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Linda Gartz Feb 27
Kaiser Wilhelm II brought my grandmother to America on 9-26-1911. It’s the first photo in my book, , about our family’s lives and the racial changes on ’s West Side.
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Lally Brown Feb 23
Fascinating TRUE stories Living with a in exile British Virgin Islands
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Suzanna Burke Feb 19
"Empty Chairs." I hit the streets running at the age of eleven. The streets were safer than the hell that was home. I never knew what it was to be a child. It's time to talk!
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Laura Stanfill Feb 27
This announcement has been months in the making. Forest Avenue has acquired its first memoir, THIS PARTICULAR HAPPINESS by , and we can't wait to share it with you!
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#SuzyDavies, Author. Feb 23
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Josh Sabarra Feb 27
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Stephanie Collins Feb 25
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Tamara Ferguson Feb 23
☁☁☁ & Self Discovery While Searching For ❦JOHARI'S WINDOW
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Tamara Ferguson 13h
@TheTealWarrior TALES FROM THE TEAL WARRIOR Spouses EACH Battle Cancer
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Stephanie Collins 9h
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Eichin Chang-Lim 14m
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C.J. Peterson Feb 26
“Can Scarlett tell I escaped insanity to be here?"~ “Ms. Cheevious in Hollywood” the by is so much fun..
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Brigid P. Gallagher Feb 23
A unique self help and travel memoir
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Tor-Mentorship Feb 21
Just hit send on a query to an agent. Actual footage of me for the next month:
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Christine Mounts 7m
In a place where we just want to be comfortable, it feels good to just forego the hospital gown fashion (although I favor athletic warm-ups anyway, and certainly when I’m in the room). It’s a small thing, but then again, the small things
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Jen Chen-Tran Feb 23
One week until Cori Salchert’s memoir I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER will be on the shelves. This book was a labor of love made possible through Cori’s love for children who may die at any minute. I’m humbled to be part of the journey.
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Kathleen Harryman 1h
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Stephanie Collins 4h
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Stephanie Collins 4h
Excited and Honored to be named a Rave Reviews Book Club Book of the Month! Thank you so much, ! RRBC Amazon Website Trailer
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Ken Fry 5h
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