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Audio Report: Teachers’ Strike Enters Second Week

In this audio report, we again catch up with Michael, a striking teacher in West Virginia, who is also a member of the Industrial...

Of Iron Fists and Velvet Gloves: The Role of the Democrats

The following piece from the Philadelphia anarchist publication Anathema, discusses immigration, ICE, proto-fascism, and the role of the Democratic Party. On February 8th, Congress passed...

Gun Control: Some Critical Thoughts in a Historical Context

The following essay comes from the Philadelphia anarchist publication, Anathema, and looks at the recent calls for gun control in a historical context. There have...

Disarm the Cops First: Reflections on Narratives of Exceptional and Systematic...

This is a discussion paper written by a member of the Twin Cities General Defense Committee, Local 14. It therefore does not represent the...

Kite Line: Reflections in Defiance: Kites From Florida, Indiana, and Greece

Kite Line is an ongoing anti-prison radio program produced out of Bloomington, Indiana. Listen and Download Here This week is focused on words from prisoners sent...

Toronto: Parkdale Rent Strike Brings Nuspor to the Table

The following is an update on the ongoing rent strike in Toronto, organized by Parkdale Organize. To hear our interview with the group on...

TFN: Fun Control in the United Snakes

The latest episode of the brand new news show. As peeps in the United Snakes struggle through the aftermath of yet another senseless mass...

Montclair, NJ: Taking Action Against Suburban Fascism

The following report was sent anonymously to It's Going Down, which we repost below. On Thursday, February 22nd at 7pm, in so-called Montclair, New...

How To Support and Spread the West Virginia Teachers’ Strike

What follows is a list of resources about how to spread and build the West Virginia Teachers' Strike. The teachers strike in West Virginia is...

The Great and Cowardly Escapes of Richard Spencer

This column, on the eve of #StopSpencer in Michigan, I want to address myself specifically to all the meme frogs. Over the last two years,...

7 Days Out: An Analysis of the West Virginia Strike

What follows is both an update and an analysis of the teachers' strike in West Virginia and its implications. A number of positives have emerged...

Emergent Goods: Update and Collaboration Announcements

An update on Emergent Goods project, which is detailed here. Happy with the replies we’ve gotten from comrades after going public, we would like to...

In the Northwest, People Are Outing Neo-Nazis in Their Neighborhoods

In the last few weeks, antifascists in the Pacific Northwest have begun to out neo-Nazis, Proud Boys, and members of the Alt-Right in their...

Announcing North-Shore.Info in So-Called Ontario

The following is an announcement for a brand new counter-information website, North-Shore.Info, in so-called Southern Ontario, Canada. North Shore Counter-Info is a platform for publishing...

Updated: West Coast J20 Solidarity Tour, March 3rd – 18th

In March, people will hit the road to promote support for J20 defendants across the West Coast. To hear more about the J20 case,...

Bloc Party: Our Neighbors to the North Part II

Last week we shared an overview of the history of Canadian prisons and the resistance to them. We're excited to share an interview with...

Field Report: That Time We Shut Down Patriot Front By Going...

What follows is a report from antifascists in Boston, who coordinated across the city to quickly take down Patriot Front flyers. So, Patriot Front, those...

San Francisco: Hipster Border Patrol Agent Book Talk Shut Down

What follows is a report from antiracists in the bay area of California, who took part in a disruption of a talk promoting a...

Updates on the Mass Mobilization against Richard Spencer on March 5th

The following is an update on logistics and support for the upcoming mobilization to oppose Richard Spencer and his neo-Nazi followers who will be...

RAM & Kurdish Group Coordinates Actions in Solidarity with Afrin

The following statement and video from the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM) is in solidarity with the ongoing struggle to defend Afrin and the revolutionary...

Week of Action Against Bayou Bridge Pipeline Kicks Off

The Bayou Bridge pipeline is a project being financed and carried out by the notorious polluter and pipeline spiller, Energy Transfer Partners (ETP), and...
The following piece from the Philadelphia anarchist publication Anathema, discusses immigration, ICE, proto-fascism, and the role of the Democratic Party. On February 8th, Congress passed a budget bill to end the government shutdown that did not include protections for DACA recipients. This budget would not have been possible without Democratic...
The following comes from anarchist prisoner Eric King and details sexual assault and malpractice from a nurse in the facility where he is imprisoned. Eric King support crew: We would like to say this situation is representative of a bigger problem within the BOP. There was recent information that has...
The following is an update on the ongoing rent strike in Toronto, organized by Parkdale Organize. To hear our interview with the group on our podcast, here. Late last week rent strikers at 1251 King received notice from their landlord, Nuspor Investments, requesting a meeting to settle the strike. Last...
The following report was sent anonymously to It's Going Down, which we repost below. On Thursday, February 22nd at 7pm, in so-called Montclair, New Jersey (colonized Lenni-Lenape land), the Montclair Republican Club hosted Murray Bessette from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation to speak about "putting an end to...
The following piece from the Philadelphia anarchist publication Anathema, discusses immigration, ICE, proto-fascism, and the role of the Democratic Party. On February 8th, Congress passed a budget bill to end the government shutdown that did not include protections for DACA recipients. This budget would not have been possible without Democratic...
The following essay comes from the Philadelphia anarchist publication, Anathema, and looks at the recent calls for gun control in a historical context. There have been so many mass shootings in recent years that they rarely get national coverage unless they set a new record, precedent, or it is a...