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MediaCrooks 3h
Its a pity Yakub Memon is dead... Else Congress would have ideally preferred him for their VP candidate....
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MediaCrooks 4h
Even these South Africans are nothing less than a lynchmob team.. They have a Sanghi called Keshav Maharaj to destroy England..
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MediaCrooks 4h
Replying to @INCIndia @TimesNow
BCCI is an issue of national security... You expect SC to waste time on these chota-mota matters?
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MediaCrooks 5h
From MKGandhi to this Gopal Gandhi.. all Gandhis ... incl the Chinese Gandhis sympathised or supported Islamic terrorists ..
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Ram Gopal 5h
Gr8 post by : . However much Thugs try, is dying & The Indira trickery won’t work.
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MediaCrooks 5h
Replying to @mediacrooks
I would have to think a vast majority of Bongs are politically very badly ignorant ...
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MediaCrooks retweeted
Patla Aaloo 5h
Replying to @mediacrooks
No sir,Bengal is special, Bengali have amazing political Brain..they elect for 30 year and thn complaint against d party after 30 yrs
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MediaCrooks 6h
"iHATE to VP".... What Venkiah means... "I Humbly Accept This Elevation to VP" ....
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MediaCrooks 6h
One good thing about Venkiah Naidu being nominated VP candidate.. We wont have to suffer him publicly anymore.... ..
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MediaCrooks 6h
All Gandhis are terror supporters and terrorist sympathisers.. This Gopal Gandhi is no different...
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MediaCrooks retweeted
Why is generating more fake news than even any MSM--any target based incentive schemes:)))))))))))))))))) RT
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MediaCrooks retweeted
rishi b 6h
In a few days, even priyanka's children will start calling him pappu mama
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MediaCrooks retweeted
Milan Annaiah 6h
Abdul Karim Telgi( stamp paper scam, convict)is Big money spinner for congress party in Karnataka.
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MediaCrooks 6h
Hahhaha...Pappu stands up to shake hands.. FAbdullah ignores him.. Pappu does a namaste in the air... Really funny..
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rishi b 6h
Video: Rahul Gandhi left embarrassed as his handshake was not returned in parliament
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MediaCrooks retweeted
#Intolerant भारतीय 6h
Despite being reduced to 44 in LS and to only in 5 states, still MANAGES the NARRATIVE. Its Govt's FAILURE👈
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#Intolerant भारतीय 6h
The Art of Monkey-Balancing ... In any situation, Guy can link it to whataboutery plus Gujarat😁 >> <<
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MediaCrooks 6h
Replying to @ndtv @TimesNow and 2 others
For every Akhlaq, Vemula you idiots go "Modi Modi Modi".. Ktaka is Congress-ruled.. DARE TO Q SONIA?
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MediaCrooks retweeted
SandeepLaw 6h
That's strange. Pakistan never shells Muslim Kashmir...also shells only those areas of Jammu border which is Hindu dominated. What's changed
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Category5Moron 6h
Ask Pakistan, your masters
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