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Allie Berloco Feb 21
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Brian Wilkie Feb 18
Changes take time .. 397 off alcohol free , healthy eating and lots of water... !!! Gym time sweats and pain but so rewarding today knowing I have a life outside alcohol and free of Depression
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Lily Nyinawinkindi Feb 18
It's encouraging to see how much people have embrace The movement to a is real 💪🏽
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Harvard Health 22h
Intensive lifestyle change: It works, and it’s more than diet and exercise by
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Kristie Leong M.D. Feb 23
The U.S. is a nation burdened w/ preventable, lifestyle ’s not bad genetics that’s shortening our lifespans, but our dietary choices & lack of physical activity.
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Lori Shemek, PhD Feb 19
Did You Know? Eating 2 slices of whole wheat bread can raise your blood sugar more than eating 2 tablespoons of table sugar does! Many whole wheat breads contain not only fast-metabolized flour increasing blood sugar, but contain added sugar as well.
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Juggun Kazim Feb 24
When is the right time to exercise? Watch the video for the answer. Happy Sunday!!!
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Fit Life Matters Feb 23
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wake up and grind 20m
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TurnipsandBeets 26m
Nothing changes if nothing changes. Live a better you! Need ideas, follow , visit our IG, FB, and YouTube. The only thing needed to start, IS YOU!
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Jaylene Khan 4m
Whatever your goals are, whether it's just a detox to get your body working right or you want to lose weight, I have something for you😊
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Ss learned the fun game of Chinese Jump Rope just 1 of the activities during day ❤️💖❤️ on Wednesday ending but reminding us of the importance of
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Reddies Feb 26
What's are the benefits of habanero
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TinyPlate, TinyWaist 1h
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Jus N Touch Massage 9h
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Healthy And Wealthy Feb 25
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Vitality Vybez Feb 22
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Helen Jordan 13h
KS3 & KS4 are having fun learning about Obesity and BMI as their new topic in PSD
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Enjoyable Health Feb 23
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