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Jeff Probst
Jeff Probst Jun 11
Looked who stopped by on a break from Awesome day in Fiji!
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Jeff Probst May 24
It's here! The 34th finale of Survivor! So excited to share it with you guys. It's a great finish to a great season!
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Jeff Probst May 18
Hey Survivor fans, send any Q's for Survivor: Game Changes live reunion show and we'll try to get to them!
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Jeff Probst May 17
What up Survivor fans! Penultimate episode tonight! Sets up a huge finale next week! What a fun season! Enjoy !!
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Jeff Probst Apr 17
Replying to @ColeCrockett24
I can't resist a son wanting to wish his dad happy birthday! And a Survivor fan as well! Happy 60th to your pop!
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Jeff Probst Apr 16
What's better on Easter, than a Survivor easter egg!! It's not much but just sharing from the jungle.
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Jeff Probst Apr 16
Some of you are asking about the interview, I did post last night but here it is again!
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Jeff Probst Apr 15
For anyone who is interested in more on the Zeke story, interview with re the entire situation --
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Jeff Probst Apr 12
Just posted. here is in his own words. It's quite a story. Definitely worth a read.
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Jeff Probst Apr 12
For more insight into tonight's Survivor tribal council -- my Q/A with
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Jeff Probst Apr 12
our hope is that this emotional and powerful conversation will bring awareness and understanding…and ultimately effect change.
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Jeff Probst Apr 12
Zeke’s ability to remain composed, strong and yet still compassionate, despite the very vulnerable situation was exemplary.
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Jeff Probst Apr 12
I am reading all of your reactions to tonight’s tribal council. has been an amazing partner through all of this.
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Jeff Probst Mar 9
Thank you for watching Survivor LIVE last night -- we were the "most watched show of the night" thanks to you. Not bad after 17 years!
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Jeff Probst Mar 8
Thank you to everybody for tonight! What a fun night for me to just read and not post any spoilers! ha! is ON!
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Jeff Probst Mar 8
Replying to @WantDDUBLovin
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Jeff Probst Mar 8
Replying to @Mumkey_Jones
ha... sorry. but it's so fun...
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Jeff Probst Mar 8
ah you'd hate it... BUFF! RT @andreasboehIkes: ill sleep there if you give me a buff
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Jeff Probst Mar 8
Replying to @kiwimeSarah
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Jeff Probst Mar 8
show down is on.... tribal council....
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