'After-Birthers' Swimming In The Muck
[oldembed src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/jCMxVbPCPBY" width="400" height="270" resize="1" fid="21"]
I'm trying to come up with a term to describe the Birthers' frenzied attempts to definitively uncover evidence that Obama's long form birth certificate is a forgery. 'After-Birthers' seems about right.
Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoft debunked the document in fifty two seconds on YouTube. He declares it's a fraud. Wow, wouldn't you think Obama could come up with something a little better than that? He does have the CIA at his disposal. Hoft easily unmasked the counterfeit because he's a graphic artist and can tell. I was always waiting for him or some other lunatic like Pam Geller to break into the hospital in Hawaii to try and locate the original. G. Gordon Liddy and his crew of plumbers are too old now.
I wasn't really down with Obama releasing it, but watching these nutcases make fools of themselves makes it pretty much worth it. They just can't handle that Obama is a Democrat and black.
I'm sure there are other theories about the "usurpation" I haven't run across. But the fact that there are so many proves that these people are determined to find a way to defend their primitive belief that this man is not a legally elected president. And that belief lies in their fundamental, bedrock definition of what constitutes a Real American -- a white, Christian conservative. There's no way they will ever be able to reconcile the idea that a black Democrat could legitimately represent a majority the American people. Clearly, they will rewrite history and the constitution if they have to in order to make that case.