Police credibility hit by ethics chief Brett Guerin's slurs

Police credibility hit by ethics chief Brett Guerin's slurs

Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton engaged in understatement when he said the resignation in disgrace of the head of Victoria Police’s Professional Standards Command, the person charged with protecting and promoting the force’s integrity, was a bad day for the organisation. It was an appalling day.

Assistant commissioner Brett Guerin’s position became untenable after an investigation by The Age’s Cameron Houston and Chris Vedelago revealed his serial, anonymous internet posting of abusive, racist, misogynist, homophobic and pornographic comments – some too disgusting to republish here.

Brett Guerin's position as an assistant commissioner became untenable.

Brett Guerin's position as an assistant commissioner became untenable.

Photo: Eddie Jim

Mr Ashton says he is shocked and baffled, and seems to be hoping Mr Guerin’s transgressions will be found to be aberrant. They clearly are not; he did it repeatedly, and there had been indications years ago, including a case of racial vilification against a fellow officer, which led to an unfair dismissal claim that Victoria Police settled confidentially after spending $300,000 on an initial legal defence. A number of complaints against Mr Guerin were made over the years.

It will require more than an investigation by the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission into the specifics to rebuild public respect and confidence.   As many as nine in 10 referrals for poor police behaviour are handed back by IBAC to the police. Besides, the watchdog has been asked to investigate something where Mr Guerin has already admitted to making posts under the pseudonym ‘‘Vernon Demerest’’.

Mr Ashton needs to grab control of this catastrophe by launching profound review and reform within the force. Without a purging examination of police culture, public faith is unlikely to be restored. And how are junior members of the force supposed to have faith in decency and probity when the man who was in charge of the force’s decency and probity is linked to such vile views? How did his activity remain unapprehended? Mr Guerin says he did not use police computers or phones, a claim that will be tested. But it is largely beside the point; it is what he wrote that is damning, not the provenance of the keyboards he used.


One of the best things about the internet is that it gives people a voice, and creates a public forum. One of the worst things about the internet is that it gives cover to those who hide behind anonymity to launch cowardly attacks. Social media sites are publishing platforms, and those who participate in them are bound by laws covering defamation, vilification and harassment. As part of his damage control operation, Mr Ashton has reached out to African community leaders, the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission and officers from the Professional Standards Command.

‘‘We’ll be talking to the broader multicultural community today and making sure they know those views in no way represent what Victoria Police is about,’’ Mr Ashton said. That is a good thing to do, but words will be insufficient. The public has the right to know how on earth Mr Guerin, about whom solid doubts had been expressed, made it to such a lofty, pivotal position. Mr Ashton needs to lead by taking action beyond accepting a resignation.

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