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Republican strategist Rick Wilson on Tuesday assailed Donald Trump’s son-in-law and top aide Jared Kushner, scorching the “corrupt, entitled snake” whose “stench of venality and desperation hangs around him like stripper perfume.”

Father of Parkland student admits to doctoring emails after son falsely claimed CNN scripted gun town hall

Glen Haab, the father of Colton Haab, admitted on Tuesday that he doctored emails between his son and CNN in an effort to convince people the network told the Marjory Stoneman High School junior what to say during a live town hall last week.

Hope Hicks admitted to Congress she has to lie for Donald Trump in her role as communications director: report

During a closed-door hearing before the House Intelligence Committee, White House communications director and longtime Donald Trump aide Hope Hicks on Tuesday acknowledged she occasionally lies for the president.

Trump’s HUD to spend $165k on ‘lounge furniture’ in addition to the $31k doled out for Ben Carson’s dining room

The US Department of Housing is spending $165,000 on “lounge furniture,” which does not include a $31,000 dining set procured for Ben Carson.

New Mueller bombshell hints that Rick Gates may have delivered the goods in Trump-Russia probe

The office of special counsel Robert Mueller has now proposed dropping charges against former Trump campaign aide Rick Gates.

REVEALED: Mueller is probing Trump’s financial ties to Russia as he weighed his presidential run

Special counsel Robert Mueller is now investigating President Donald Trump’s pre-2016 business and financial ties to Russia — and is looking specifically at the time leading up to when he decided to run for president.

Pennsylvania dad shocked his kids with dog collars and stuck needles under their nails in horrific child abuse case

A Pennsylvania man has plead guilty to horrific abuse of his family. Joseph K. Myhre will spend 20 to 40 years in jail for crimes that the prosecutor called “the worst domestic-violence case” in the recent history of Montgomery County.

Man who told Papadopoulos that Russia had dirt on Hillary has vanished — leaving his fiancee and child behind

Joseph Mifsud, the professor who allegedly told former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos that Russia had obtained leaked emails related to Hillary Clinton, has completely vanished — and even his fiancee can’t find him.

Four more Trump administration employees just lost their jobs because they couldn’t pass background checks

Employees of Donald Trump’s Commerce Department lost their jobs Tuesday because they couldn’t pass background checks to obtain permanent security clearance.

Trump reelection campaign manager Brad Pascale exposed in penny-stock scandal: report

The campaign manager of President Donald Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign has close financial ties to a penny-stock firm with a top executive who was caught in an FBI bribery sting and pleaded guilty to securities fraud.

Ben Carson spent $31K on a dining set after cutting HUD’s homeless housing budget

The Department of Housing and Urban Development spent $31,561 on to spruce up the dining room in Secretary Ben Carson’s office.

Hope Hicks refused to answer questions about her role in Trump Tower meeting coverup: House intel Dem

During her testimony before the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday, White House communications director Hope Hicks reportedly refused to answer questions about her role in the initial misleading explanation for a 2016 meeting between Trump campaign team and Russian operatives.