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Patriot Feb 23
Not only was the deputy incompetent, the Sheriff, my county sheriff, sat on the info and and had the balls to sit on stage at a rally and talk down pro-2A people.
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Kendall Cameron Feb 22
Resign now. You and your department need change. You can’t deflect blame for incompetence. It starts with you.
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John Cardillo Feb 25
As former law enforcement and a Broward County resident, the time has come to . Please RT and sign my petition which I will deliver to FL Gov. Rick Scott.
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GITMO 🇺🇸 10h
WHAT THE HELL: Deputy sheriff of Coward (Broward) County Nezar Hamze, Who also works for CAIR is seen here teaching his local MOSQUE about the Second Amendment! So Islamist can have their full second amendment rights..but Americans can’t!
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John Cardillo Feb 24
Get trending He doesn’t deserve to be called ‘Sheriff,’ even when being criticized. Trust me, using his first name will piss the incompetent little leftist with an authority complex off.
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Typical Democrat... Never except responsibility for anything. Sheriff Scott Israel is a disgrace to his uniform. 🎯 The Good People of Broward County should demand he be removed from office.
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Ann🕊🇺🇸 11h
Good People With Guns DO Stop Bad People With Guns.. IF they aren’t ordered to ‘Stand Down’ by Sheriff Scott Israel. 💔😓
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🇺🇸ɳαɳ૮ყ ن 24h
MSM is focused on the teen Liberal ACTivists They neglect to tell you father of murdered teen & others want Safer schools Why? Was it the Tshirt?🤬 👉🏼It's NOT about it's about People Control 🎈Support & honor
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Trump is MY president Feb 22
Unfortunately, we who live in Broward County r stuck with this incompetent Sheriff until the next election. He is a political hack who even changed his party affiliation so he could get elected knowing that a Republican would not get elected!
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TrumpIsMyPresident™ 11h
Why does everyone with ties to Hillary end up being either inept or completely CORRUPT!!!
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💋Laare Mazurik💋 21h
🔥🔥 Sign petition to fire Scott Israel. His negligence allowed shooting to occur. 39 calls & 10 home visits & he did NOTHING! Never set up mobile command center. Said didn’t know 4 deputies hid rather than engaging shooter!
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Patriot Feb 23
Replying to @SebGorka
I am so angry! My sheriff should be ashamed and resign! His leadership, when needed most, failed, and he won't even take responsibility for his own deceptive behavior!
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🇺🇸MFLYNNJR🇺🇸 23h
We need more heroes like this in law enforcement. Not cowards like those in the department...
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Bad Hombre Feb 22
Not much into pushing hashtags but screw this lying pos.
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John Cardillo 23h
A DAY AFTER another BSO Deputy accidentally discharged their weapon causing a lockdown at North Broward Prep. Scott Israel preaches gun control while not training his own cops.
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Carmine Sabia Feb 25
Buzzfeed News nails Sheriff Scott Israel as a liar. There were 45 calls about Parkland shooter. ....
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This is not about 17 dead school children, America. This is the Democrat Party trying to take our guns & do away with the 🎯
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Terri Feb 21
Your cover photo with Sheriff Israel - He smiles when his Department failed so miserably. Again, photo-oping. 39 calls to Cruz's home. He should be ashamed of his dismal performance. What a buffoon.
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John Cardillo Feb 24
In this 2017 video, coward Scott Israel encourages armed people to run and hide. Was this is policy for responding deputies? Is that what he’s not telling us?
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John Cardillo Feb 24
Coward Scott Israel knew this as he lied to America on and elsewhere. He knew his policies got 17 innocents killed, yet he spewed far left talking points to push a liberal agenda. Screw resignation. I want him fired in disgrace.
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