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Scott Dworkin
Co-Founder . on MSNBC Contributor. I help lead . I helped uncover the scandal. Soon: podcast
Scott Dworkin retweeted
Scott Dworkin 10h
The greatest threats to America: -White supremacists -NRA -Republican Party -Russian Gov’t -The 130 staffers in the WH w/o security clearance -Trump’s Twitter account -Trump’s entire administration -Trump’s family -Paul Ryan, Devin Nunes, McConnell, Lindsey Graham & Donald Trump
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Scott Dworkin retweeted
Scott Dworkin 10h
RT if you agree the NRA needs to be investigated. We are following the money. Help fund our research op below. Tweet the link out & we’ll RT you.
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Scott Dworkin retweeted
Scott Dworkin 22h
Australia banned assault weapons & formed a national buyback program over 20 years ago & they haven't had a mass shooting since.
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Scott Dworkin retweeted
Scott Dworkin Feb 14
Some day we’ll have a Congress that values human life over guns. Not with this Congress. Not with this party in charge. They don’t have the courage to take on the gun epidemic in this country. We need leaders who will keep us safe. Not ones that thinks the answer is “more guns!”
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Scott Dworkin retweeted
Scott Dworkin 16h
.-Your picture will be next to the term spineless jellyfish in the dictionary. You sounded like a complete coward today. Someone who’s only worried about losing NRA money. Once again you chose party over country. You’re pathetic & you should resign.
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Scott Dworkin retweeted
Scott Dworkin 20h
.-You are failing at keeping us safe. Everyone who retweets this agrees. Time for .
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Scott Dworkin retweeted
Scott Dworkin 22h
Vegas 10/1/17 58 dead, 851 injured Congressional response:NOTHING Texas 11/5/17 26 dead, 20 injured Congressional response:NOTHING Florida 2/14/18 17 dead, 14 injured Congressional response:NOTHING 346 mass shootings in 2017, 30 in ‘18 Congressional response:NOTHING
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Scott Dworkin retweeted
Scott Dworkin Feb 13
Trump & Putin say Russia didn’t interfere in our elections. The CIA, FBI, our Army, Navy, Air Force & Marine intelligence officers, President Obama, Clapper, Yates, Comey, George W & Mueller say they did. Are you gonna believe 2 lying dictators—or America? I choose America.🇺🇸
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Scott Dworkin retweeted
Scott Dworkin 15h
Thanks to gun laws passed under GOP leadership: 1. Fugitives can buy guns 2. Mentally ill can buy guns 3. Guns can be bought without background checks 4. People on terror watch lists can buy guns The GOP Congress needs to start with , before this happens again.
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Scott Dworkin retweeted
Scott Dworkin Feb 10
Retweet if you agree Trump is the worst president in the history of this country. If you tweet this link out we’ll RT you.
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Scott Dworkin retweeted
Scott Dworkin 23h
“Please! We are children. You guys are, like...the adults. Take action, work together, come over your politics, and get something done.” David Hogg, Parkland shooting survivor.
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Scott Dworkin retweeted
Scott Dworkin 23h
I’m sick & tired of Paul Ryan acting like they can’t protect Americans from gun violence. Like their hands are tied, and they can only send thoughts & prayers. The sad truth is Republicans won’t take action, because they believe gun rights are more important than our safety. SAD!
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Scott Dworkin retweeted
Scott Dworkin 11h
A member of the NRA invited Trump to the Kremlin on behalf of Putin right before the election. Right before that the NRA sent a delegation to meet with Putin allies in Russia before spending $42.6 million in support of Trump. It’s like, a conspiracy, or something.
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Scott Dworkin retweeted
Scott Dworkin 11h
Someday we’ll have a Congress that doesn’t want us to get gunned down at a concert, in our schools or in our churches. But it won’t be this one. Not with this bunch of Republican cowards. They don’t have the courage to stand up to Russia—they definitely won’t stand up to the NRA.
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Scott Dworkin retweeted
Scott Dworkin Jan 9
RT if you agree Ivanka, Eric & Don Jr need to be investigated further. Our evidence has been featured on MSNBC, CNN, Washington Post, Huffington Post, and dozens of other news outlets. But the research costs money. Help us fund it below.
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Scott Dworkin 10h
The greatest threats to America: -White supremacists -NRA -Republican Party -Russian Gov’t -The 130 staffers in the WH w/o security clearance -Trump’s Twitter account -Trump’s entire administration -Trump’s family -Paul Ryan, Devin Nunes, McConnell, Lindsey Graham & Donald Trump
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Scott Dworkin 10h
RT if you agree the NRA needs to be investigated. We are following the money. Help fund our research op below. Tweet the link out & we’ll RT you.
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Scott Dworkin 11h
A member of the NRA invited Trump to the Kremlin on behalf of Putin right before the election. Right before that the NRA sent a delegation to meet with Putin allies in Russia before spending $42.6 million in support of Trump. It’s like, a conspiracy, or something.
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Scott Dworkin 11h
Someday we’ll have a Congress that doesn’t want us to get gunned down at a concert, in our schools or in our churches. But it won’t be this one. Not with this bunch of Republican cowards. They don’t have the courage to stand up to Russia—they definitely won’t stand up to the NRA.
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Scott Dworkin retweeted
Scott Dworkin 12h
Trump's would slash money spent on school safety. RT if you're against it. Then tell Congress to oppose the disastrous 2019 budget:
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