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Marketer, Writer, Blogger. Politically Right not Correct. Thrive on Politics, Trivia and Scotch. Nothing official about tweets. Views not of employer or spouse.
GhoseSpot 2m
Replying to @geetapandeyBBC
Message from auto-thieves - we don't discriminate. We are authority agnostic thieves πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
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Surjit Bhalla 13m
Farmer riots, politics; let us debate evidence, not armchair opinions & please no emotional blackmail on suicides
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GhoseSpot 18m
Now that has raised the ante to such levels it'd be interesting to see how the government reacts. A tame retreat will be loss of face.
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GhoseSpot 3h
Epic. No comments. πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
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GhoseSpot 3h
Replying to @Moneylifers
Or, if we have been crawling since birth and forgotten how to walk.
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GhoseSpot 3h
Replying to @aroonpurie
This is the key. Cannot pretend to fight a larger cause with skeletons waiting to tumble out of one's own cupboard.
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Debashis Basu 16h
And if we are in losses forever, how do we stand up ? 😜
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GhoseSpot 11h
Replying to @nandtara @ndcnn
NH was just an examples - if not a ghost a skeleton for sure.
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GhoseSpot 11h
Replying to @nandtara @ndcnn
Standing up to what? Avoiding investigation by building external pressure. Similar to Congress crying political vendetta on NH.
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GhoseSpot 11h
Forget elections. Let Shourie carry 10 MPs with him. His leadership abilities were exposed at Ask .
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GhoseSpot 11h
Replying to @nandtara @ndcnn
More power to Mota-bhai you mean? LOL πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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GhoseSpot 12h
Protest against? If an ex-media entrepreneur like you were raided, you'd get to protest at PCI? Don't recall doing it in 2001.
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GhoseSpot retweeted
Chitra Narayanan 12h
Strangely when Outlook got raided in 2002 there was no hue and cry then
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GhoseSpot 12h
At The Calcutta Club Bar - Barman says from July 1st VAT '69 to be rechristened GST 2017.
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GhoseSpot 14h
Replying to @Law1Leo
Didn't get any..
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GhoseSpot 14h
We should have some mandatory disclosures too. Like Shourie is Suman Dubey's sadu (bro-in-law) and Prannoy Roy - Prakash Karat's.
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GhoseSpot 14h
Wicked !! Which one are you talking of - the one in Lavasa or in Panchmari? LOL.
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GhoseSpot 14h
Shourie's books are another story. To read even his one page articles is a struggle. Wonder how many copies are actually read.
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GhoseSpot 14h
The same holds for false notions of privileges and entitlement too, IMO. Two sides of the same coin. Matter of perspective I guess.
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GhoseSpot 14h
Arun Shourie is a rent-a-cause ranter against BJP.. Desperate for attention. Call him to criticise 's hairstyle and he'll come.
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