Patrick Ness


Author of The Rest of Us Just Live Here, More Than This, A Monster Calls, Chaos Walking, others! Runner of marathons, Eater of doughnuts.

Csatlakozott 2010. december

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  1. I'm at the tonight! It's a BIG room, the Guildhall, so you can still get tickets See you there.

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  2. Do you think the Shire has an equestrian team called the Hobbit Trots?

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  3. So, who's frightened that Boehner was forced out because he wasn't conservative *enough*? Yeah, this next year's gonna be fun.

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  4. I mean, I'm "from" a lot of places, but I was actually born in Virginia. So there.

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  5. I'll also be visiting there in November I'm even from Virginia. It's a homecoming!

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  6. Virginians! Loudoun County's made A Monster Calls their 1book1community read They're giving away 13,000 copies! Wow.

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  7. retweetelte

    My brother's a youth worker & is crowdfunding a trip to Calais to help youngsters. Could you RT please?

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  8. Is Alien: Paradise Lost the reason John Boehner resigned?

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  9. God, don't you hate finishing off Friday with a bad session of writing? Bleurgh.

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  10. retweetelte

    used my favourite hobby (painting ((next to reading, obviously)) to make my favorite trilogy into art.

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  11. retweetelte

    Teen & YA Bookclub: Thurs 1st October 4.30pm-5.30pm. We'll be discussing The Rest of Us Just Live Here by the wonderful .

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  12. The more I listen to and The Standing Band's album, the more I think it's my favourite of this year. Yeah.

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  13. retweetelte

    High praise indeed!

  14. retweetelte

    Dogs understand kissing like Morrissey understands sex.

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  15. retweetelte
    szept. 25.

    my 12 year old daughters walks in with red weepy eyes. "I see you are finished with A Monster Calls"?" "Yep." She sniffs.

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  16. Musical equivalent of the apocalypse: Nick Cave's Hiding All Way. 5 evil minutes then the most hair-raising eruption in all of rock. Shivers

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  17. retweetelte

    What the fuck is this supposed to mean?

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  18. retweetelte

    Before there was an Internet, how did authors subject themselves to a constant barrage of wearying criticism?

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  19. retweetelte

    .'s is 1 of our best YA books this autumn!

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  20. retweetelte

    Thank you for a fantastic evening, the feedback has been amazing. Also to for hosting.

    angol nyelvről fordította a

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