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Penny Parkes Feb 22
Less than 2 years ago I would count down the days until my favourite authors' new books came out - I still do - but this year, here I am sitting shoulder to shoulder with both & & in hardback no less...
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AlfredBill Feb 24
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Peter James 11h
Very excited for the - one of the very best festivals in the world - they have great audiences and a terrific mix of ! This year is the tenth anniversary of the and I feel very honoured to be invited back for the third time.
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Book Squirrel Feb 24
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Cindy Irish 8h
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AlfredBill Feb 24
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Stephen Aryan Feb 23
If you've read a book and you enjoyed it do the author a favour and leave them a review on Goodreads or Amazon. It can really help.
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Too True Fun Facts 40m
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Scott Matthews Feb 24
question for writing episodic (serialized) you like to wrap things up each 'episode', or leave a nice cliffhanger?
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Elisa Piccinelli Feb 23
I have to grow a thicker skin before publishing. Some people are so mean towards especially the self published ones! When I really hate a book I say it diplomatically because I know there’s a real person behind the pages.
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Bianca Bowers Feb 22
Another reading from my poetry book, “Love Is A Song She Sang From A Cage”. This and order readings can be found on my (undersubscribed 😿) YouTube channel. No pressure..😸 💋
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BIM - Believe In ME Feb 24
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Matthew King Feb 24
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Alison Editor Feb 22
, or , are you looking for the perfect ? Contact Alison's Editing Service for a sample edit. Now taking bookings for
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Titan InKorp Feb 20
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Helen Lewis LitPR Feb 19
Tonight I launched The Literally Agency and I get to unveil this beautiful logo design. I’m so excited about the future!
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BookViral 2h
The best book reviews are the ones which get inside the authors head
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Maddison Michaels 15h
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AlfredBill Feb 18
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