Member Spotlight
The Alaska Statistical Analysis Center recently published a Fact SheetMotor Vehicle Theft Arrests Reported in Alaska, 1985–2016. This fact sheet presents data on motor vehicle theft arrests reported by Alaska law enforcement agencies, and obtained from the Alaska Department of Public Safety’s annual report Crime in Alaska for the years 1985 through 2016. Read More.
The Maine Statistical Analysis Center recently published 2017 Youth Recidivism Report: Diversion to Discharge in Maine's Juvenile Justice System. This summary reflects what is happening with the young people who encounter Maine’s juvenile justice system at various points of contact (e.g., diversion, community supervision, commitment). It shows that fewer youth are entering the system and that more of those who do are quickly and successfully diverted. Read More.
The Illinois Statistical Analysis Center recently published Victim Need Report: Service Providers’ Perspectives on the Needs of Crime Victims and Service Gaps. Researchers conducted a statewide study to better understand crime victim needs, identify service gaps, and measure the capacity of Illinois victim service providers. Victim service providers from across Illinois identified the needs of violent crime victims. Providers also highlighted service gaps, or ways in which current service availability was unable to satisfy victim need. Read More.
The Colorado Statistical Analysis Center recently published Summary of Law Enforcement and District Attorney Reports of Student Contacts. This legislatively mandated report includes every incident that resulted in a student's arrest, summons or investigation during the 2012-2013 academic year and subsequent years for an offense that occurred on school grounds, in a school vehicle, or at a school activity or event sanctioned by public elementary schools, middle or junior high schools, or high schools. It presents the findings for the 2012- 2013 and 2013-2014 academic years. Read More.
The Pennsylvania Statistical Analysis Center recently published Diversion vs. Incarceration: A Recidivism Study Among Nonviolent, Medium-Risk, Substance-Dependent Offenders . This infographics presents data from a study that examined offenders receiving the state-funded restrictive intermediate punishment (RIP), which includes intensive supervision and probation. Criminal history and characteristics of offenders receiving a RIP sentence were matched with offenders receiving a state prison sentence, to understand the impact of diversion on recidivism among nonviolent, medium-risk, substance-dependent offenders in Pennsylvania. Read More.
The Tennessee Statistical Analysis Center recently published Tennessee Domestic Violence 2016. This annual report examines domestic violence reported to the Tennessee Incident Based Reporting System (TIBRS) by Tennessee law enforcement agencies for the year 2016. A total of 78,100 domestic violence offenses were reported to TIBRS in 2016. Simple assault was, by far, the most frequently reported offense accounting for 66.7% of all domestic violence offenses. Read More.
The Oklahoma Statistical Analysis Center recently published Numbers Now: Criminal Justice in Oklahoma. Numbers Now is the newsletter of the Oklahoma Statistical Analysis Center. This issue includes information on Crime In Oklahoma 2016, the Safe Oklahoma Grant: Year 3, Analysis of SIBRS Sexual Assault Data, and Internet Safety. Read More.
The New York Statistical Analysis Center recently published Crime in New York State 2016 Preliminary Data. This report includes preliminary data on Index crime in New York State, its 62 counties and two regions - New York City and the 57 counties outside of the five boroughs - for 2016. Police departments and sheriffs' offices report Index crime to the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) through the Uniform Crime Reporting and Incident Based Reporting programs. This report also details Index crime rates per 100,000 population statewide and by county and region. Read More.
The Georgia Statistical Analysis Center recently published Pathways to Desistance: A Comprehensive Analysis of Juvenile to Adult Criminal Careers. This study was designed to address the likelihood and extent to which juvenile offenders persist in illegal behavior and penetrate into Georgia’s adult criminal justice system. Data were collected from multiple agencies in a unique effort that produced the first statewide longitudinal dataset of justice-involved persons of all ages. Electronically recorded justice administration data for anyone born before October 1996 were included. Read More.
The Hawaii Statistical Analysis Center recently published Firearm Registration in Hawaii, 2016. Hawaii Revised Statutes requires the county police departments to provide to the Department of the Attorney General a monthly report of firearm registration activity. The data from these reports were compiled in order to provide the statistics presented herein for Calendar Year 2016. This is the seventeenth annual publication of Firearm Registrations in Hawaii. Read More.
The Arkansas Statistical Analysis Center recently published Crime in Arkansas 2016. In Arkansas, crime statistics are submitted by law enforcement agencies using the incident base reporting method within the Arkansas Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program. While this information comes from law enforcement and includes the number of arrests and incidents known and reported by law enforcement agencies, it does not include any data relating to prosecution, adjudication or corrections. Read More.
The Alabama Statistical Analysis Center recently published Crime in Alabama 2016. This annual report represents a summary of the nature and extent of the crimes reported by local criminal justice agencies to the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center’s (ACJIC) Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program. State law mandates that all crimes are reported from state, county, and local law enforcement agencies, and the statistics presented in this report are compiled from these reports. Read More.
The New York Statistical Analysis Center recently published Missing Persons Clearinghouse 2016 Annual Report. This report details the work of the New York State Missing Persons Clearinghouse which is located within the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). The Clearinghouse maintains a statewide electronic central registry of missing persons that is compatible with the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) register for missing persons. Clearinghouse staff also provide support and training to law enforcement and assistance to left-behind family members. Read More.
The Iowa Statistical Analysis Center recently published Juvenile Justice System Planning Data Statewide Report. This report provides key juvenile justice system planning data. Some of these data are similar to those provided in Iowa's 2015 Juvenile Justice System Planning Data Report and the Recommendations and Action Plan for Reducing Disproportionate Minority Contacts. Where possible, we have included national comparison data from the 2014 Juvenile Court Statistics report. Read More.
The Illinois Statistical Analysis Center recently published an article Using U.S. Law-Enforcement Data: Promise and Limits in Measuring Human Trafficking. In this article, they examine official counts of human trafficking collected by criminal-justice-system data programs. They draw on data from a survey of state crime-reporting agencies and case studies of human trafficking crime reporting conducted in two U.S. states to explore the challenges that local police agencies face reporting human trafficking. Finally, we offer suggestions for improving officially reported data. Read More.
The Louisiana Statistical Analysis Center recently published 2016 Status of State and Local Corrections Facilities and Programs Report. This report provides an overview of state and local correctional facilities and programs. It includes separate sections for state facilities and programs and parish facilities and programs. It also includes sections for community corrections and Louisiana's Prisoner Reentry Initiative (LA-PRI). Read More.
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