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Pulp Librarian 28m
The Olivetti Valentine typewriter. Poster by Milton Glaser (1969).
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Marc of Diamonds™ 12h
Prepping my 2DGameArt workshop. The students have had an earful of UIX, it's true, but you have to your UI too? Say that fast, huh? It's not just buttons & bars anymore.
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OpenIDEO Feb 25
How might we a program that helps young people explore purpose in their lives? Try out these 6 exercises:
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The Bathroom Shop 10m
Bbbrrrrrr! It is super chilly in tonight. We love this tub from Imperial Bathrooms and their Cast Iron collection, perfect for a long soak to thaw out those fingers and toes!
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Joe Natoli 1h
Today’s fast food for thought re: and . If the conversation is around how good the design is or how it looks, it’s the wrong conversation. The shift depicted here marks the difference between amateur and professional design.
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Google Design 2h
🎧 Get caught up with both of our podcasts, now available on Spotify! Design Notes: Method:
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Omar Hamayel 2h
Experimenting to create vehicles simulator in and What do you think? 🙂🙃
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Bizapalooza 2m
Q2:Do you believe that data should be presented in a balanced way or to prove your point?
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Precision Homes 6h
Less is more. The future of furniture? Hanging furniture on the wall to save space.
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Matthew Revert 2m
My design for 'Drift' by . Coming very soon from . This one is a beast.
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Precision Homes 12h
Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 is leading the way in wind power and has built the world's first floating wind turbine.
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Automachef 3m
Reply Retweet Like 32m
Did you just fit your business' new to the existing ? New goals requires new thinking on organisational design
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Demi 1h
✖️Google School✖️ Today I started my day with a class focused on , ran by 📱 I truly recommend the classes at the , you always leave them feeling inspired 🤯 🏷
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Hannah Briggs 2m
A1: When I hear or read “DATA” it makes me think of: poorly-made charts in old-school presentations :/
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Susan Snipes 10m
“We need design that is faster and design that is slower.” by
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Daniel Eche 7h
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Stuart L Crawford 27m
A great on good to remember.
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Akash Das 4h
's new + images leaked and color is quite 😊 What do you think Guys??🤔🤔
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Gabriela Cardoza 46m
SO EXCITED! TY for the yummy treats! Kids LOVE them and I love just how healthy they are! 😍 (P.S. was not asked to do this, I just fell in love w/ this brand!!! 💜)
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