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Beck failed to ask Hagee about controversial statements, instead asked him if Obama might be the Antichrist

March 05, 2008 4:34 pm ET

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SUMMARY: On his CNN Headline News program, Glenn Beck hosted evangelist John Hagee but did not note any of the numerous controversial statements Hagee has made on various topics, including the Catholic Church, Islam, women, and homosexuality. Beck concluded the interview by saying: "There are people -- and they said this about Bill Clinton -- that actually believe he might be the Antichrist. Odds that Barack Obama is the Antichrist?"


On the March 4 edition of his CNN Headline News program, Glenn Beck hosted evangelist John Hagee, founder and pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, who recently endorsed Sen. John McCain for president. But Beck did not note any of the numerous controversial statements Hagee has made on various topics, including the Catholic Church, Islam, women, and homosexuality. Beck said only that Hagee had "some problem with the Catholics this week" and asked him, "Can you explain what happened this week and what your stance is with Catholicism?" Hagee responded that he had "criticized the Catholic Church for its past anti-Semitism" and that "[s]tanding against anti-Semitism does not make me an anti-Catholic." Beck did not ask Hagee about his statement in a book that "[m]ost readers will be shocked by the clear record of history linking Adolf Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church in a conspiracy to exterminate the Jews." Beck also did not mention that the Catholic League's Bill Donohue has called Hagee a "bigot" and has pressed McCain to "retract his embrace of Hagee."

Additionally, Hagee told National Public Radio's Terry Gross that "those who live by the Quran have a scriptural mandate to kill Christians and Jews"; once wrote that "the difference between a terrorist and a woman with PMS" is that "[y]ou can negotiate with a terrorist"; and claimed that "Hurricane Katrina was, in fact, the judgment of God against the city of New Orleans" because it "had a level of sin that was offensive to God," as evidenced by plans for "a homosexual parade there on the Monday that the Katrina came." Beck did not note any of these comments or other inflammatory remarks Hagee has made.

As the blog Think Progress noted, Beck wrapped up his interview with Hagee by asking him if Sen. Barack Obama might be the Antichrist: "There are people -- and they said this about Bill Clinton -- that actually believe he might be the Antichrist. Odds that Barack Obama is the Antichrist?" Hagee responded: "No chance." Beck has previously said of Sen. Hillary Clinton, "I think we may have found our Antichrist and our next president."

From the March 4 edition of CNN Headline News' Glenn Beck:

BECK: All right, the evangelical vote. John Hagee is here. He's the senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, president of the John Hagee Ministries.

Let me just get this right out on the table, pastor. You -- you've had some problem with the Catholics this week, and now it looks like John -- John McCain, who you've endorsed, may be distancing himself. Can you explain what happened this week and what your stance is with Catholicism?

HAGEE: Certainly, I can explain that, Glenn. First, thank -- thank you for having me on this telecast.

BECK: Not a problem.

HAGEE: I have written a book called In Defense of Israel. And in that book, I wrote a chapter called "The Sins of the Fathers." It's a chapter about anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is an oxymoron. An anti-Semite is someone who is driven by hate. Christian anti- -- a Christian is someone who's driven by love. Therefore, there's no such thing as a Christian anti-Semite.

And in this chapter, I have talked about the anti-Semitism historically. I have criticized the Catholic Church for its past anti-Semitism. But I have also been very critical of the Protestants and their anti-Semitism, especially as led by Martin Luther.

Standing against anti-Semitism does not make me an anti-Catholic. And standing against anti-Semitism does not make me anti-Protestant. I am very much anti-Semitism. It makes no difference who participates in it.

BECK: OK, all right. So let me go to the endorsement of John McCain. You're an evangelical. Mike Huckabee is still in. He's an evangelical. Do you believe in John McCain? Or is he kind of like, the best one out there? Or -- tell me about your endorsement of him and why not a -- a fellow evangelical?

HAGEE: Well, let me answer the first question about John McCain. John McCain is pro-life, and that's a major issue with evangelicals. He has a 24-year voting record to back that up. And if there is an issue that's visceral with evangelicals, it is pro-life. The Constitution of the United States begins with the pledge to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

BECK: Yeah, but -- but pastor, I mean, you and I -- I've sat down with you for an hour. I interviewed you for an hour. And I'm -- I'm sorry, but I -- I mean, when I say to you, "Tell me about John McCain," you go pro-life first. I don't think that fits with who I met on my set. You are a guy who believes we are here in the end days. Is John McCain the guy to make sure that -- that, you know, the end days don't happen as you believe we could be seeing now?

HAGEE: The fact is that I believe John McCain brings to the presidency a mature leadership and a leadership that has the strength of character to lead America into the future in a world that's become a very dangerous world.

BECK: Let me ask you, and this is -- 'cause I got -- I get so much email on this, and I think a lot of people do, and I've only got a couple of seconds. Then they say "Glenn, you in the media, you've got to wake up. Barack Obama's making people faint and cry and everything else. And he's drawing people in and -- "

There are people -- and they said this about Bill Clinton -- that actually believe he might be the Antichrist. Odds that Barack Obama is the Antichrist?

HAGEE: No chance.

BECK: OK. Good. Whew.

HAGEE: He has a lot of charisma. There's a media love affair with him right now. He is a very formidable political person. But I believe the best leader for America in the future is John McCain.

BECK: Thank you very much, pastor.

Back in just a second. That's good news, at least where I stand.

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    • Author by dexteritas0071418 (March 05, 2008 4:40 pm ET)
      Average body fat % on the screen during MMfA's screenshot? Anyone?
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    • Author by snoopy (March 05, 2008 4:40 pm ET)

      There can only be one anti-christ, and he's already in office!

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    • Author by wzwriter (March 05, 2008 4:43 pm ET)
      And Glenn Beck is the Anti-Intelligent.  Everything he says is stupid.
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      • Author by Clevenative (March 05, 2008 6:05 pm ET)

        Where’s your patriotism, America? The only good comic books have “Marvel ©” on them. All others should be burned – especially the ones people have been embraced as fact and are poisoning the minds of out nation.  AntiChrist?  Rapture? Hell? Satan? 72 Virgins In heaven? Resurrection? Armageddon?... Why do we allow religion to assault our logic and intelligence with false fears, superstitions, and fairy tales?

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        • Author by philib (March 06, 2008 9:12 am ET)
             What can you offer that gives the love, hope, encouragement, support, leadership and standards that religion gives? If you choose to look at only the negative aspects of religion, of course you would tend to dislike it. If you refuse to accept the good parts of it then you will retain your negative outlook on life and you're better off not joining a religion...stick with liberalism. It's full of negativity and doom&gloom messages.
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          • Author by dbeden4153 (March 06, 2008 10:14 am ET)

            false hope, false love, and false encouragement?

            And you gotta wonder, why does believing in a religion bring hope?  There are deeper underlying issues there, like the inability to be happy in your life.

            Personally, I want to live this life to the fullest, because it's the only one you have.

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            • Author by atheist (March 06, 2008 1:35 pm ET)
              I'm sure the 9/11 victims took a great deal of comfort in having their prayers ignored.  I guess *GOD* was too busy helping Beyonce win another Grammy.
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              • Author by philib (March 07, 2008 8:45 am ET)
                  That's the problem with atheists. They think that when bad things happen God caused them. I thought you were atheist! How can you blame God when you don't even believe He exists? Or is that the typical way for an atheist to pass blame onto someone else, to blame a God that you don't believe in? Since you obviously believe in God (enough to blame Him for all the evil in the world) then you can no longer claim to be atheist. Welcome to the world of religion!!
                Report Abuse
                • Author by heru (March 07, 2008 1:02 pm ET)

                  Would you prefer 72 virgins or 72 strippers?

                  Report Abuse
                  • Author by philib (March 08, 2008 9:14 am ET)
                    1 1
                      Well, I'm not Islamic so I don't want the virgins. I'm not liberal so I don't want the strippers. I guess I'll have to do it the old fashioned way...look forward to meeting God and fellowship of good people. Until then, I'll stick with my ONE wife. You Godless people can have all the rest, if you want.
                    Report Abuse
          • Author by wzwriter (March 06, 2008 11:16 am ET)

            What can you offer that gives the love, hope, encouragement, support, leadership and standards that religion gives? If you choose to look at only the negative aspects of religion, of course you would tend to dislike it. If you refuse to accept the good parts of it then you will retain your negative outlook on life and you're better off not joining a religion...stick with liberalism. It's full of negativity and doom&gloom messages.

            I'm a life-long liberal, Philip, who left the Catholic Church 30 years ago.  Over the years (through reading, research, and meditation), I came to the realization that the only purpose of organized religion is for one group of people to exert control over others. 

            Since I rejected organized religion, I have had a far more positive outlook on life, because the release from religious dogma has allowed my to view, witness, and accept the world around me free of the pre-conceived notions that used to hold me back.

            BTW, most of the negativity and "doom-and-gloom" I've heard in recent years has come from religious people - mostly fundamentalist Christians. 

            I'm not saying that you're wrong to embrace organized religion, Philip - that's your right.  But Freedon of Religion also means Freedom FROM Religion, if that's what someone wants.  And whether you wish to believe it or not, it is quite possible to lead a fulfilling, peaceful, and serene life without religion.

            And I get all the love, hope, encouragement, encouragement, and support I need from my wife, family, and close friends.  I've learned to live without the leadership of clergy - when you consider the number of pedophiles in the priesthood, that might be a good thing.  And where it comes to standards, all you need is the Wiccan Rede, or Golden Rule - Do what you will, so long as it harms none.

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            • Author by philib (March 07, 2008 8:57 am ET)

              "Since I rejected organized religion, I have had a far more positive outlook on life, because the release from religious dogma has allowed my to view, witness, and accept the world around me free of the pre-conceived notions that used to hold me back."

                 So, you do whatever anyone tells you without question? Is that why you were even in organized religion, because you couldn't make up your own mind? Then, somehow you realized it's better to "do what you will, so long as it harms none"? Well, I'll bet all the unborn babies are happy to hear you support life and not abortion. I'll bet all the elderly and handicapped are glad to hear you don't support euthanasia. Too bad you'll be kicked out of the democratic party for those stances.   Good for you, wzer. You made a decision. Who helped you make it?


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            • Author by philib (March 07, 2008 9:07 am ET)

              "I've learned to live without the leadership of clergy - when you consider the number of pedophiles in the priesthood, that might be a good thing."

                Considering the percentage of pedophiles in the general population is equal to the percentage in the priesthood, you are simply finding an excuse to be as corruptable as you want and not face the consequences. That is a true liberal state of mind.

                Did you ever learn to read the Bible on your own? Did (do) you ever consider not following un-Godly principles?

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              • Author by heru (March 07, 2008 1:06 pm ET)

                The Catholic Church owes people of African descent trillions in reparations. Hopefully, the victims of pedophile priests won't bankrupt the institution with settlements first.

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                • Author by philib (March 08, 2008 9:12 am ET)
                    I sense a hint of racism in you. What has the Catholic church done to blacks that they haven't done to whites?? If you get reperations, so should the rest of humanity.
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    • Author by chefspike7798 (March 05, 2008 4:55 pm ET)

      "An anti-Semite is someone who is driven by hate. Christian anti- -- a Christian is someone who's driven by love. Therefore, there's no such thing as a Christian anti-Semite."

       Huh?  If A then Z?

      QED, this guy is an idiot.  Of course there are Christians that are anti-semetic.  He mentions in the next sentence that catholics and protestants were sometimes anti semetic in the past.  Are they not Christians?  He refutes his own statement in the next breath.

      This is only topped by Beck's gold medal winning anti-Christ question.  What a douche.

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      • Author by dbeden4153 (March 05, 2008 5:03 pm ET)
        But it's been proven that Christianity is the one true religion now, so we can all put it to rest.  /sarc
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    • Author by foghornleghorn (March 05, 2008 4:56 pm ET)

      An anti-Semite is someone who is driven by hate. Christian anti- -- a Christian is someone who's driven by love. Therefore, there's no such thing as a Christian anti-Semite. - Hagee

      What?  Maybe Mr. Hagee should venture out of the pulpit and into the real world once in a while.

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      • Author by wzwriter (March 05, 2008 5:07 pm ET)

        What?  Maybe Mr. Hagee should venture out of the pulpit and into the real world once in a while.

        And risk getting contaminated by REALITY????  :-)

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        • Author by nerzog (March 05, 2008 5:23 pm ET)
          Besides.... fleecing gullible evangelicals pays too well.
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          • Author by wzwriter (March 06, 2008 8:02 am ET)

            Besides.... fleecing gullible evangelicals pays too well.

            That's because there are so many gullible evangelicals out there.....

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    • Author by Marker (March 05, 2008 4:57 pm ET)

      The anti-Christ will be over weight and spew repug talking points. Sorry

      that includes alot of the right wing talking heads.

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      • Author by wzwriter (March 06, 2008 8:04 am ET)

        The anti-Christ will be over weight and spew repug talking points.

        So I guess the Anti-Christ was Jerry Falwell.....

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    • Author by dave (March 05, 2008 4:58 pm ET)

      Beck did not note any of these comments or other inflammatory remarks Hagee has made.

      So the guy speaks his mind. Maybe Beck didn't find his past comments to be inflammatory. They sounded like the rantings of the crazy uncle that no one listens to. And pissing off Catholics is not exactly front page news. When MMFHRC begins producing his show, they can can dictate the questions Beck should ask. Until then, its just lefty whining.

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      • Author by dbeden4153 (March 05, 2008 5:06 pm ET)

        dang, you're killing me...MMFHRC...classic.

        One question, if they're for Hillary, why do they put out stories about false information about Obama?  Oh yeah, it's just to throw the scent off the trail of the IRS...

        Ockham's razor, my friend. 

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      • Author by loonz (March 05, 2008 5:12 pm ET)
        If you don't like a particular thread, just ignore it and stop bìtching.
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      • Author by solon (March 05, 2008 7:10 pm ET)
        When morons use the Hillary site BS its clear they are too  ignorant to take seriously.
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      • Author by pearlene_scott1602 (March 05, 2008 8:18 pm ET)

        They sounded like the rantings of the crazy uncle that no one listens to.

        Sounds like quite a few folks are listening to the crazy uncle.

        John C. Hagee (b. April 12, 1940) is the founder and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, a non-denominational evangelical church with more than 19,000 active members[citation needed].

        Hagee is the President and CEO of John Hagee Ministries which telecasts his national radio and television ministry carried in America on 160 TV stations, fifty radio stations and eight networks including The Inspiration Network (INSP) and Trinity Broadcasting Network.[citation needed] The ministries can be seen and heard weekly in 99 million homes. John Hagee Ministries is in Canada on the Miracle Channel and CTS and can be seen in Africa, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and is in most third world nations

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        • Author by philib (March 06, 2008 9:23 am ET)
            Sounds like we need the 'fairness doctrine' to counter all the religous propoganda being told around the world. Liberals of America should start whining about another facet of life being more popular than liberalism, and demand that equal time be given so you can promote your ideals.
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          • Author by snoopy (March 06, 2008 11:21 am ET)
            Aren't you late for the inquisition meeting?
            Report Abuse
            • Author by wzwriter (March 06, 2008 11:37 am ET)

              Aren't you late for the inquisition meeting?


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            • Author by philib (March 07, 2008 9:13 am ET)

                Yes, you're right. Liberals have been whining about everything for so long I guess they need a different tactic. Are liberals ever happy about anything (other than death/destruction/drug use)?

               I didn't think so.

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    • Author by Limit Corp. Ownership (March 05, 2008 5:00 pm ET)

      How can 2 of the biggest morons in the United States of America...

      both be on TV at the same time?

      It's going to be a long road back, Mr. and Mrs. America.

      Report Abuse
      • Author by wzwriter (March 06, 2008 12:12 pm ET)

        How can 2 of the biggest morons in the United States of America...

        both be on TV at the same time?

        It used to happen all the time when Pat Robertson would have Jerry Falwell on The 700 Club.

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    • Author by dazedandconfused26 (March 05, 2008 5:01 pm ET)

      I gotta tell you I am so releived, I haven't been able to sleep a wink in weeks, scared out of my mind that the anti christ was about to be the democratic candidate for president, whew, what a weight off.

      what a jackass.

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    • Author by IRONY 101 (March 05, 2008 5:07 pm ET)
      By accident I happened to see some of John Hagee's television show yesterday, the Campmeeting or some such title and, lemme tell ya, these guys aren't asking for $20 donations. They want $360 a pop! Of course, you are assured that if you give up your "seed" (sounded sexual to me) the Lord will certainly repay you, cuz that's how the Lord works. Crazy Sh*t! They had the Gatlin Brothers singing Gospel songs and everything.
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      • Author by Brian in FL (March 05, 2008 11:04 pm ET)

        Clear sign the US Dollar is weak. Even the price of Bullsh** has gone through the roof.

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    • Author by nerzog (March 05, 2008 5:11 pm ET)
      Well, Beck doesn't surprise me here. After all, he believes that Joseph Smith found golden plates that could only be read with magic glasses... it's no wonder that he swallows Hagee's fairy tales.
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      • Author by dbeden4153 (March 05, 2008 5:35 pm ET)

        and only in a top-hat.  Don't forget the top-hat.

        Really, we give religion way too big of a pass in this country, unless it's the wrong religion, like Islam. ;) 

        Report Abuse
        • Author by nerzog (March 05, 2008 6:00 pm ET)
          Oh, that's right. Seems that he had a "peep stone" that he used after he lost the magic glasses. I mean..... really. Joseph Smith was a known con man who was literally tarred and feathered once. Once he got the bright idea to start his own religion, he had no trouble finding plenty of gullible evangelicals who were preconditioned to believe his nonsense.

          I highly recommend the book "Under the Banner of Heaven".

          The funny thing is that Glenn Beck apparently believes this nonsense, and he puts himself out there as some kind of expert on history and politics.
          Report Abuse
          • Author by dbeden4153 (March 05, 2008 6:03 pm ET)

            "and he puts himself out there as some kind of expert on history and politics."

            Like how Jesus came to Missouri.  I love that one.   

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    • Author by historygeek001 (March 05, 2008 5:22 pm ET)
      Hagee:  An anti-Semite is someone who is driven by hate. Christian anti- -- a Christian is someone who's driven by love. Therefore, there's no such thing as a Christian anti-Semite.

      And in this chapter, I have talked about the anti-Semitism historically. I have criticized the Catholic Church for its past anti-Semitism. But I have also been very critical of the Protestants and their anti-Semitism, especially as led by Martin Luther.

      Hagee claimed that there is no such thing as an anti-Semitic Christian, then immediately criticized the Catholic Church for being anti-Semetic.  Is he really that clueless, or does he think that we are?

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      • Author by nerzog (March 05, 2008 5:25 pm ET)
        You have to take into consideration his usual audience... critical thinking is not their forte.
        Report Abuse
        • Author by historygeek001 (March 06, 2008 11:25 am ET)

          I was talking about the news with my boss.  He looked thoughtful, then said "Hmmm...I would bet that, as a Hagee is moron, we just saw him at his very best.  People send money to this man?  Sad."  I think he nailed it.

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    • Author by cArn (March 05, 2008 5:46 pm ET)

      When MMFHRC begins producing his show, they can can dictate the questions Beck should ask.

      You're hysterical, Dave. No one's dictating anything. It's called criticism, and MMFA doesn't need permission from anyone to do that.

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    • Author by mary59 (March 05, 2008 5:59 pm ET)
      This porky preacher wants the U.S. to attack Iran:


      Pretty anti-Christ, I'd say.
      Report Abuse
      • Author by nerzog (March 05, 2008 6:02 pm ET)
        If you ask the rhetorical question "Who would Jesus bomb", Hagee can produce a long list out of his pocket.
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        • Author by mary59 (March 05, 2008 6:07 pm ET)
          Hagee can't claim anything that Jesus taught. His preaching resembles Jesus not at all. He's full of belligerant bloated bull sh*t baloney.
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          • Author by nativeofsf (March 05, 2008 7:09 pm ET)


            Hagee is about as Christian as Jesus was...NOT

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            • Author by JimmyCraghorn (March 05, 2008 7:56 pm ET)
              Jesus wasn't a Christian.  And his middle name was Hussein.
              Report Abuse
              • Author by nativeofsf (March 05, 2008 8:34 pm ET)
                Actually, Hagee's middle name is "Hussein", but it's a secret...and Jesus is Jewish.
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              • Author by august west (March 06, 2008 6:56 pm ET)
                So that's the "H" in Jesus H. Christ!?  Thank you for the 411.
                Report Abuse
        • Author by ultrasanktpauli (March 06, 2008 1:49 am ET)
          I'm going to order one of those new comic books 'Jesus the Jetfighter'!
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    • Author by DTF (March 05, 2008 6:11 pm ET)

      Wait a minute here...these two are talking about the "end days" as something that the audience should just accept?  It boggles the mind...people have claimed we were at the precipice of the end of the world for centuries...and these two are talking about it on a news channel as an accepted fact?  They are trading comments from Revelations as if it were an ancient historical document providing factual insight into the future?  I don't care that this is a commentator or a pundit, this is on CNN Headline News!  All downhill since Rudi left...:(

      And this provide us with what, exactly?  Some kind of insight into any actual issues that we can have a rationale debate about?  Am I asking too much again? :)

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      • Author by vaf29 (March 06, 2008 12:54 pm ET)

        DTF wrote:

        "Wait a minute here...these two are talking about the 'end days' as something that the audience should just accept?  It boggles the mind...people have claimed we were at the precipice of the end of the world for centuries...and these two are talking about it on a news channel as an accepted fact?  They are trading comments from Revelations as if it were an ancient historical document providing factual insight into the future?  I don't care that this is a commentator or a pundit, this is on CNN Headline News!  All downhill since Rudi left...:("

        I have seen Beck do this several times before:  he will have a roundtable of evangelicals discussing whether or not we are in the end of days like it was a deadly serious news issue.  Scary.

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    • Author by Lynn (March 05, 2008 6:29 pm ET)
      I hear that Hagee already answered the question about who the antichrist is or will be. I watched Bill Maher the other night and according to Bill Hagee says wrote in his book that when antichrist reaches his zenith of power and starts the final war it will be as the leader of the European Union. If Hagee indeed wrote this in his book then Beck was once again is ill informed. Anyway I don't know who’s crazier here between the two of them.
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      • Author by Don Hussein Fabuloso (March 05, 2008 6:34 pm ET)
        I liked his Larry "Bud" Melman character a lot better. This Hagee role is just unbelievable.
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    • Author by solon (March 05, 2008 7:12 pm ET)
      So do you think Beck might be the stupidest person on the planet? He does have Hannity to contend with.
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      • Author by Don Hussein Fabuloso (March 05, 2008 7:30 pm ET)

        How about Hannity's fans? I heard a woman call in to his show today warning people not to vote for Obama, because he's a criminal. Hannity, not one to let unsupported accusations stand, asked her for some backup. She told him Obama's a criminal because he's friends with that underground weather guy, and he lies. That was good enough for Sean.

        He didn't press so hard for evidence of her other political insight; Clinton is a barracuda.

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        • Author by solon (March 05, 2008 7:34 pm ET)
          Thats just sad. Maybe it was whoever is posting under the nick Terri.
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    • Author by hurricaneyankee52983 (March 05, 2008 10:07 pm ET)
      my vote for the anti-christ is beck himself.
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    • Author by tecpatl (March 05, 2008 10:45 pm ET)
      Beck, Lou Dobbs, Matthews - are there any real journalists left on American TV? They are the reason I simply stopped watching CNN and MSNBC. They are all tools of the Bush Empire. I turned the TV off and picked up a book. I've had enough of the hatred.
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    • Author by Scotticus (March 06, 2008 1:58 am ET)

      Hagee wants to use the Constitution to support his pro-life stance, claiming the document promotes "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". If he is going to quote something, he should at least do his homework. The phrase is from the Declaration of Independence.

       I'm not even American and I know that. Bloody hate-mongering scoundrel he is. 

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    • Author by eweston8542983 (March 06, 2008 11:54 am ET)
      Your probably better informed than the average american ScotC. Granted thats a pretty low bar.
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    • Author by sc_parker (March 06, 2008 12:39 pm ET)

      As much as it pains me to do so, I must agree with you libs. For once we find common ground. Hagee is a vulgar bigot.

      Just as Obama waas correct to reject and denounce Farrakhan, McAmnesty should have the courage to reject this filthy bigot.

      We don't need people of the ilk of Hagee to win.  We can win on the issues. 

      I am as far right as it gets (I have a sympathetic attitude toward Augusto Pinochet).  However, Rev. Huck the Christian leader is a problem.  It bothers me to be a member of the same party as someone who eats roadkill and squirrels.

      I was in NH working for Mitt in January.  While leaving Mass Huck's legions of brainwashed Bible-thumping zealots were distributing vile anti-Mormon propaganda.  Mind you, I would not want Ronald Reagan himself campaigning on the grounds of a Catholic Church.  When I told the Hucksters what they could do with their proaganda, they told me I am not a Christian either.  Hmmmmm, interesting.  2000 years of history says I am.

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      • Author by rtwmd1230 (March 06, 2008 4:35 pm ET)
        Interesting post, SC Parker.  But honestly, the conservative movement has been in bed with people like Hagee for over 20 years.  Is this the first campaign where it's bothered you?
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      • Author by nativeofsf (March 06, 2008 6:50 pm ET)


        "2000 years of history says I am." 

        Sure sounds like apostolic succession.

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    • Author by writingindependence (March 06, 2008 1:00 pm ET)
      Beck sort of has to appeal to the superstitious and ignorant component. Maybe it is done in the belief it would boost ratings. What suffers here at mediamatters is a lack of attention to news as topical current event going replaced by talking heads of no relevance as the operant observational subject, i.e. the frivolous communicastor personalities.

      That is a coy trick to emphasize a culture of insular nattering instead of emphasizing the media's importance as the conveyor of substantive journalism's reporting.

      We need a 501 c3 on K Street called newsmatters.org.

      These cornpuff pieces here may be sprayed with cheese, but they offer next to no intellectual nutritional value.
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    • Author by dazedandconfused26 (March 06, 2008 1:21 pm ET)
      I have a question, how long do the end times last, because these religious whackos have been claiming its the end times for at least the last 40 or 50 years. I just wanna know so I can mark my calendar, I'd hate to make plans for the day after the world ends.
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    • Author by writingindependence (March 06, 2008 1:42 pm ET)
      It appears to be the systematized campaign against education and literacy, anti-intellectual rhetoric. I think it has accomplished more than the so called 'enemies' of old could ever have dreamed, a nation writhing in hogwash and dumb as a stick.

      Hucksterism for the sake of its carnival value and nothing more. The scary part it is in how its programmers and prioritization actually relies on it for an organizational blueprint it thinks keeps and maintains anything remotely resembling 'control'--of what is out of control.

      They are not just fantastic stories told for the sake of sensation value, they are put in the pipeline by managers who actually believe they are inflicting a psychological toll on the population. It's takes pure hubris, but they get get high on it.
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    • Author by sc_parker (March 06, 2008 2:05 pm ET)

      You people are very much impressed with your so-called self-declared intelligence.  This Ivy League northeasterner with an MBA actually believes that Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins.

      For people who call yourselves open-minded, there seems to be remarkable intollerance towards people with religious convinctions.

      Yes, Hagee and Huckabee are intolerant bigots - I get it.  Falwell thinks the Tele Tubbies are gay and Robertson thinks 9/11 was a punishment from God for our wicked ways.

      You focus on the wretched excesses and attempt to paint all Christians with the same broad brush - not very intellectual.  Not all of us eat fried squirrel and roadkill like Huck and I really don't care to be lumped in with people of the ilk of Huck, Hagee, and Robertson simply because I believe in Christ.

      Most of the intellectual effete snobs on the left are as lacking in reason as Huck's brainwashed minions.  We're all racists too.  Because I am such a flaming intollerant bigot, Bobby Jindal (along with Mitt) is my co-favorite choice for 2012.  "Hammer" DeLay would be terrific as well.

      You folks resort to name calling because you could never honestly debate a right-winger.  Please, try to honestly debate Mitt - you would be crushed.

      I am certainly a right-wing extremist, but I wear the title proudly as a badge of honor.  My ideal leaders are folks like Augusto Pinochet, Jorge Videla, Francisco Franco, and Roberto D'Aubuisson, but I can intellectually defend all of them without resorting to name calling.


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      • Author by nativeofsf (March 06, 2008 7:17 pm ET)

        "I am certainly a right-wing extremist, but I wear the title proudly as a badge of honor.  My ideal leaders are folks like Augusto Pinochet, Jorge Videla, Francisco Franco, and Roberto D'Aubuisson, but I can intellectually defend all of them without resorting to name calling."

        And Franco in bed with Hitler? Listen schmuck, I lost part of my family thanks to that bastard Nazi sympathizer. But let someone else spit the Austrian house painter in your face. Your screed seems to be going in that direction...which is away from America and away from freedom.

        "...but I can intellectually defend all of them without ...", without what?

        Without having to dip your hands into their victims' blood? Those are your heros?

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      • Author by historygeek001 (March 07, 2008 3:23 pm ET)


        You said:  "Most of the intellectual effete snobs are as lacking in reason as Huck's brainwashed minions..."

        In the very next paragraph: "You folks resort to name calling because you could never honestly debate a right-winger."  And in the following paragraph: "...My ideal leaders are folks like Augusto Pinochet, Jorge Videla, Francisco Franco, and Roberto D'Aubuisson, but I can intellectually defend all of them without resorting to name calling."

        You were name-calling even before you claimed not to need to do so.  You're already a hypocrite.

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    • Author by robrob (March 06, 2008 3:27 pm ET)

      Not only are you a "right-wing extremist" but you are also quite likely un-American if one of your ideal leaders is Pinochet.

      Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte was a Chilean military officer, President of a Government Junta from 1973 to 1981 and President of Chile from 1974 to 1990. He led a coup d'état against democratically elected President Salvador Allende and established a military government. His regime instituted a campaign against opposition political parties, including the repression of civil liberties. At the same time he implemented classically liberal economic policies including privatization and rollback of state welfare institutions.

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    • Author by sc_parker (March 06, 2008 3:54 pm ET)

      Why can't you folks place right wing leaders such as Pinochet and Franco in their proper historical context?

      Pinochet did more to modernize Chile than any other Latin American leader.  Pinochet took Chile from an economic backwater and transformed it into the most economically prosperous nation in the Latin American world.

      Allende was a communist taking orders from the KGB.  Pinochet saved the Chilean people from decades of Communist oppression.  Chile would be exactly like Cuba if it were not for the courage of Pinochet. 

      Pinochet was a firm but just ruler.  He was not going to tolerate the activities of Communist subversives.  Perhaps one of the people he jailed would have become a Chilean version of Che Guevarra.  Che was a terrorist, not a hero.  Would anyone honestly rather live in Cuba than Chile in the 70s and 80s?

      The standard of living for Chileans was vast improved because of Gen. Pinochet's rule.  While I was a grad student in London, I once had the pleasure of meeting the General.  He was a find gentleman.  No, he was not a Jeffersonian democrat, but Chile had never before had democratic institutions in place.  Pinochet peacefully relinquised power when his work was done in 1990 and Chile became a democracy.  I would rather live under Pinochet than Castro any day of the week.


      Francisco Franco----

      Franco did more to save the lives of Jews in WW2 than anybody.  He automatically granted Spanish citizenship to any Jew would could reach a Spainish enmbassy on the historically tenuous grounds they could be Sepphardic Jews.  Se saved millions from the death camps.  When questioned about Hitler's rage, he stated that he would rather run afoul with Hitler than with God.

      Pinochet and Franco were both very pro-American loyal friends.  Supporting them is not unpatriotic.  They were are friends.

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    • Author by matrixbio2014 (March 07, 2008 1:24 am ET)

      Hagee is loaded with money and I don't think the majority of it comes from Bible thumpers.  Who is the big money behind him??? 

      It was while watching a documentary about American Christianity and its attempt to dominate America that it occured to me that American Christianity of the Hagee and Southern Baptist Convention variety is the Anti-Christ.  It represents everything Christ was against - the exercise of massive power, accumulation of more and more money, militarism, crushing the poor and downtrodden, and lots and lots of sex scandals.   The Southern Baptist Convention has been building churches all over Iraq in the last 3 years.  Gun-boat missionaries.


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