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Lori Shemek, PhD Feb 13
Lift Weights, Eat More Protein, Especially if You’re Over 40. More protein led to a 10% increase in strength and 25% increase in muscle mass compared to the controls:
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Dee Lusk Feb 18
stealth & invisibility the watcher watching beware when he bares his teeth devouring spring's innocence before you realize its gone he has erased your canvas of time © 226 1315 , , ?
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Francis S. Collins Feb 15
This image shows recent discovery of how keeps cellular waste from piling up. It could have implications for and fighting .
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Carver Johns Feb 18
Study Pot Smoking For Middle-Aged Men Can Actually Improve Mental Sharpness
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AnneMarie (O'Dwyer) Silbiger 14h
I'm aging now. Wrinkles root themselves where smiles have sat. Daylight shows me up.
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TheChronicLifeDiet🥕 Feb 17
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Chuck Yeager Feb 15
Q: fr To what do you attribute your mental accuity (acuity) at age 95? A: Hiking annually in High Sierras for 2-4 wks for 55 years. Always having a reason to get up in the morning/something to look forward to.
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Life Extension 23m
New research confirms the anti-aging potential of NAD+. Are you boosting yours?
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Missy Buchanan Feb 19
"Whatever age you are, live for the things you can do. And not for the things you've lost or can't do anymore." --John Leland on lessons he learned from elders
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could have been delayed or avoided for more than 1 in 5 .
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Eric Stonefelt 6h
I've tried to make many healthy decisions in the past year and I know I won't be able to keep doing all of them when I'm old and broken, but I know I will be doing one of them until the day I die: TWEETING.
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Brain World Magazine Feb 17
Rather than attempting to prevent changes in the brain as we age, we find that brain health is a matter of “use it or lose it.” The challenge is how to live a life of creative and meaningful brain engagement.
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Missy Buchanan Feb 21
Churches need to be keenly aware of "elder orphans" in their communities. Elder orphans are older adults that typically do not have a spouse or adult children/ close family to oversee their well-being and their numbers are growing!
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Sharon Rues 7h
I just used the word “headbanger” and my kids have no idea what I’m talking about.
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Caregivingmadeeasy 8h
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Senior Care Central/IRC Feb 19
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Aspired Living 12h
don’t have to stop just because your loved one lives in a . Learn how you can bring the special occasions to them.
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Lonny Cain 7h
This is not just about a tree. This is dedicated to my mom and all those aging oaks, and elms and trees that make up that forest we like to call seniors.
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Ian Kremer 8h
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NCOA 10h
is in recess this week. It's a good time to talk to your elected officials about what you want them to fund in the FY18 & FY19 negotiations. Use our free toolkit to get started, even if you've never done this before!
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