27 February 2018

West Virginia teachers defiant as unions, governor scramble to end walkouts

By Tom Hall and Jerry White, 27 February 2018

The unions were forced by the militant mood among teachers to call a fourth day of walkouts, while an injunction against the strike could be filed as early as today.

West Virginia teachers strike at the crossroads

“The politicians don’t want to fund education; they’d rather fund war”
Teachers speak out on the struggle in West Virginia

More on US teachers »

University of Illinois graduate student workers go on strike

By Alexander Fangmann, 27 February 2018

Graduate student workers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have walked out to preserve tuition waivers and for an increase to their paltry pay and benefits.

US Supreme Court hears arguments in union agency fees case

By Shannon Jones, 27 February 2018

There is nothing progressive in the effort to maintain provisions that force workers to pay agency fees to unions that long ago abandoned any defense of the working class.

Grenfell Tower combustible cladding was never tested

By Richard Tyler, 27 February 2018

No record of independent testing of the cladding/insulation system has been found by three separate investigations into the Grenfell fire.

London tower block leaseholders oppose having to pay cladding repair bill

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

UK local authorities escalate anti-homelessness policies

By Barry Mason, 27 February 2018

Living on the streets is a very precarious existence, reducing life expectancy to 47 years compared to 81 years for the average person in the UK.

US Senate report details funding of patient advocacy groups by opioid manufacturers

By Brian Dixon, 27 February 2018

The manufacturers of five major opioid products donated nearly $9 million to 14 supposedly independent patient advocacy organizations between 2000 and 2017.

Tennessee death row inmates challenge plan to fast-track executions

By Zachary Thorton and Warren Duzak, 27 February 2018

Tennessee is seeking to fast-track the executions of eight death row inmates before the state’s supply of lethal injection drugs expires.

Unprecedented shutdown of Baltimore Metro system due to hazardous track conditions

By Adam Soroka, 27 February 2018

Officials announced earlier this month the closure of the rail system for emergency repairs until March 11 after it was discovered that over a dozen track segments posed imminent derailment risks to trains.

British Columbia NDP retreats on election promises in first budget

By Janet Browning and Roger Jordan, 27 February 2018

“This could have just as easily been a budget under the previous government,” observed Business in Vancouver .

In merging with split-off from big business Parti Quebecois
Pseudo-left Québec Solidaire shifts further right

Australian government instability intensifies after deputy prime minister’s removal

By Mike Head, 27 February 2018

None of the sordid details now emerging about the high-level plotting to knife Barnaby Joyce can be understood outside the broader political context.

Australian deputy prime minister ousted via untested sexual harassment allegation

Australian prime minister expands war commitments during Washington trip

The advent of “pop-up” schools in Australia: Yet another assault on public education

By Erika Zimmer and Linda Tenenbaum, 27 February 2018

“Pop-up” schools are temporary replacements for the huge shortage of public schools capable of providing their students with the classrooms and other facilities they require.

Amid continuing crisis, Sri Lankan government leaders continue fragile coalition

By K. Ratnayake, 27 February 2018

The ruling coalition was on the point of breaking up before the US and India intervened to demand that the national unity government continue.

New in Spanish

Militares estadounidenses y Gobierno de Trump reclaman poderes irrestrictos para guerra en Siria

Por Patrick Martin, 27 febrero 2018

Cartas del Departamento de Estado y el Pentágono insisten en la falta de necesidad de una aprobación del Congreso para extender ilimitadamente su intervención militar en Oriente Próximo, en términos de tiempo y dimensión.

La huelga docente en West Virginia en la encrucijada

Por Jerry White, 27 febrero 2018

Los sindicatos y el Partido Demócrata están trabajando frenéticamente tras bastidores para contener y sofocar esta huelga de alcance estatal.

Memorándum demócrata defiende espionaje ilegal del FBI en la campaña de Trump

Por Barry Grey, 27 febrero 2018

El Partido Demócrata se ha desplazado tanto a la derecha que ahora es el más servil defensor del aparato represor del Estado estadounidense.

IYSSE reúne a trabajadores de Flint, Puerto Rico, y Kentucky para discutir crisis del agua

Por nuestro reporter, 27 febrero 2018

En medio de la dura crisis del agua, trabajadores de Flint, Puerto Rico y Kentucky se reúnen para discutir las causas sociales y económicas, así como para alcanzar una solución revolucionaria y perpetua.

Un general del ejército brasileño seleccionado para hacerse cargo de imponer el orden en Río de Janeiro

Por Gabriel Lemos, 27 febrero 2018

Bajo el pretexto de luchar contra la violencia de las pandillas, se está abriendo en Brasil un camino a la dictadura.

New in French

Trump et l’armée réclament les pleins pouvoirs pour mener la guerre en Syrie

Patrick Martin, 27 février 2018

Des communications du ministère des Affaires Étrangères et du Pentagone affirment qu’il n’y a besoin d’aucune validation par le Congrès pour étendre l’intervention militaire américaine au Moyen-Orient, sans limite de durée ou d’ampleur.

Macron lance la casse par ordonnance du statut des cheminots

Alexandre Lantier, 27 février 2018

Hier, le premier ministre Edouard Philippe a annoncé l'intention du gouvernement de casser le statut des cheminots et d'organiser le privatisation partielle de la SNCF.

Les combats se poursuivent en Syrie après un nouveau cessez-le-feu de l’ONU

Chris Marsden, 27 février 2018

Les tensions entre les Etats-Unis, la Russie, l’Iran, et la Turquie demeurent élevées suite à l’attaque américaine qui a coûté la vie à des dizaines de combattants russes.

New in German

Trump und US-Militär beanspruchen unbegrenzte Vollmachten für Krieg in Syrien

Patrick Martin, 27. Februar 2018

Laut Briefen aus dem amerikanischen Außenministerium und dem Pentagon kann das US-Militär Dauer und Ausmaß seiner Intervention im Nahen Osten auch ohne Einwilligung des Kongresses unbegrenzt ausweiten.

Sahra Wagenknecht unterstützt fremdenfeindliche Kampagne

Christoph Vandreier, 27. Februar 2018

Wagenknecht verteidigte die Entscheidung der Essener Tafel, vorerst nur noch Deutsche in die Lebensmittelausgabe aufzunehmen. Sie stellt sich damit an die Spitze einer Kampagne, die die soziale Katastrophe den Schwächsten der Gesellschaft anlastet.

Informeller EU-Gipfel erhöht Kriegsgefahr in Nahost

Alex Lantier, 27. Februar 2018

Auf dem EU-Gipfel vom Freitag ging es um neue Angriffe auf Syrien und den neokolonialen Krieg in Mali. Auch die Abschottung Europas vor weiteren Flüchtlingen wurde diskutiert.

Berlinale: SPD-Ministerin treibt #MeToo-Kampagne voran

Katerina Selin, 27. Februar 2018

Die Familien- und Arbeitsministerin Katarina Barley verfolgte mit ihrer Unterstützung der MeToo-Kampagne auf der Berlinale zutiefst reaktionäre Ziele.

Skoda-Arbeiter in Tschechien bereiten Streik vor

Ulrich Rippert, 27. Februar 2018

Die Streikvorbereitungen bei Skoda sind Teil einer wachsenden Radikalisierung von Arbeitern in Osteuropa, die nicht länger bereit sind, die extremen Ausbeutungsbedingungen zu akzeptieren.

Indien: Staat verschärft Angriffe auf Maruti-Suzuki-Arbeiter

Keith Jones, 27. Februar 2018

Staatsanwälte drängen darauf, dreizehn Autoarbeiter zum Tode zu verurteilen, weil sie sich gegen Armutslöhne und brutale Arbeitsbedingungen in Indien zur Wehr gesetzt haben.

New in Norwegian

Lærerne i West Virginia tar stilling

Joseph Kishore, 24 February 2018

To-dagers streiken til lærerne i Vest-Virginia er en del av en voksende bølge av arbeiderklasse- opposisjon over hele USA og internasjonalt.

Den føderale kommunikasjonskommisjonen i USA fastsetter sluttdato for nett-nøytralitet

Will Morrow, 24 February 2018

Fra den 23. april vil multi-milliard-foretak som Comcast og AT&T; kunne begrense tilgangen til nettsteder, eller sensurere dem helt.

Opposisjon mot Internett-sensur vokser blant studenter og ungdom

våre reportere, 24 February 2018

Studenter som uttalte seg til IYSSE snakket om Internettets muligheter for organisering av opposisjon og formidling av informasjon utenfor foretaks- og statsmedienes kontroll.

Raoul Pecks Den unge Karl Marx

Peter Schwarz, 15 March 2017

Den unge Karl Marx, Raoul Pecks biografiske portrett av Marx og Engels mellom 1843 og 1847, åpnet på kinoer i New York City og Los Angeles på fredag, for deretter en bredere amerikansk distribusjon. Vi publiserer igjen WSWS-anmeldelsen fra mars i fjor.

New in Portuguese

Prestes a terminar seu mandato, presidente do Fed procura reconfortar mercados enquanto adverte sobre crise da dívida e desigualdade social

Nick Beams, 26 de febrero de 2018

Em meio a alta nos mercados de ações e advertências de uma nova bolha financeira, a presidente do Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, apresentou-se pela última vez diante do Congresso dos EUA.

Três meses após o furacão Harvey: Dezenas de milhares ainda sem-teto após o pior desastre natural na história dos EUA

Joseph Kishore, 26 de febrero de 2018

A catástrofe ainda em curso causada pelos furacões Harvey, Irma e Maria é uma denúncia do capitalismo americano e da oligarquia financeira que administra os Estados Unidos.

O Partido Socialista pela Igualdade na Alemanha exige novas eleições

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 26 de febrero de 2018

Sob as condições presentes, essa é a única maneira pela qual a classe trabalhadora pode intervir nos eventos políticos, trazer seus interesses à tona e combater a ofensiva política da extrema-direita.

Eric Schmidt do Google admite censura política de resultados de busca

Niles Niemuth, 26 de febrero de 2018

Comentários do presidente-executivo da companhia controladora do Google sobre esforços para “desranquear” sites de notícias críticos ao governo americano expõem a conspiração corporativa-governamental para bloquear vozes de oposição na internet.

Other Languages


Trump’s reign of terror on California immigrants

27 February 2018

The Democratic Party is allowing immigration officials to round up hundreds of thousands of people while focusing all its energy on its anti-Russia campaign.

Earlier Perspectives »

Twenty years of the WSWS

Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018

As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.

WSWS/SEP/IYSSE public meetings
Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship

Opposition grows among students and youth to Internet censorship

For an international coalition to fight Internet censorship
An open letter from the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site to socialist, anti-war, left-wing and progressive websites, organizations and activists

23 January 2018

The Russian meddling fraud: Weapons of mass destruction revisited

WSWS Chairperson David North interviewed on Chris Hedges’ “On Contact”

More on Internet censorship » »

International Committee of the Fourth International

Parti de l'égalité socialiste holds meeting in Paris against militarism and austerity

By our reporters, 27 February 2018

The meeting exposed the militaristic plans underlying attempts to form a Grand Coalition government in Germany working closely with President Emmanuel Macron.


US military, Trump administration claim unlimited powers to wage war in Syria

By Patrick Martin, 26 February 2018

Fighting continues in Syria after another UN ceasefire

US immigration service quietly removes “nation of immigrants” from its mission statement

By Meenakshi Jagadeesan, 26 February 2018

Democratic memo defends FBI’s illegal spying on Trump campaign

By Barry Grey, 26 February 2018

Plea deal by former Trump aide brings Russia probe closer to White House

The growing threat of global trade war

By Nick Beams, 24 February 2018

The New York Times and the strange case of Quinn Norton

By Will Morrow, 22 February 2018

A reply to a proponent of “Iranian Islamic socialism”
The struggle against imperialism and for workers’ power in Iran

By Keith Jones, 14 February 2018

Workers Struggles

National strike in Argentina
Workers Struggles: The Americas

27 February 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

UK lecturers stage second day of national strikes

By Robert Stevens, 24 February 2018

Lecturers and students stage united protests in Sheffield and Southampton

“This is a political attack”
Striking UK lecturers speak on struggle against assault on pensions

Nova Scotia teachers vote massively in favour of “illegal” strike

By Roger Jordan, 23 February 2018

Air France workers strike to demand pay increase

By Anthony Torres, 23 February 2018

Arts Review

2013 Berlin Film Festival prize winner dies in poverty

By Stefan Steinberg, 26 February 2018

Raoul Peck’s The Young Karl Marx

By Peter Schwarz, 15 March 2017

Bill Frisell: A Portrait—an intimate documentary about a unique guitarist

By Richard Phillips, 23 February 2018

A conversation with Emma Franz, director of Bill Frisell: A Portrait

Ryan Coogler’s Black Panther: A hollow “defining moment” cloaked in identity politics

By Nick Barrickman, 22 February 2018


IYSSE meeting draws together Flint, Puerto Rico, Kentucky workers to discuss water crisis

By our reporter, 23 February 2018

The meeting provided a forum for workers and youth to discuss the root causes of the mounting water crisis in the US and internationally and a socialist perspective to fight back.

Students and workers call for the unity of the working class following meeting on Flint water crisis

By our reporters, 23 February 2018

The coal slurry disaster of 2000
The story behind the water crisis in Martin County, Kentucky

25 years ago: Terrorist bombing of World Trade Center in New York

Far-right Islamic terrorists detonated a bomb in a parking area beneath the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City, causing six deaths and over 1,000 injuries and sicknesses.

More »

50 years ago: Kerner Commission issues report on US riots

The report laid the blame for the 1967 riots on grinding poverty, police brutality and "white racism."

More »

75 years ago: American Communist Party defends murders of Polish socialists

On February 27, 1943, the newspaper of the American Communist Party came to the defense of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin for his 1941 murder of two prominent Polish socialists.

More »


100 years ago: Germany breaks truce, invades Soviet Russia

On March 3, 1918, G.Y. Sokolnikov signed the Brest-Litovsk treaty on terms dictated by German imperialism, officially ending Russia’s participation in World War I.

More »

Socialist Equality Party

Socialist Equality Party public meeting in Melbourne
The class issues behind the racist “African gang” campaign

26 February 2018

The government has promoted a lurid media campaign, seeking to elevate a few instances of petty crime into a virtual national security threat.

Autoworkers Struggles

Canadian auto parts workers set to strike Windsor plants

By Carl Bronski, 26 February 2018

Four months since the death of a young Ford worker
Still no serious investigation into death of Jacoby Hennings

By Jerry White, 22 February 2018

The Grenfell Tower fire

Grenfell Fire Forum: Failed by the State co-director discusses smear campaign against his documentary

By our reporter, 19 February 2018

Failed by the State co-writer and presenter Ish: “I wasn’t trying to push agendas, I was just trying to tell the truth about Grenfell.”

By Robert Stevens, 16 February 2018

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

Featured Interview

An interview with David North
Socialism or Barbarism: Reflections on Global Disorder

6 February 2018

In October 2017, David North delivered a lecture on the centenary of the October Revolution at St. Andrews College in Scotland. Prior to the lecture, he was interviewed by Adam Stromme, the editor in chief of the St Andrews Economist, the official publication of the St Andrews Economics Society.

Mehring Books

The Heritage We Defend and other important books by David North and the ICFI published in Turkish

By Halil Celik, 20 January 2018

In a country where the working class and socialist movement in general has been dominated by Stalinism, Maoism and petty-bourgeois nationalist tendencies for decades, these books are of prime importance in developing socialist consciousness among workers and youth.

New publication by Mehring Books (UK)
The falsification of David King’s work

12 January 2018

Mehring Books has produced a new pamphlet to memorialise David King, who devoted his extraordinary artistic gifts to salvaging the historical truth of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and its aftermath.

New in Arabic

WSWS publishes Arabic translation of “100 years since the Balfour Declaration.”

We are publishing here, in one part, the Arabic translation of the two-part article series, “100 years since the Balfour Declaration.” This was first published on the World Socialist Web Site on November 7/8, 2017.