed, because this measure is almost certainly going to qualify.

Meanwhile, Big Oil is getting ready to spend megabucks against Initiative 1631, the Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy-backed measure that aims to put a price on pollution, something that is very necessary and long overdue.

The “NO on 1631 (Sponsored by Western States Petroleum Association)” committee on Thursday collectively reported a quarter of a million dollars in pledges from the companies with major refinery operations in Washington State: Andeavor, BP, Shell, U.S. Oil, and Philips 66. Some of these companies also helped underwrite Tim Eyman’s unconstitutional I-1053 and I-1185 several years ago.

Aside from those pledges, the committee also has $3,794.82 in in-kind contributions from the Western States Petroleum Association.

Contributor nameReceipt dateElectionAmount
ANDEAVOR04/25/2018Full election cycle$35,137.25
BP04/25/2018Full election cycle$85,461.5
CHEVRON CORPORATION04/25/2018Full election cycle$16,529.25
PHILLIPS 6604/25/2018Full election cycle$4,3415
SHELL OIL PRODUCTS, USA04/25/2018Full election cycle$56,826.5
U.S. OIL & REFINING COMPANY04/25/2018Full election cycle$12,630.75

These pledges are merely a harbinger of what is to come. In the end, upwards of $20 million could be spent by the oil companies in an attempt to defeat I-1631.

The campaign in favor of I-1631, which NPI is a part of, has raised $661,951.47 to date, and spent $389,555.77, with about half of its donations coming from The Nature Conservancy. The Washington State Labor Council, Washington Environmental Council, Washington Conservation Voters, and Peter Goldman and Martha Kongsgaard are also major contributors to the campaign.

To be certified for the November 2018 ballot, initiative petitions must contain valid signatures from at least 259,622 registered voters and be submitted no later than 5:00 PM on July 6th, 2018. That’s less than seven weeks from now.

But a signature drive can easily take place within the span of seven weeks when there is plenty of money available to pay workers to circulate petitions.

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