02.27.2018 - 9:36 PM EDT

This from CNN could be nothing, just checking off boxes. But it sounds ominous for Donald Trump …

02.27.2018 - 6:12 PM EDT

The Oath Keepers, a rightwing militia group, say they’re going to post armed members outside schools to protect them from mass shooters. But in an online planning webinar last night they spoke of Parkland student activists like Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg as “the enemy.” Here’s our exclusive report.

02.27.2018 - 5:47 PM EDT

US intelligence learned that at least four countries – UAE, China, Israel and Mexico – discussed ways to use Jared Kushner’s desperate financial situation to gain leverage over him.

Presumably, Russia had already bought in.

02.27.2018 - 4:34 PM EDT

Jared Kushner getting his clearance pulled (downgraded from Top Secret/SCI to Secret) is a big deal. Obviously, someone with a Secret clearance can still learn lots of stuff that you and I can’t know. But the Top Secret/SCI is for people at the apex of the policy-making and implementation process who have the ability to get full visibility into anything the US government knows. A President regularly deals with information at this level. So it’s likely not possible for Kushner to operate in the way he has in the White House without such clearance.

02.27.2018 - 1:24 PM EDT

You’re busy. You can’t read every article or keep up on every development. But in less than 500 words our weekly Healthcare Policy/Obamacare Sum Up keeps you current on all critical developments over the past week. That’s our promise. Read this short brief and you’ll always be up to date.

Voting Rights/Democracy comes each Monday and the Russia Probe on Friday.

02.27.2018 - 12:30 PM EDT

Here’s Episode #2 of the Josh Marshall Podcast: I talk to Chris Hayes about how he became Chris Hayes and we compare notes about Paul Manafort, a discussion you won’t want to miss. You can listen here and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play or just use the podcast RSS feed.

02.27.2018 - 10:16 AM EDT

Good morning. Here’s what we have our eyes on today.

02.27.2018 - 9:40 AM EDT

How did Chris Hayes become Chris Hayes? I ask him. Chris and I also compare notes about the latest on Paul Manafort and discuss how we’re both starting to think the truth about his role in the 2016 election may be far more dark and sinister than either of us had been ready to believe. That’s all in Episode #2 of the Josh Marshall Podcast. It comes out later today. But you can subscribe now to hear it as soon as it comes out.

02.27.2018 - 9:14 AM EDT

We’re listening on CNN this morning to interviews with students who are preparing to return to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School tomorrow. I was struck by the interview, which you can see below, of Lorenzo Prado. In the chaos of that afternoon he was briefly mistaken for the gunman and reported as such – somewhat similar physical appearance and clothing and nervous pacing (unsurprising) that made him look suspicious at a distance to some others at the school. As he describes it, the SWAT Team stormed in, put him on the ground with guns drown, searched and cuffed him. He was in custody for some short period.

02.26.2018 - 11:40 AM EDT

Here’s our weekly (every Monday) Sum Up of all the key developments on voting rights and democracy.

02.26.2018 - 10:10 AM EDT

Good morning, and welcome to our new Prime subscribers. Here’s what our writers and editors are watching today.

02.25.2018 - 9:10 PM EDT

If you ever listen to podcasts, please take a moment to subscribe to my new podcast. Seriously, just subscribe. You don’t even have to listen if it’s lame. But it’s definitely not lame. We’ve had a great response so far. And if you subscribe and give us a good rating that helps us immeasurably building momentum and audience and buzz. You game? Here we are on iTunes and here we are on Google Play. (RSS here) This week David Taintor and I are going to be talking to Chris Hayes. So if you have questions you’d be interested in hearing answers to, drop me a line by email.

Trump confidante Roger Stone was in contact with Wikileaks during the 2016 presidential campaign,...
Officials in at least four countries — the United Arab Emirates, China, Israel and...
White House adviser Jared Kushner’s security clearance has been downgraded, Politico and Reuters reported...
White House adviser Ivanka Trump, in an interview clip released Tuesday, rejected the notion...
The White House on Monday told reporters they should “look at the Obama administration”...

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