National Citizens Neighborhood Watch - Securing the American Border
. Mission: To secure United States borders and coastal boundaries against
unlawful and unauthorized entry of all individuals, contraband, and foreign military.
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There are an estimated
illegal aliens
in the U.S.

Merry Christmas!
 The Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's "The Messiah"
Thanksgiving Proclamations
Thanksgiving Proclamations by Presidents Washington and Lincoln 
Help America Defeat Obamnesty
A nationwide protest is scheduled ACROSS AMERICA aimed at stopping Obama's Central American illegal alien invasion in its tracks.
Immigration Crisis Survey
Fill out MinutemanHQ's Immigration Crisis Survey Today! Did you know that the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Project (MCDC Project) has been calling for action on a vital secure border strategy to be implemented for 8 years?
Representative Steve King on Amnesty
Boehner, Cantor Criticize Steve King After Newsmax Interview on Immigration
Independence Day - July 4, 1776
 An Independence Day tribute to our brave Armed Forces throughout the years

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Press Release History
Immigration Crisis Survey
 Fill out MinutemanHQ's Immigration Crisis Survey Today! Did you know that the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Project (MCDC Project) has been calling for action on a vital secure border strategy to be implemented for 8 years?
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MCDC News Highlights
Border Fence Project is a Collaborative Effort of the Minuteman Movement
CAMPO, Calif.—Jim Wood doesn't think the U.S. government is adequately guarding the border with Mexico here. So he has taken on the job himself.
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 Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Project and MinutemanHQ.com are projects of Declaration Alliance (DA) -- a public policy and issues advocacy organization
that aggressively addresses the intensifying assaults that the American Republic continues to endure – at home, and abroad.
Declaration Alliance is a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit, tax exempt organization.

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