Posts Tagged abortion


Abortion Coverage Restriction Threatens Obamacare Funding

Republican Congress members are attempting to restrict abortion access by introducing language in a federal bill that would block funding to private insurance companies if they provide abortion coverage. 

Republican Congress members are attempting to restrict abortion access by introducing language in a federal bill that would block funding to private insurance companies if they provide abortion coverage. 


Dear New York Times: Emergency Contraception is Not Abortion

This week, the New York Times published an article hand-wringing over declining fertility rates in America, which it blames over in part on access to birth control. Here’s the problem: it included a parenthetical falsely suggesting that using emergency contraception, like Plan B, causes abortion. Spoiler alert — it doesn’t.

This week, the New York Times published an article hand-wringing over declining fertility rates in America, which it blames over in part on access to birth control. Here’s the problem: it included ...

House Judiciary Committee Holds Hearing On U.S. Refugee Admissions Program

Meet the Man Trying to Force Undocumented Women to Reverse Their Abortions

After months of doing everything in its power to prevent several undocumented women from accessing abortion, news has broken that Trump’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) discussed “reversing” a young woman’s abortion using a procedure unsupported by science. The driving force behind the administration’s torture of traumatized young refugees seeking necessary reproductive care? Scott Lloyd, ORR director.

After months of doing everything in its power to prevent several undocumented women from accessing abortion, news has broken that Trump’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) discussed “reversing” a young woman’s abortion using a procedure ...

"Feminists Against Borders" by UK Feminist Fight Back

John Kelly, Jane Doe, and Sacred White Womanhood

This past week has proven, yet again, that Republicans’ purported concern for the “sacredness of life” doesn’t actually extend to people of color, immigrants, or poor people. It’s also shown how far some liberal feminists still have to go in understanding just how central patriarchal rhetoric and policies are to U.S. foreign and domestic policy.

This past week has proven, yet again, that Republicans’ purported concern for the “sacredness of life” doesn’t actually extend to people of color, immigrants, or poor people. It’s also shown how far ...

Daily Feminist Cheat Sheet

Not this again: The Trump administration is preparing to direct Justice Department resources away from civil rights and towards investigating and suing universities whose affirmative action admissions policies are deemed to discriminate against white applicants.

Not this again: The Trump administration is preparing to direct Justice Department resources away from civil rights and towards investigating and suing universities whose affirmative action admissions policies are deemed to discriminate against white applicants.


Bernie’s Medicare-for-All Plan Must Include Abortion Coverage

Progressive should unite behind single-payer health care – but our plan must include overturning Hyde, or it will come at the cost of reproductive rights. Anything less would be a betrayal of the women who voted them into office.

Progressive should unite behind single-payer health care – but our plan must include overturning Hyde, or it will come at the cost of reproductive rights. Anything less would be a betrayal of the women who voted ...

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