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ASKdes 🌎🚴 Feb 26
Jeremy Corbyn speech what a load of bollocks. From the biggest hypocrite in 🇬🇧. Jeremy Corbyn hates EU more than anybody in 🇬🇧. No one believes a word you say. This is what 17 million voted leave think of you.😂😂
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Jeremy Steptoe Feb 25
'Must vote Corbyn, get free stuff'
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Paul | The Original Centrist Dad Feb 26
Below is the resignation letter and tweet from from 2016 when he called catastrophic and said that needed to resign. I wonder if he thinks that should still resign? Don’t retweet whatever you do, as it will show up his hypocrisy. 😉
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Hovellin' Hermit Feb 25
I declare that my tweets are biased towards and . I support them because I believe that a Labour govt will be good for the country, especially those least well off. I get no payment of any kind for this. RT if you tweet for for free!
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Ann Sheridan #FBPE Full Brexit Prompt Exit 22h
Look who’s pulling ’s strings!
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Kevin Dunn Feb 26
I don't agree with everything in the . I'd rather we , though I'm no fan of the EU's neoliberal financial model. But is honest, straightforward and mature - far more so than any of May's Mob. He's our best realistic hope.
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iWalton Feb 20
proves he is not an enemy of the free world by threatening any news outlet that says otherwise... I no longer know how to respond to this 😔.
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Nick Feb 25
Oh how I look forward to the day the paid tweeters come on line to try and smear Easily demolished, they can never engage in a factual debate. Another waste of Tory money but a welcome one. It'll backfire spectacularly.
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Michael Fabricant 23h
Carwyn Jones the leader of the Government is in the seeking a trade agreement. Nice jolly. Did no-one tell him that ’s plan for a Customs Union prevents any bilateral trade deals between the and a foreign country?
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The English Brexiteer 🇬🇧 9h
Only a muppet would borrow £500 billion. omics
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David Vance Feb 26
Exclusive. Labour reveal new logo to coincide with speech on EU. Should prove popular with those who like free stuff.
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Michael Fabricant Feb 19
Tom Watson claims that being included on a list of names of people who received money from the Czechs during the are “not worth the paper they are printed on”. Did Watson ever apologise for damning famous people as paedophiles - now shown to be totally untrue?
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Radgie Geordie 5h
needs to sack and the rest of the traitor rebels,she needs to get rid of the so called majority that remaining in CU has been created by these tory rebels supporting they are a disgrace to the tory party and need to be dealt with ASAP
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silverstrivers 11h
Replying to @JamesCleverly
demonstrates he is a Pratt but we have to remember he is a dangerous one and would lead us down the road to oblivion
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MsSaboteur 🇪🇺 #FINALSAY Feb 19
Don’t suppose libellous tweet would make
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Prof. Mcbogwirtell #FBPE Feb 26
Jeremy Corbyn says he will not back a Tory deal that will do lasting damage to the economy. If that is true then he does not support Brexit.
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Bananafroot🏳️‍🌈 Feb 25
Replying to @ThatEnglishGent @LBC
In your dreams ;) will be your pm
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Robert J F Barnes Brexiteer #Brexit 5h
How can appoint an Equalities Adviser who has previously said that all White people are racist? Click the link to sign the petition Please share as widely as possible
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Son of Robespierre 4h
Does think 'a' customs union - whatever that is - is going to save 169,000 car jobs? Gales of laughter!!! This skinny Brexit of his is as toxic as a Tory Brexit. A mass of unnecessary complication and confusion. Is it better than we have now? NO! FFS! Then go figure!!
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Charlie Bull Feb 26
Surely this speech from is the final nail in the argument that he’s a principled man. 35 years of hardcore Euroscepticism abandoned for political advantage
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