The United Nations Development Programme signed the Exchange of Note today with the Government of Japan committed to finance US$ 6,145,853 for the regional project entitled “Strengthening Community Resilience and Regional Cooperation for Prevention of Violent Extremism in Central Asia” to be implemented by UNDP.
On February 13, 2018 Child’s Rights Defenders League (the League), with the support of UNDP in the Kyrgyz Republic and the British Embassy in Kyrgyzstan, held a roundtable where representatives of authorized state bodies, international organizations and public organizations discussed further actions and activities to prevent child marriages and the protection of their rights with a view to eradicating this problem.
Four years down the road, I feel the country has done a lot of progress in the field of Rule of Law and Human Rights. Perhaps not the progress that we would all hoped for but still a meaningful journey towards the effective realization of people’s rights. I also hope to have had some role in contributing to this endeavor.

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